For time:
800 Meter Row
800 Meter Run
60 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
60 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
40 Push-Ups
40 Pull-Ups
20 Burpees
20 Overhead Squats (155/105 lbs)
For time:
800 Meter Row
800 Meter Run
60 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
60 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
40 Push-Ups
40 Pull-Ups
20 Burpees
20 Overhead Squats (155/105 lbs)
31:20 scaled OHS to 35kg everything else in RX
43:37 53lb KB, 20# WB, 115# OHS
I dont know why but i was destroyed by this workout, maybe becouse of monday anything like this:
36:30 All Rx expect OHS scaled into 30kg couse my hands was not working anymore
Catching up…
24 kg KB swings
20 lb wall ball
Not even close to overhead squats, need to improve overhead position, so subbed 24 kg goblet squats.
This type of WOD is very difficult for me before because of high reps of one movement. I was pretty happy with how it went
4:00 stair run for run
35# KBS
20# wall ball
105# front squat
*forgot to do burpees
Had to stop at pull-ups 32 because something was wrong with my upper left abdominal, sharp pain when contracted.
Rx’d: 22min13
Row 2:55
Run 4:01
Kbs 20/15/15/10
WB 12/12/12/12/12
Push up 10/10/10/10
Pull up 10/10/10/2
3 rounds of:
60 seconds side plank. 30 each side
15 weighted sit-ups w/ 10lb plate
3 rounds of:
30 seconds weighted plank on elbows 15lb plate
60 second hollow hold
40 slider mountain climbers
3 rounds w/ 25lb DBs:
1 1/4 DB curls x 10
DB tricep extensions
3 rounds of:
Zottman DB curls. 25lb DBs
French press. 45lb bar
Row 1600m
Run 1600m
Camping again for a few days. Brought my rings and found somewhere to hang them this morning.
4 rounds
8-10 ring dips @ 2011
Rest :45
8-10 Supine ring rows @ 3011
Rest :45
6-8 pistols per leg @ 3011
Rest 1-2min
1 round
Max ring dips
Max supine ring rows
Max alternating pistols
(No tempo’s)
Off subject but I think this is the best forum I can ask in. What Oly barbells does everyone use? I’m trying to figure out if bearings are worth the price in a garage gym. Thanks
Price from midrange up is worth and will last much longer depending how you store and take care of it.
We have a couple of rogue bars. The chan bar, I think is the name, has smoother knurling and is probably my favorite.
Rested Friday
Did 9/1/17 today
A. 135# PC x5
Push-ups off 30″ box
9 + 3
45# DB x 4
First time in long time ring Dips wo/ band!!!
Shoulder getting stronger and always great to have Michelle’s tips an videos for mobility!!
Behind a day A. AMRAP 10 min 5 PC 135# 10 shspu Scaled shspu to feet on 30″ box first 2 rounds then from knees on same box afterwards. I find using the box to get stronger with these is working for me, I can’t wait to be able to just do them rx’d. All PC TnG Score: 7 rds B. Modified walking lunges to single arm OH db, 20 reps (10 per arm) for 4 sets: 35#-40-45-50 (PR). I need the OH work to get more stability, I’m glad with today’s results I’m way more stable than I used… Read more »
Awesome work! Can’t believe u were able to do the PCs TnG…my shoulders would have been fried! Isn’t that 6 min plank awesome? ? I love it!
What is the 6 minute plank?
What I’ve been doing is the following
Min 1: front plank hold on hands
Min 2: front plank on elbows
Min 3: side plank
Min 4: other side plank
Min 5: back extension hold (“superman”)
Min 6: hip bridge hold
Thanks! I can’t say the reps were all pretty! The limiting factor for me here really was the hspu though. Yes I love it too, I hadn’t done it in awhile I was quite overdue 🙂
31:07 All Rx but 20lb ball with 20lb vest on
Back to training after a complete week of back to school and partying every days. It feels good to have a full night of sleep!
Did August 31.
A. Fitness part with 60# dumbells and a 24kg kb.
B. Did 1:1 work ratio. Done in 5:20 I believe (under 25sec per rounds)
I’ll be back on schedule next week and will start swimming regularly (cant wait)!!
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Travel WOD at Crossfit Memorial Hill.
23 partner AMRAP
9 calories row/air bike
2 squat cleans #135
17 burpees
Each partner does 9/9, 2/2, and splits burpees however they’d like. I did all burpees a round or two.
10 rounds + 20 reps
Subbed a mile run.
30:54 with a 20lb wallball. Lot of standing around moaning on that one
Haha. I know what you mean.