Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Bench Press
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
10 Ring Dips
15 Push-Ups
30 Double-Unders
Compare results to May 7, 2018.
Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Bench Press
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
10 Ring Dips
15 Push-Ups
30 Double-Unders
Compare results to May 7, 2018.
Missed yesterday so I did it tonight A. 121kg x10, 143kg x 10, 165kgx6, – put on belt – 176kg x 8, 187kg x 4, 210kg x 2. Shortened the last 2 sets by 2 reps as it was just too heavy tonight! B. Plain and simple just didn’t want to do double unders so I took them out of the workout. 1k row + 50 DB snatch at 22.5kg (50 pounds) 6:00 Rowed slowly in 3:52. DB snatches unbroken and steady Lungs and biceps! Going away for the weekend and I’m not gonna do any exercise so 3 days… Read more »
A. Subbed floor press since I don’t have a bench/rack at home yet. Hit 185. I’ve never maxed this but 185 almost didn’t happen and 195 wouldn’t budge!
B. Rx’d 4+25. Compared to 4+11 last time. Felt stronger on dips this time. HSPU were UB until final set had to do 3/2. Dips were 6/4 throughout. Push ups were UB 1st rd then 5/5/5. UB DU’S.
A. Shoulder press to 185. Barely missed 195 PR attempt.
B. 4+22
A. Worked up to 125. I think this is a PR, but I don’t have a record. I might have been able to squeek out 130, but my spotter needed to go.
B. This sucked.
Scaled. So much.
5 seated DB press 25# – by the 2nd round I had to break it up.
8 ring dips with toe assist
15 push ups – sooooo hard after the dips.
30 DU – UB
3 + 9 push ups.
Upper trap finally calmed down so I did a light workout to try not to angry the beast
A. 3rds
50 DU
15 hand release pushups
B. 2rds
400m run
15 SDLHP 44# KB
9 burpees box jump overs
Was gonna do more but trap started acting up so hit core and gluts
A. Bench up to 215. Disappointing result today, but I did the work.
B. This was my first time doing this Wod.
3 rounds +8
I’m looking forward to my rest day tomorrow.
A. 275, 285, 295, 305, 315 back squat from yesterday
B. 8 sets of 10 bench press worked to 155. still nursing torn pec.
C. 4rds. that was awful
Only 4 rds bro…
Had no pressing strength lol. Need to hit more bi’s and tri’s.
A. Bench on the 2 min 55#x3, 85×2, 105×1, 115×1 on the 3 min x 1 rep each 125, 135, 140, 145(f…but sooo close..I pushed and held it for as long as I could..no go today) B. Used same scaling as in May – (Today 4 rounds + 3 reps – May 3 rounds + 2 reps) 5 kip HSPU (UB, 3/2, 3/2, UB, 3) was trying to kip as hard as I could and came off wall in R 2&3 5 kipping ring dips/5 strict stationary (UB, 3/2, 3/2, 3/2 for each) 15 push ups (5/5/5) HUGE improvement from… Read more »
killed it
A: 250. Weak asf haha. 🙁 Benching is my worst!
B: 5 + 12 RX. Shoulders!!!
That looks like a GREAT day…not sure why the negativity! I was off by 10# on my PR…and I’m guessing others were also…but the win is that we put the work in and did our best TODAY! Enjoy the process…that’s what it’s all about!!
Really didn’t feel like working out tonight so just did something low-stress
20 double unders
Unbroken but technique is worse than ever
20min EMOM
min 1 – 15 cal row
min 2 – 8 bench press @ 70kg
min 3 – 15 cal row
min 4 – 8 strict HSPU
Rowed at 1400cal/hour pace
All pressing UB but triceps got smoked.
A. Opted to work on my snatch grip overhead cause that needs work:
6 sets of 1 Power Snatch + 3 Behind The Neck Snatch Grip Push Press
Up to 75kg/165#
B. As Rx 3 rounds flat. Ended with 40sec to start round 4 but wasnt able to even got one more SHSPU. Upper body muscle endurance is definately a weakness for me so thnx for the blaster 😉
A. Up to 140
B. 4 +15 – done with pike pushups and ring dips with feet on a box. Libby wasn’t kidding about the pushups feeling hard after the other movements – it took all I had just to string 5 together! So tough.
A. Bench press PR #295
B. 10m AMRAP:
10 Ring dips
15 push ups
30 double unders
4 rounds even
C. Band pull apart and face pulls. I think I tried a neck bridge when maxing and I pinched something b/t my shoulder blades.
Striking distance to 300 – super impressive.
Thanks. I had 300 on the bar but dropped to 295 at the last second, barely made it.
Congrats on the PR JT…then to hit 4 rounds RX…GREAT DAY!!
A. Up to 185. Went up not too bad. Def could of used a spot. Not ideal that I did BP on Sunday morning before a row.
B. 3 rounds plus 30 dubs.
Spicy HSPU. Def crushed the arms today. Thought I was gonna face plant going up into the handstand once or twice.
A. Up to 275 and failed 285 but better than the 255 last time we went heavy
B. 2+5 HSPU used a small band on the rings
Pretty much all around pressing failure, in a good way
Good morning, everybody…
A. went to 195# and then max reps at 155#. lighter weight isn’t a problem. heavier weight will make shoulder grind (bone on bone, because I have no cartilage in my right shoulder). I stop before I get to the grinding.
B. 3 rounds; scaled to happen with feet on box. everything else RX. one miss on doubles. dips were UB, 5/5, 1/1/1/3/3/1 (yeah). push-ups 5/5/5 on all rounds.
I feel you on those dips.. way to know your body and be smart on the BP.
A1. Bench Press (OT2M)
5 x 135, 3 x 185, 2 x 225
A2. Bench Press (OT3M)
1 x 240, 250, 260, 270 (f)
… missed PR attempt
B. As Rx (except 10 – Strict Stationary Dips)
4 rounds
… May 7: 3 + 15 with the same sub.
Congrats on the PR on B Chris…super fast!
Had an early run today at the box so again two days to report Yesterday: A.1) EMOM 3′: Snatch Pull + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch. In kgs: 47.5, 50, 52.5 1′ rest A.2) EMOM 3′: 2 Squat Snatches. In kgs: 55, 57.5, 60 1′ rest A.3) EMOM 6′: Squat Snatch. In kgs: 62.5, 65, 67.5, 62.5, 65, 67.5 B) 6 reps of Snatch Pull @333X. In kgs: 55, 57.5, 60, 62.5, 62.5, 62.5 C) OT2M x 3: 9 Back Squats. In kgs: 107.5, 115, 122.5 D) 5 RxT: 7 pull ups + 7 DB Clusters 16 kgs. Time:… Read more »
A. Worked up to 255#
B. 3 rounds + 8 dips. Those dips to PUs transitions were death!
HSPUs got super hard. Probably should’ve scaled to keep it moving.
Warmup: Pec walk with med ball squeezed between forearms. Then, carry the med ball in the right hand with the elbow bent to 90 degrees then with the left arm, focusing on activating the pecs and lats. Then: 10 scorpions + 5 inchworms plus a pushup + 20 shoulder taps + 10 down dog to up dogs Then: 10 band pull aparts (palms down) + 10 band pull aparts (palms up) + 10 behind the neck overhead pull aparts (OH to shoulder height) Start warming up for bench! You’ve got a LOT LOT LOT of pressing to do today. Localized… Read more »