Four sets of:
Deadlift x 4-6 reps @ 3111
(open hands at the bottom of the deadlift, then close them and lift again)
Rest 20 seconds
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
(if you cannot get 8 reps or more, accumulate until you get 8 reps)
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets for max reps of:
45 seconds of Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
15 seconds Rest
45 seconds of Burpees
15 seconds Rest
45 seconds of Push Press (95/65 lbs)
15 seconds or Rest
A. Bryan 235#, 250#, 270#, 290# all x 6 reps; HSPU’s 36″ wide, 10# plate: 4, 5, 5, 4.
B. Bryan (24kg kettlebell) – 22, 22, 22; 12, 12, 12; 17, 17, 17. Christy (16kg kettlebell, 50# push press) – 22, 22, 23; 14, 12, 12; 12, 13, 12.
Jumping in on Performance, 6mo post baby (with diastasis and umbilical hernia, so I’ve got to wear a belt for most lifting) trying to someday get back to Competitors level…
A. 175 for all DL (sets of 6)
5-3, 5-3, 4-2-2, 4-2-2
B. Rx 20-14-17, 20-14-17, 20-14-13
315, 335, 335, 355
18, 14, 12,
Done 9/9/2017
A. 295, 315,320,325 x4 DL
11,10,10,10 SHSPU
45# KBs
PP 45# DB
Took a couple days off.
A. DL 315×6. Not super heavy but heavy enough.
Added BP 3×5 205#
B. KBS 27, 27, 27. Burpees 13, 21, 11. PP 12, 10, 10 (a lot harder than expected).
#185×6, 205×6, 225×6, 275×3(PR)
SHSPU 21, 17,17,16
53# KB first time at this weight. WAY harder than the 35# I’m use to…
19, 14,14
Burps 14,12,12
Push Press 15, 12, 12 @65#
A. Deadlift
4×4 (not @ tempo today)
315, 330, 345, 355
HSPU negatives
4×3 @ 8 seconds down
Did theses because I started an Invictus shoulder strength program I stsrted this week
B. Rx
KBS 25, 25, 23
Burpees 14, 13, 13
Push Press 22, 21, 20
Yesterday’s work
A. Strict shoulder press @tempo up to 125 (PR last month) then 130# (PR)
B. For time
1km row
100 wall balls 20#
1km row (subbed for 1.4mi AB)
First row took about 3:50, AB a little over 4 min. Wb 5×20 with 25s between sets
Legs are still feeling the thrusters from earlier this week eventhough I took yesterday off and mobilized, serious business
C. 6 min plank
Have a great weekend people!!
Poor effort tonight. Had nothing.
Yet you worked out. Good on ya, says I.
Excellent point. Thank you. Appreciate the encouragement.
A. 4×4 deadlifts at tempo 385,395,405,405
Strict HSPU 4 sets 9,11,12,9
B. Rx. KBS 21/21/22
Burpee 15/15/15
Push press 16/15/10
A1. 245; 275; 300; 325 X 6@3111
A2. Strict DB Press 45X8(2) & 50X8(2)
B. 55# DB for KBS & 85# for PP
Had to take yesterday off. I aggravated my SI joint doing back squats for the first time in a while. Recurrent issue, gotta work more and more on mobility before loading. So…
A1. 225/245/265/275×6 @tempo. Killed my hands. Wow
A2. 14/12/11/9
B. Rx’d with hybrid swings 176 reps
Swings – 28/27/27
Burpees – 16/16/16
Push press – 16/15/15
A1. Deadlift 1rep max- #435 PR
Then as rx’d #315, #325, #325, #325
A2. HSPU rx’d 18,15,17
B2. Rx’d
KB’s- 17, 20, 15
Burp- 17, 12, 10
PP- 20, 18, 18
Awesome way to end a great week!
A. So no crossfit for now guys. Preparing for Hurricane Irma here in Tampa. Wish me luck.
Stay safe!!!
Good luck and stay safe!
Good luck from NOLA.
You live in Tampa? Good luck over the next few days.
That is where I lived before I came out West. Lutz, actually.
Wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing….I hope you are all safe…please update us when you have an opportunity!
Thanks for all the kind words. Was supposed to make landfall last night as a category 4 hurricane in Tampa and then miraculously passed right by us as a category 2 without any major damage. The hospital staff and I brought our families and worked the past 3 days without going outside and I’m finally back home. There goes my excuse to not work out. Soon as the YMCA reopens I’ll be back.
That all sounds great! So good to hear that you are doing well and for the most part all is good. Can’t wait to see ur posts again…take care!
A. 315×6 for four sets. My hands didn’t feel like holding more than that today. I ripped them on thrusters/pull up wod earlier this week.
14/14/13/9 3” deficit strict HSPU
B. Did yesterday’s wod. 1k row,100wb, 1k row RX in 13:17.
C. extra abs
That’s some serious HSPU work! Great job!
A1. Deadlift: 225/225//245/265 x 6 reps @ 3111 — all four sets
A2. Strict HSPU: 20/14/15/15
Three Sets for Max Reps
B1. KB Swing (28 kg is the heaviest we have): 30/30/30
B2. Burpees: 15/15/15
B3. Push Press: 10/10/13
Speed Work
C. Acceleration Splint Stance: 10 starts x 30 meters
Hspu game is serious bro!
Woohoo! Nice work Teddy!
Went up to 430 for a single dead
A. 315 all sets
Hspu 15/13/11/11
B. Rx KB-28/25/23
Nice weight Dustin!
A. 80, 90, 90, 90 x 6 in kgs with tempo.
Kipping HSPU x 6. My shoulders gave up on me.
B. 1- 26, 12, 12
2- 23, 12, 12
3- 20, 10, 10.
28kgs KB , 43kgs bar
It was brutal.
A1. Deadlift @ 3111
warm up x 4 @ 135#, 155
175×6, 185×4, 190×4, 190×3
A2. SHSPU x max reps – 15/13/6/9
***25 Ab mat sit ups between sets
KB swings 30/29/29
Burpees 19/16/16
Push press 20/16/14
C. 6000m Run – 30:29
It’s official Candy is a beast – well done.
Beast mode indeed!!! Awesome work yet again! 🙂