Wall Slides x 10 @ 3030
Pec Activation
Followed by…
Every Minute on the Minute for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Station 1 – Parallette Shoot-Throughs x 3-5 reps
Station 2 – Banded Glute Bridges x 10
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:
Bench Press x 2 reps @ 21X1 + 4-6 reps @ 10X1
Perform the first 2 reps with a controlled descent and 1-second pause (“one-one-thousand”) on your chest; then immediately perform 4-6 reps with no tempo restriction. A good goal would be to use 75-80% of your 1-RM bench press established on August 27. Focus on moving the barbell as quickly as possible from your chest to full elbow extension.
Three rounds for time of:
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press* (left side – 55/35 lbs)
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press* (right side – 55/35 lbs)
20 Toes to Bar
*For the Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press, hold two dumbbells or kettlebells in the front racked position, then perform 10 reps with one arm while holding the other DB/KB in the front racked position.
Go to 2 tempo + 4 reps @ 77.5 kgs, 2+3 reps @ 80 kgs
8:30 @ 2x DB 15 kgs
Bench press
85, 90, 95, 100, 100 – last two rounds 4 reps.
B. 3 RFT
20 TTB
6:53 – TTB took forever. Had to scale to 25 # DB to alleviate some pain from the tendonitis I have in my elbow. Used 35# DB’s in the middle round and decided it was a bad idea.
A) bench press 5x 2(tempo) + 4 @175lbs
B) Crunched for time – didn’t do
Accessory work – 4/ face pulls with rope
A. Bench press 5x(2 tempo + 4) #225
B. 3 rounds
10/10 single arm dumbbell strict press #50
20 GHD sit up
GHDs were rough.
modified Monday’s to stay away from overhead pressing
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
12 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
6 Strict Pull-Ups
6 185# front squats (start from ground)
Rest 5 minutes, and when the running clock reaches 20:00…
Four rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
12 pull ups
12 135# power cleans
A. 200#, it was more like 3 reps after the tempo.
B. 5:13 Rx
C. 9/11 tribute a day late:
100 DLs 135
100 PCs 95
100 GTO 45
43 burpees
Yesterday’s after taking an unexpected day off.
A. Slow snatch x 2
65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 100, 105(1f redid got both), 110 x 1 not slow. Failed 2nd rep
B. 8 round even.
DU got REAL!
A. Bench press 85 kg as prescribed
B. 3 RFT
10/10 PP 22,5 kg
20 V up
C. Emom 6
8 strict toes towards bar
Crushed it Simo!
Bench / Crossfit Invictus (home alone) Coached 2 hrs WU 400 m run WU 2 rds 10 air squats hold 10 at 30 sec 10 pushups hold 10 at 20 sec 10 situps 10 ball slams (30) A. Bench 1. 3 @ 70% 235 2. 3 @ 80% 275 3. 3 + @90% 315x 8 = 399 lb PIRM A1. 5×10 Bench (pause on bottom) dynamic 1. 135 2. 155 3. 165 4 175 5. 185 B. Modified CFI Check-in 500 m row 5 rds 10 SAR press 40lbs 10 SAL pres 40lbs 20 GHDs / situps Checkout 500 m… Read more »
A. Bench press Rx
175 for 2+4 each set
B. Rx: 5:46
I was done with the first round in 1:36. I came out to fast on this one. Overall, I was really pleased with the progress on T2B.
Well done friends!
A. Bench Press (OT3M) as Rx:
2|6 w/ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 | 2|4 w/ 85kg (80%)
B. As Rx (except 20 – GHD situps for TTB):
… quickly got “roasty”.
A. 2+4 @ 195-195-195-200-200
B. Scaled to 35lb dumbbells
*was excited to do all T2B in sets of 5!
Progress! Great job! Any tips for the others?
Great work Ryan! It’s always fun to see one another progress.
A. 80kg with 2+6 for two set and 2+5 next.
B. 5.44
I have more strenght in left arm /shoulder.
Good training all . Short but cool !
Interesting…are you a lefty?
Yes i am !
Snatches from last night
EMOM 5 with 80kg
Failed the last rep. Very out of practice with the snatch.
Bench press
Used 85kg and did 2 + 4
Got hard in last 2 sets
Scaled down as I felt like poos
3 rounds of
20x single DB push press (only one DB – not holding a second DB in front rack
20 abmat situps
Unbroken and fast. Wasn’t hard but all I felt like doing tonight.
Good job getting work in when you don’t feel like it. That’s always a victory!