Three sets of:
Barbell Loaded Alternating Reverse Lunges x 8-10 reps each leg @ 20X1
Rest 2 minutes
Weighted Pull-Up x 2-3 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Three rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
20 Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
Three sets of:
Barbell Loaded Alternating Reverse Lunges x 8-10 reps each leg @ 20X1
Rest 2 minutes
Weighted Pull-Up x 2-3 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Three rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
20 Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
A. Bryan (back racked, 155#; 35#) – 10 reps/leg all sets; 3 pull-ups/set.
B. Bryan (115#) – 14:37.
A1: 45/45/50#bds x 10
A2: 5/10/12 x 3
B: scaled
115/box pull-up/400M 15:32
40kg10reps/3reps 10kg
50kg10reps/3reps 15kg
55kg10reps/3 reps 17.5kg
Barberll on front rack
B. Thrusters with 40kg run on assault airrunner: 14:35
A. Reverse lunge 3×8 ea leg @ tempo
190, 190, 190
B. 13:30
Nothing about this one felt good! Thrusters felt heavier then usual, run felt slower. Just happy to get it done today.
A. 3 rounds.
Frond rack reverse lunge 3×16 135,155,165
Kept it light because my legs are toast. I couldn’t even get into a front squat in the warm up for the thrusters so I subbed something else for B.
B. Aerobic capacity airdyne wod
2x4min at moderate pace,
1min spin between efforts,
Rest 1min,
2x3min at moderate/fast pace,
1min spin between efforts,
Rest 1min,
2x2min at fast pace,
1min spin between efforts,
Rest 1min,
2x1min fast/sprint pace
1min spin between efforts.
A. 95/20 115/20 135/20
B. 95lbs 13:30
A. 95/20, 105/20, 115/20
B. 15:18
A. Built to #185 front rack, pull ups @ #70 X 3
B. 15:13rx’d
A. 135,140,145lb ×10 e leg. Back rack.
B. 19:27. Rx
A. Front rack lunge first time. 45, 55, 65 at tempo.
Weighted pull up 15, 25, 35x 3 all sets
B. 17:06 at 75. 5 min 6 min 6 min rounds. Pretty happy with the way pull ups have progressed no way could I have done 60 in a metcon. Last run was tough
A1. Front rack BB Alt. Rev Lunges @ 20X1 – 65# x 20, 85 x 20, 95 x 16
A2. Weighted strict pull ups @ 20# – 2.5 / 2 / 2
B. 3 Rounds for time – 10:15 (3:24/3:28/3:23)
10 – 14# Wall Balls
20 – Pull Ups
400m Row
**Raining to hard to run…and I just wasn’t feelin the 95# thrusters today!!
Anyone know if we are doing front rack or back rack for A??
I’ve been doing these front racked, but good question since they’ve specified front rack in the past… long winded way of saying, i dunno either
Hmmmm…decisions decisions. ..my form is better with back rack…but that just means I need to work on the front rack position. .I hate it when I talk myself out of taking the easy road!
It’s the crossfit way ; )
Will do A when I get home.
B. 15:25
Holy. Crap. That. Was. HARD.
On a positive note, first time I’ve done 135# Thrusters in conditioning.
Nice job.
Thanks. Not as nice as you. ?
A1. Started 5/3/1 program this week. Front squats today
B. 13:59 Rx. Pretty happy with that since I have never done thrusters with 135. That said…
Does anybody here struggle with single unders? I am asking for a friend…
Single Unders?? Can you do DU? I have a friend that can do DU and TU and now struggles with SU….
So, here is why I am asking…i consider myself to be extremely proficient with a jump rope. Singles, doubles, singles to doubles and back to singles, forward to backward, cross, side to side all without breaking. I assumed that if someone could do doubles, they would at least be proficient at singles…apparently my assumption was wrong. I was in my first competition this weekend. Our last wod , prior to the finals, included 300 singles. Every competitor launched their concern about their inability to do singles to the organizers. So the organizers allowed them to “scale” to doubles (2:1, so… Read more »
Nice work on the thrusters. I’m working up to 95. 85# next time.
Thanks. I used to scale to 65# just because thrusters killed me. Keep working.wallballs and more thrusters will get you there quickly!
nice! 5/3/1 is fun, I was able to get my numbers up with it earlier this year
Did 9/9/17 partner WOD today
A. Did this with wife…28:40
I did 115 lb cleans and 55lb DB box step overs
She scaled to bar only on cleans and 20lb DBs on box step overs
…my grip was toast after first 25 cleans! Nice WOD and more enjoyable having someone to do it with
B. 6 min plank challenge
C. 500m swim
A. Used 23kgs for the Lounges, 12kgs for the pullups.
B. 47kgs for the Thrusters. 17 min total time.
A1. Front Rack Alt. Reverse Lunges 20X1: 10/side w/ 145, 155, 165
A2. Weighted Pull-Ups (supinated grip): 3 x 50, 55, 60
… was feeling abit busted up this morning so
B. 1000m row: 3:48
45/50/55kg x10
16/20/20kg x3
B. think about 16min
– scaled 5 thrusters @60kg
– 10 strict pull ups
– 25cal on AB
Felt really sluggish due to cold and bad weather…. 🙁
What does mean @20X1? Thank you
Here you go buddy: https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/competitors/blog/what-does-30×0-mean-why-i-like-tempo-training/
Thanks ?
Here you go!
Here’s another version… https://youtu.be/wIIl6UJE0LM
Anybody near Ft. Bragg NC that wants to do the Team Series? I’m looking for a partner
Good luck finding a partner!