Shoulder Press @ 20X1 tempo
* Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps
* Set 2 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 2 reps
* Set 3 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
* Set 4 – 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
* Set 5 – Test 1-RM
* Set 6 (optional) – Exceed Set 5 weight
Rest 3 minutes between sets
(use this time effectively to work on hip mobility or glute activation exercises – your coaches can help give you some suggestions)
For time:
1000 Meter Row
100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
1000 Meter Row
A. Bryan – 65#, 100#, 110#, 120#, 130# (f).
B. Bryan (800m run vs. row) – 14:46.
135×3, 175×2, 200×2, 210, 230, 240
Done 9/8
A. Only shoulder press
Doing is one a day late
85×3,125×2,145×1,160×1,170×1 (lbs and cleaned from the floor) tried 180 and failed
13:17 rx
A: 35,40,48,55,60kg tryed 67.5 and failed maybe becouse of yesterday thrusters, shoulders was tired
B: 14:20 RX
Forgot to post yesterday!
A. 55, 85, 95, 105, 115(f), 110(f)
I think my previous 1RM was 115? But couldn’t find it in my history – did not feel this today, lats sore and just didn’t have it 🙁
B. Had to use #10 WB – (which was probably a blessing in disguise!)
My legs apologize if they have done something wrong – they are sorry, don’t actually kill them! HAHA. OMG SORE.
Been fighting something so I’ve been too tired in the mornings to do the program.
6 rounds: airdyne (old school load indicator)
30s easy (5)
30s moderate (7)
30s fast (all the way around)
30s real easy
Alone tonight so I did Invictus. A: tied current max at 125lb but could not get 130. B: Rx 14:39 About halfway through the first row my body was asking for a potty break. No way that was happening so I rowed and wall balled with cramps. I think overall it cost me about 20 seconds. Huh, my dad was right. Once you start getting older all you talk about was what you ate for lunch and a quality BM. I must not be quite there yet. I didn’t tell you what I had for lunch. It was a bowl… Read more »
good job getting through it without making a mess!! 😀
Thanks. Can’t say it’s something I am proud of but I’ll take a win any way I can get it.
A. 1RM (PR) 135#
B. Rx 14:06
The 20# WB’s were really hard. Sets of 15/10
A. Didn’t do A today. Did seated presses yesterday (strict press on Monday and HSPU negatives tmrw).
B. 11:59
2 sets of 50 wallballs
Subbed 1000m run (on treadmill 9.5). Have a 7km race coming up in October and I need to get some running miles in. I haven’t ran more then 400m at a time in a couple years!
C. Bi’s
Did yesterdays. A. Did a bunch of light warm ups, and worked with two bars because I could. HC – 75, 85, 105, 115, 125, 130 (thought I was doing 135, but forgot the 2nd plate. ?). Clean – 105, 115, 125, 135, 145 f, 140, 150 matched my PR. Felt pretty good on the cleans. Tested the DB squat snatch with several different weights. B. 25# DB – squat snatch 9:29 Got slowed down by having to stop and talk to kids who were all with me. (Ages 6, 4 & 20 months. ) probably about 20 – 30… Read more »
Not today friends…sore all over
Swim 1000m… Trying new technique…feeling good
Took a yoga class yesterday for my tight shoulders
Catching up-9.6.17
A. 135; 145; 155; 165; 175X 2 HC+C
B. 11:09 w/ 35# DB
A. New RM 67.5 kgs previous one 65 kgs.
B. 14:50 the last 500m were hell on Earth, rx’d
A. 45#, 60, 70, 80, 85(1RM test), 90(f)
***5 weighted pistols each leg between sets (10# DB’s)
***my fractional weights will be here SATURDAY! I would be happier getting a 1# PR and building on that than to continue to fail a 5# attempt!!
B. 14:18
1000m Row – 4:21
100 WB @ 14# – 5:12
1000m Row – 4:45
I didn’t really have a goal time because I knew it was going to be slow and painful because my rowing is a HOT MESS!! Just glad it’s over!!
Good job!! Looking forward to attacking this tomorrow and I’m sure it wont be pretty either. Good idea about the frationnal weights, I should get some too
I was really surprised. ..I got .25, .50, .75, 1.0# pair pkg on amazon for $38….I’m so excited…kinda like a kid in a toy store…lol
Not too shabby! Gonna do a little shopping myself it’s a great idea and good to know it’s not pricy
A. With DBs, up to 85, failed 90
B. 12:02 Rx, 1st Row 3:33, did 4 sets of 25 WB, then slow final 1000m. I was shooting for under 12, but I’ll take it.
SUPER FAST!!! I knew you’d smoke my time today…I thought about subbing running for the rowing…but I can’t expect the rowing to get any better if I don’t work at it. GREAT WORK BY YOU!!!
Hey you did great! My wife is also vertically challenged and rowing is her enemy too!
awesome work!!! killed it
A. 135, 185, 205, 215f, 210f
B. 11:18
18# WB @50 reps.
A. 85/125/140/160/170 (5# PR)
I tought I had it easy with the wallballs completed… boy was I wrong when I started the last 1000m row…
Feels great!
I’m with you that first 500m after the WBs was rough!!
WTH you mean…that first 500, the entire 1000 was awful!!! I didn’t even want to use my legs!!
22 minutes of just hot garbage. It was rough…
A. Shoulder Press 20X1 (OT3M)
95×3, 145×2, 160×1, 180×1, 195×1 (5# PR)
B. Hang Clean + Clean (OT2M)
175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225 (10# PR from the hang)
… my legs wimpered when I read today’s metcon – Monday’s tempo squats left a mark. That last shoulder press took like 4 seconds to lockout – great fight in the middle.
nice PRs! Great work. What a good feeling it is to be able to lockout overhead after fighting so hard