Three sets of:
Back Squat x 6-8 reps @ 30X1
Rest 90 seconds
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8-10 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
Four sets of 3-minute sprints of:
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Pull-Ups
Perform as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes, then rest 90 seconds between sets and pick up where you left off to start the next set. Score total number of rounds completed.
A. Bryan – 180# x 8 reps all sets; 35# x 10. Christy – 100# x 8 reps all sets; 20# x 10.
B. Bryan (36″ max width, 10# plate. Christy 15# plate) – 40 reps, 79 reps, 125 reps, 162 reps = 5 rds + 5 HSPUs + 7 pistols. Christy (ring assisted pistols) – 33 reps, 62 reps, 83 reps, 108 reps = 3 rds + 5 HSPUs + 10 pistols + 3 pull-ups.
A. Back squat 8x70kg, 8x80kg, 4x90kg at tempo DB row 3 sets of 10reps each arm 20kg
B. 6rds +10reps RX
A. Haven’t done back squats for a while from before last week, I have previously had trouble with SI joint pain because of “butt wink” which came right back after last week. I think I made that much better today and backed off the weight more to focus on form. I still need to improve hip mobility.
75, 95, 115# 8 reps
35# row at tempo
B. Cindy; 3 min sprint; 90 sec rest x4
2 full rounds + 12, 5, 11, 7 reps respectively. Hand release push ups still slow me way down when doing strict.
A1. 185, 205, 225 (8,6,6)
A2. 60 lb dell
B. Subbed Cindy, 15 rds
A. Back squat 8x70kg, 8x80kg, 6x90kg at tempo DB row 3 sets of 8reps each arm 20kg
B.with kipping HSPU and one leg squats 6rds +7reps
185×8, 205×8, 225x 6 box squats
45 DB rows at tempo x10 x3setd
19 rds+2 pull ups
Squat 225×8 for 3 sets. Didn’t do tempo.
DB Row – 70×10 all sets.
B. Did fitness since I don’t have HSPU or Pistols. “Cindy” same format as performance.
AM. Press
140×5 140×5 145×4 145×4 145×5
A. Back Squat
3×6 @tempo (30×1)
230, 250, 270
Wasn’t feeling these before I started. Thought it was going to be one of those sessions but happy with 270. Next time will start heavier on the first set.
Subbed tempo ring rows for dumbbell rows.
B. No time today. Will try to make up tmrw.
A. 135 x 10, 155 x 8, 165 x 6 – lower back started to hurt.
Alt DB row – 25, 30, 35 x 10
B. 8 rounds total. Kipping HSPU
On the 2nd round I got confused with the time math and only did 2 min. Realized during the break after the 3rd round so did 4 min on the last one. Hurt.
A. 135×8, 175×8, 185×5
53#KBx10 on rows
B. (4) 3min set
10 pull ups supinated
15 air squats
11 rounds + 5shspu
A. 185/45, 205/55, 225/55
B. 8+1 had help balancing for pistols
A. 135/185/205 x 8 reps and DB 35# 8 reps
B. Did fitness: 9 rounds + 1 pull up.
Making the brutal return after too many mini vacays, inconsistent eating, etc but too much inspiration here to make a big thing of getting back to form.
A: squats – 215×8, 235×7, 250×5
db rows – 55×8
B: 3 of 4 rounds only due to time
4 rounds + 16
lm new here, so i was wondering if this is to be superseted or straight sets?
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 6-8 reps @ 30X1
Rest 90 seconds
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8-10 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
Hey, welcome. Basically a superset format, so do the squats, rest 90 sec then db rows, rest 90 sec before beginning set 2 of the same. 30×1 and 2111 are tempo counts… 1st number is the resistance count, 2nd is time at the bottom, 3rd is ascent and last is time up top
ok,thank you.
Np, enjoy!
A. 155/185/200×6
B. 6+3 RX
A. 245/265/275 at tempo x8
A. 75/75/75 at tempo x8
B. 8rds
A1. 205/224/245×8 @tempo
A2. 70×10 each arm @tempo
B. Rx’d 9+6
3+1/2+3/2+1/2+1. Pistols and pull ups got rough
Missed a lot last wk. getting ready to move to a new duty station so the next month will be a cluster. Made up shldr press
A. Shld press @ 20×1
Set1-50% -55#
Set 2-75%-75#
Set 3 -85% -85#
Set 4 -95%-95#
Set 5- 1 rom 100# fail
Set 6 100# fail
Not back to my old RM yet stupid surgery.
B. 9/11 firefighter WOD with my FF husband
100dl (145/105)- I did 115# because well math
100 PC (95/65)
100 G2OH (65/35)
43 burpees
Holy forearms batman!
8,8,8 @245#
10,10,10 @70#
6 reps shy of 10 rounds doing pistols to a 8″ stool so not rx
A. 135×6, 165×6, 185×6
B. 5 pull ups
10 pushups
15 air squats
only got in 3 sets instead of 4
9rds + 9 reps