Take 15-20 minutes and build to today’s 1-RM Power Clean
For time:
Row 30 Calories
30 Burpees
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
30 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
30 Dumbbell Push Press (55/35 lb DBs)
30 Pull-Ups
Take 15-20 minutes and build to today’s 1-RM Power Clean
For time:
Row 30 Calories
30 Burpees
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
30 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
30 Dumbbell Push Press (55/35 lb DBs)
30 Pull-Ups
A. 125 PR – Failed 130 and I think I had a bit of a head case…. a little afraid of the bar.
B. 13:38
Dropped the DB weight to 20lbs.
Back after being sick all week and was trying to take it some what easy.
A. 280 pr
B. 10:36 rx
used two 35 kb’s for swings
Damn 280. I’ve been stuck at 275 for a year. Nice job.
I was stuck there for about that long also. Try some clean pulls if your not already.
Jet Lagged, today was rough
A) 175#, PR is 185#
Broke my PR by ten pounds!!! Now 225:)
I did really bad on part b though 21:01 rx
Should I modify the weight ?
Couldn’t go to the gym today and all i have is a barbell so i did a bunch of randomness.
400m run
30 situps
30 double unders
30 c&j 115#
30 situps
30 double unders
400m run
Didnt time it….but it wasnt fast
A) 145 (matched old PR). I want to squat when it gets even remotely heavy! ?
B) 11:44 RX, American swings, wall ball to men’s target, and subbed 75# barbell push press.
A.) 255#
B.) 11:10
A: 185
B: 14:44 scaled push press to 25# and traded ring rows for pull ups
A. Did not see that it was a power clean so did squat cleans: #245 (10# PR)…this was a huge victory for me, just missed 250 which has been my goal for years, I will get it soon.
B. 11:09 with 115# barbell push press (don’t have DBs at home)…took a bit longer on transitions then I wanted but I usually am a bit slow the day after a rest day.
A: Up to 160# matched pr
B: as rx except Subbed box jumps for pullups, due to extra pullups earlier.
12:?? I think 12:20 🙂
Also did strict pullup ladder with partner max in 3 mins. Up to 6 each
& Plank variations
a) worked to 230, 5# under PR
B) 12:48 Rx with a 115# push press. The KBs are massive and dig into the wrist and no DBs anymore.
A. Worked to 275# match PR
B. 10:25 RX+ used 80# Kettlebell. We don’t have a 70#. Yeah that sucked. My forearms are one fire.
Nice work!
A: up to 72.5kg
B: 13:27 scaled with 7kg ball, 24kg KB and 16kg DBs
In the absence of 35# dumbbells, does anyone have a lateral suggestion for a barbell push press, in terms of weight?
A. Hit 145# easy went to 155 pulled to my chest but could turn it over. Last 1rm was 160. I think it’s cuz I’m used to resting Thursday and didn’t
B. RX except push press had to use30# DB no 35 and kbs felt super awkward.
American swings