Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets) of:
Bench Press x 2 reps @ 80%
Four rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press* (left side – 55/35 lbs)
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press* (right side – 55/35 lbs)
15 Ring Dips
*For the Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press, hold two dumbbells or kettlebells in the front racked position, then perform 10 reps with one arm while holding the other DB/KB in the front racked position.
A. 175X2(3); 180X2(3); 185X2(2) time for new 1-RM test? 175 was my 80%@220, 185 would be 230
B. 40# DBs = 1-3:43/2-7:44/3-11:47/4-15:48
C. 15X Diamond push-ups & 7X T2B (2)
After two 12 hr workdays this was more about working out and less about times
A. Bench @125# estimated weight probably should have been heavier
B. Tabata
Row(cal) 4,5,7,6,5,5,5,5
Pushups 10,10,10,6,7,7,7,7
Sit-ups 15-all rds
Air squats 15,12,12,12,15,13,12,13
A: 160. Wrist still a bit off.
B: Had to use 25lb DBs and did strict to keep the wrist stable. Same with dips.
A. 100#
B. 22:17 used 25# and static dips (struggled with dips)
A. Done @ 80% (165#). Felt good on these. Might be time to max bench soon…
B. Scaled to 45#. 11:51. Hindsight I should have used 50’s but it seemed heavy when I tested it before the workout.
C. 45min yoga session. Lots of planks, Buddha squats & handstand attempts. Whew
A. 145, 165, 185, 200, 215, 225
B. Rx 8:20.
Bike 2:40
Pu – 4 sets of 10, 2 sets of 5.
Lunges broke 4 x. Lost alot of time here as my shoulders are toast (and my neck is out. )
Anyone know if the warm-up was posted for this workout?
It was not there early this morning either
A. At 100 kg. Not sure if it was 80% or slightly less. Couldn’t find Bench record.
???? Bbanan80 and friends??????
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20 minute recovery row for me today. I’m short on time and needed to shake out the soreness.
4244 m
Have a great day everyone!
Yesterday: A) AMRAP 20′ – 30 OHS 42.5 kgs – 30 Box Jumps 24″ – 30 situps – 30 cal row Got 2 rounds + 23 reps I was aiming for 2 full rounds, happily surprised I got past those and was able to knock down some additional OHS. I split the squats 15/5/10, 10/10/10 and 10/5/8. Did step downs on the box jumps, slower but erred on the safer side for these. Knocked the situps as fast as possible and rowed at a slower pace than usual (following the prescription) with 21 strokes per minute trying to stay at… Read more »
A. 8 sets @ 220#
B. Subbed in 500m row to reduce stress on lower back. Dropped down to 40# DBs after first set.
20:16 – this one was tough. Wasted SO much time with transitions and dealing with janky rower straps.
A. No clue on my 1RM. Did a few sets at 155, 160, then 165 for last 3 sets. 80% of 200. But I doubt I can put that up. One day i will find out.
B. No clue on time between 14 and 15 min i think. Used 35lb KB.
Ring dips were smoking my shoulders. I was doing singles on last 2 sets and only did 7 on last set. Afraid I was an injury waiting to happen!
Looks like you’re stronger than you think you are! Nice work
A. As rx with 160# – solid
B. 14:32 modified
45# for SAPP. Holding a second db makes it harder, takes some of the leg help away. I rested it on my shoulder in an upright position with my elbow high, is that what was meant by front rack?
8 strict ring dips (4-4 / 4-3-1 / 4-2-1-1 / 3-2-2-1)
C. EMOM x 5 min: tempo ring dips x 3 reps (@3331 approx)
I noticed the leg drive issue too, some reps felt close to a strict press! Nice benching too.
A. Rounded up to 65kg, felt strong and could have done more. Will up my projected 1rm next time!
B. Had to sub in pushups for ring dips, as the place the rings are in the gym is right at the back away from the door! Did 20 pushups, any more and would have lost intensity. DBs scaled slightly to 50lbs, both sides UB without putting them down, my upper back is on fire!
2.48 3.17 3.33 3.47 for 13.23 total
C. Prehab inc. balance work and muscle up accessory
Nice work staying heavy for the presses! I was hurting by round 4 with my little kiddy kettlebells!!
Haha they are still a good weight! @joeymaltais:disqus had a good observation saying the double hold really impacted the ability to drive with the legs. These are the days that gains are made…
Definitely more shoulder burn than the last time we did single arm db pp! I love it and pretty sure gainz are on the way indeed. Happy I went with 45#, any heavier and doing it UB wasn’t happening
40# was really heavy for me! Good job!