Two sets of:
Perform 30 seconds each of the following movements…
*Station 1 – Banded Palloff Hold (standing, squatting, kneeling – mix it up!)
*Station 2 – Banded Lateral Monster Walk
*Station 3 – Banded Squats
*Station 4 – Side Plank Hold
*Station 5 – Russian Step-Ups
Move through this with as little rest between movements as possible. It should take between 12-15 minutes in total.
Four sets of:
2 Tempo Front Squats + 4 Front Squats
Rest 2-3 minutes
Perform the first 2 front squats at a tempo of 42X1, then immediately after perform 4 squats without any tempo restriction – focus on speed of the concentric.
Three rounds for time of:
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
15 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs (55/35 lb DBs, 24″/20″)
A. Go to 80 kgs
B. 17:17 @ 2x DB 15 kgs, box 60 cm
A. Front squats
105, 115, 125, 135 – it’s amazing how heavy 135 felt!
B. Scaled to 25# DB
11:37 – ouch!
Wall ball – 12/10/8
UB on the hell box step overs burpee things.
A. Rx all sets at 215. This was harder than it should have been. I was low on energy to begin with after a busy weekend and worked out later than usual.
B. Two rounds 9:08. I started cramping up on the last few burpees.
A. Rx. 95-115-135-155-175
B. Mod
14 min alt EMOM
0-1: 10 WB 30#
1-2: 10 UB Pull-ups
70x of each movement
A. FS 155-165-175-185
B. With mods based on equipment available and my general suckiness at weighted stepovers.
3 Rds
WB 20 x 30#
DBBSO — 1rd Rx, 2 rds 35#/20″
A) 135)155)185)185 last set was broken – 2 tempo, racked – then 4 regular w/o tempo
B) 3 sets dB box Step-Overs 1/12-25’s, 2/10/30’s
C) dB farmers carry 3 sets 50’s/60’s/60’s – 50 steps
Gotta be careful of my back on FS (recovering from a compressed spine) so they are light. I really have to pace getting back to heavy weights
A. 65 75 85 95
B. 14:53
Way to train smart!
A. 185, 215, 225, 235 @ Rx tempo/scheme
B. 14:43
C. Crossover Symmetry
A. Front Squats @ tempo(s) – 85#, 95, 105, 115(had to split the last 4 into 2/2)
***I am so not a fan of switching tempos…but looking like that’s going to be a new normal…
B. 3 Rounds for time – 14:05 (4:28/4:53/4:44)
30 WB Shots – RX (20/5/5, 10/7/7/6, 10/10/5/5)
15 DB/BBSO – 35# R1/25# R2&3
Another good day!
A. 90sec work / 60sec rest
Power clean/front squat/push jerk
9/9/9 #135
7/7/7 #155
5/5/5 #185
3/3/3 #205
B. 3 rounds
400m run
12 burpee box jump over
15 thruster #95
A. 115#/125/135/145
B.11:56- seeing stars after that one!
Great work on both – big FS numbers.
Thanks Chris! Great job on B, so fast event though you added pushups!
DAMN GIRL..those are some HEAVY tempo front squats! Super fast work on the DB/BBSO…those were super HARD!
Thanks Candy! OMG, they were soooo hard, I thought I was going to die. Way to push through!
Ditto that! Great job, Anika!
A) 135)155)185)185 last set was broken – 2 tempo, racked – then 4 regular w/o tempo
B) 3 sets box Step-Overs 1/25’s 2/30’s
C) farmers carry 3 sets 50/60/60 – 50 steps
Love Part C!
Warm-up as Rx
A. Front Squat (OT3M) as Rx:
2|4 w/ 165, 185, 205, 225
… 225 felt good but Monday isn’t the day for a bonus round.
B. 3 RFT of:
30 – 20# WB | 15 – 55# DBs 24″ Box Step-overs | 15 -Push-ups
… got owned by the Box Step-overs this morning.
A. Tempo front squats at 175lb
B. Scaled to 35lb DBs with 24” box and 20lb med ball
This was a slooooow slog. Just did not have anything in me to push the burpees. Wall balls unbroken. Good luck to the big dawgs who use 55s
OH Press / MetCon (home alone)
WU 500 m row
2 rds
10 AS 30 sec hild on last
5 pushups 3-5 sec hold
30 sec deadhang
10 X-Ys band stretch 4-5 sec hold
PVC passthroughs
OH press
1. 5 @ 135
2. 3 @ 155
3. 1+ @ 175 x6.5
1. 85
2. 95
3. 110
4. 115
5. 125
B. MetCon
3 rds
21 WBs (30)
15 pushups
9 box step ups
“The Lord is in the Spirit, where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is Freedom”. 2 Corinthians 3:17
Tempo FS as prescribed
Up to 150lbs. Kept it hard but not to failure.
Modified to 10 of the BBSO with 35lb kettlebells
Did a burpee on one side of the box and a push up on top the KB otherside.
12;15. Went ok. The step overs were not as bad as I expected.