One set of:
“Banded Pushing Warm-up”
Pallof hold x 30 seconds per side
Banded Press x 10 reps high, 10 reps chest level, 10 reps towards floor
Banded Tricep Extensions x 10 reps
Lat Press-Down x 10 reps
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Scapular Pull-up x 10 reps
Dumbbbell Waiter’s Carry x 50 feet per arm
Dumbbell Goblet Squat x 10 reps
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
Compare results to February 14, 2022.
A: 20 +5
M 52/205/6’
Deadlifts from yesterday
8 sets of 3 at 325.
Felt great. Have a good weekend friends!
5 pull-ups
10 push-up
15 air squats
20 rounds
Treated as an Emom
13 Rounds
(STRICK Pull Ups, don’t know how to butterfly)
A. Deadlift x 3 @ 77.5% – based off 240#
all at 190#
***Superset w/ banded Paloff Hold x 20s/side first 4 rounds and banded Paloff Twist x 15/side last 4 rounds
B. 5 Rounds for time – 13:47
10 Cal AB – 48s / 56 / 59 / 1:01 / 1:09
10 Devil’s Press @ 30# DBs – all UB (super slow)
***1:08 slower than the last time I did this (7/21/20) but I used 5# heavier DBs today. AB was slightly faster overall today.
Can’t wait to hit some “Cindy” tomorrow!!!
Sounds like a good day! How’s your hip doing?
Thanx Mike! The hip is still grouchy! But I hit up Michele and she put me in touch with Coach Nick and he is going to try and help me..or at least evaluate and give me some idea of what might be going on. Running is totally out of the question..but other than thati am able to do everything else…so we shall see.
It looks like you had a great day of deadlifts! I hope you have a great weekend!
I’m glad she made that connection, and I hope it gets you some relief.
15 + 17 RX
It’s all fun and games in the first five minutes lol
20 min AMRAP: 19+26
5 rounds of:
5 Strict Pull Ups, 10 Push ups, 15 Air Squats
5 rounds of:
5 Toes 2 Bar, 10 Push ups, 15 Air Squats
5 rounds of:
5 Butterfly Pull Ups, 10 Push ups, 15 Air Squats
Alternating single rounds of:
5 Toes 2 Bar, 10 Push ups, 15 Air Squats
5 Butterfly Pull Ups, 10 Push ups, 15 Air Squats
*Trying to build the pull up volume back up after being sidelined with the elbow bursitis. Good news is everything felt great. Have an awesome weekend everyone!
Good work Luke!