Warm-Up | Performance & Fitness
One set of:
“General Running Warm-Up”
Approximately 50 feet each of:
High Knees
Over-the-fence, forwards
Over-the-fence, backwards
Bunny Hops
Suicides, remain forward facing throughout
Followed by…
Two sets of:
10 Walking Lunges
5 Dive-Bomber Push-Ups
For time:
800 Meter Run
80 Jumping Lunges
40 Push-Ups
20 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells (24/16 kg)
400 Meter Run
20 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells (24/16 kg)
40 Push-Ups
80 Jumping Lunges
800 Meter Run
Around 20-21 mins on trail no weight
This workout trashed the quads.
*Ran 650/300m on assault runner
A. Press in split @ 65
B. Split jerk – 110, 110, 115, 120, 120, 125, 130, 130
C.40 DU
20 PP
10 CTB
4 + 50
24:18 Rx
25:06 with 1 40#kb and 1 50# kb, switching hands every 10 lunges – #homegymlife
Legs officially done after everything this wk
24:54 40#DB
19:31 Rx
22:09 w/ 16kg
This was harder than it looked