Three sets of:
Back Squat x 8-10 reps @ 3011
Rest 2 minutes
Weighted Pull-Ups x 2-3 reps
Rest 2 minutes
In teams of two, partners alternate rounds to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
10 Pull-Ups
A. Bryan – (ring dips vs. pull-ups) – 165# x 10 reps all sets; 10 reps all sets.
B. Bryan (AMRAP, 15 minutes of 10 thrusters, 95# from the rack, 10 ring dips, 1 work:1 rest) – :54, 1:08, 1:42, 2:02, 1:49 = 5 rounds.
A: 155/165/165×8
53# x 2,3,2
B: solo 8 rounds, equal work/rest
95# thrusters scaled to 5 reps
Pull-ups Rx
A: 60/70/80kg 60 and 70 10 reps at tempo 80kg only 7reps
weighted pullups 3x15kg
No time for part B couse we was doing workout for a competition qualification
135 way to light, 175×8, 195×8
5+10 RX no partner rested 1 min
No partner did 1:1 work to rest
:41, :51, 1:00, 1:04, 1:02, 1:00, 1:06, :56
A. Subbed leg press at hotel
Don’t know what sled weighed
Weight of plates used
270,320,360 10 reps at tempo
Pull ups 5×15# 3×30# 3×40#
B. Did solo 1:1 rest
7 rds
A. 125, 145 x 9, 165 x 7 3 reps w/ 10, 20, 25lbs. B. Husband did a variation with me because he had already done the main site WOD which was DB thrusters and pull ups. He did 10 wall ball and 10 pushups between my rounds. I got 8 rounds + 17 reps. Rx. Tried butterfly pull ups the first round, but went to olympic kip because I’m better at it. Did 6-4 on the thrusters because I am not great at them. He took a lot less time to do his rounds, but I didn’t have to… Read more »
BS #225×8, 275×8, 315×8
PU’s #50, 75, 90
No partner took 40 second break in between rounds
RX’d- 8rds
Good work
BS #135×10, 155×10, 175×10
PU’s #45×3, 50×3, 55×3
E2MOM (8 rounds)
65# Thrusters
Supinate pull-ups
All unbroken
A. Back Squat
3 x 8 @ tempo (3011)
225, 245, 260
Weighted pull-ups
3×2 @ 70lbs
10 Thrusters @95
10 pull-ups
8 rds
Did the first 3-4 rds ad pull ups but was taking to much time to strap hand on to bar so switched to supine ring rows w/ feet elevated.
1. @tempo 8×135, 8×155, 8×135 – Right knee was not feeling good today
2. #15 dumbbell at feet 2,2,2
B. RX but solo thrusters at #65
Tried to do math and keep work to rest ratio – kudos to those who could actually remember and right down their round times!!
A.1: @tempo 10x 135-145-155# A.2: 3x 45-50-55# (bw 165) PR B. 7 rds rx’d. Solo, decided to go with E2MOM. First round went well so I pushed it and started round 2 at 1:30. Quickly realized I shouldn’t have done that so went back to E2MOM right away. Pushed hard to finish the thrusters UB on round 4 and I was totally empty after that and couldn’t recover so I had to take longer rests and even then I didn’t recover. I failed to pace myself here and got myself crushed. Hardest wod mentally I’ve had to do in awhile.… Read more »
Awesome work! U are right…this was a killer! I’m on vaca this week so I was able to do this early. ..but let me tell u I didn’t get anything else done today. ..felt very drained all day!
No doubt. “Forced” relaxing I like it! Didn’t make it to the cottage this time?
No lake this week…just back to school week. And a week of relaxation b4 silly season starts at UPS.
It’s that time of the year already. Before we know it it’ll be christmas!! Enjoy your time off 🙂
A1. 185/205/225 x10 @tempo
A2. 30/35/40 x3
B. Rx’d with partner 13+8. I was 1st & kept my rounds around :45. My poor partner did squats and pull ups yesterday. He was on the struggle bus.
A. 8,8,8 @ 225 kinda punted on this legs are lit
4,3,4 @53
B. 15.5 rounds I went first so 7 actually strung together some butterfly pull-ups sloppy but it’s coming
10,10,10 @225#
3,3,3 @45,50,55#
Me – 6 rounds + 10 thrusters
Misses – 6 rounds + 5 thrusters
Coulda been 7 rounds but I wasn’t paying attention for a few rounds there from 3-5
A. Squat @3011 185#/185#/190#
Pull ups ×3: 17,5#/17,5#/22,5#
B. Tried to race against my imaginary friend who’s really fit.
Every 90sec, total of 8 rounds
73s break
77s rest and just like that, gone is the grip
A1. 185×10; 205×8; 215×10 @3011
A2. 25#x3(3)
B. 75# Thrusters
My ghost partner and I did 13 rounds most were :55 to 1:05 with round (lost my mental focus) five at 2:20
A. 240 all three sets at tempo
65/70/75 held last rep of each series for a couple secs on top.
B. 9rounds at 1:1 to 1:1,15 work :rest ratio for 15min. All unbroken, weights and body felt light so im happy with that!
C. Extra abs
Have a nice day!
10 x 60,70,80 in Kgs
3 x 12kgs.
B. 6 Rounds as rx
A. 195x8reps. X 3sets. Weight 25/35/40lb + 187 lb body weight.
B. 6rd. Rx