Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 55-65%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 65-75%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 75-90%

For time:
40 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2
30 Toes to Bar
20 Snatches (135/95 lbs)

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Ryan Bliss M/46/168
Ryan Bliss M/46/168
September 12, 2018 7:07 am

Forgot to post after the workout.

Wrist still a factor.
A: Did some strict press work. Snatching is to much wrist movement.

B: Not sure on time since I got a call midway through and accidentally closed the timer when I switched screens.
Row 2:05
T2B 5×6
Did Front squats with cradle hold

Trion Horgan
Trion Horgan
September 11, 2018 8:03 am

A. 85/95/105, 105/115/125, 125/130/135/140/145. Felt good today. Especially the hang snatch.

B. Scaled to 115#. 6:32. Went 20/10 on ttb and singles on snatch catching in power.

Israel Sanchez
Israel Sanchez
September 11, 2018 1:23 am


B. Row 1:50
T2B 6,6,6,6,3,2,1 (started too fast, at the end my core collapsed)
Snatch at 115lb (1,1,1,…1)

TIME: 6:22

Janelle Hudgin Winston
Janelle Hudgin Winston
September 10, 2018 10:36 pm

60, 65, 70
70, 75, 80
85, 90, 95, 95, 100

No time for the metcon. The snatches felt really good. I added a full snatch after every HHS and HS so Tge heavier snatches felt really good.

Britt J
Britt J
September 10, 2018 7:56 pm

A1. HHS 60/65/70#
A2. HS 70/75/80#
A3. Snatch 80/90/90/95-PS so stayed here /95


Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
September 10, 2018 5:11 pm

A1. HH snatch 35,45,55#
A2. H snatch 35, 45,55
A3. Snatch 35, 45, 55, 65, 55
B. Scaled to 60# – 9:14
40 cal row 2:45
30 T2B 12/5/10/3 (last 13 done strict)
20 Snatch @60 # 5/5/3/2/2/2/1

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
September 10, 2018 5:06 pm

A. Up to 125 lb. snatches felt great today.
The technique is coming along!
B. Snatches at 95 lb
C. Reverse Tabata l-sit on rings

September 10, 2018 4:49 pm

First time snatching in over 6 months.
A. Up to 195 power
B. 40 cal row (1:34)
30 T2B
20 Snatch #135

Eric S
Eric S
September 10, 2018 4:26 pm

Been weightlifting for the last few months so cardio capacity is … lacking.


8:50 Rx-ish. Subbed Assault bike for row since my rower is indoors at the moment.

Chase Popp
Chase Popp
September 10, 2018 3:14 pm

A: Snatches today went very good!


190, 205, 225, 230

B: 5:14 RX

Israel Sanchez
Israel Sanchez
September 11, 2018 1:25 am
Reply to  Chase Popp

Congrats, really good time!! and working in RX ‘_’

Anika & Luke Tipton
Anika & Luke Tipton
September 10, 2018 11:08 am

A. Couldn’t seem to get in a good rhythm with snatch today-
hhs – 65/65/65
B. 9:57 – did the first two snatches with 85# then dropped it to 75#, definitely should’ve started there!

Chris M.
Chris M.
September 10, 2018 7:13 am

A. Snatch Complex as Rx:
HHSS: 105, 115, 125
HSS: 125, 135, 145
SS: 145, 150, 155, 160 ,165
B. RT: 40 Cal / 30 Push-Ups / 20 – 115# Power Snatch
… running short on time so nerfed B to keep the pace up … yay barbells.

September 10, 2018 6:48 am

A. HHS 47.5kg/55kg/57.5kg
HS 60kg/62,5kg/65kg
S 65kg/67.5kg/70kg/72.5kg/75kg(165#)

B. As Rx 7:17
40cal row done at 1:52
T2B done around 3 (10-10-5-5)
Then got to the snatches and hit my pubic bone f^#$ing hard on the first rep so the other 19reps got a bit weird because I was avoiding hitting that spot again. Lost a bit of intensity there, but it was a good workout!

(Mayday Mayday, can some one please bring me an ice pack?)

Anika & Luke Tipton
Anika & Luke Tipton
September 10, 2018 11:12 am
Reply to  Steven

Oh no! Looks like you still did really well even with the injury! I dropped the bar on my head on one of my last reps, it was very graceful 🙂

September 10, 2018 5:25 am

Finally out of pinched nerve hell. Wife’s elbow to the neck was one of the main keys to recovery ?. A lot of time foam rolling and working with a lacrosse ball. Did a body weight WOD yesterday: Angie, still sticking to controlled (non-dynamic) movements today: A. Every 90s for 30 min (5 sets) 1 – BS x 6 @32X1 (205#) 2 – left arm DB row x 8 @21X1 (75#) 3 – BS x 6 @32X1 (205#) 4 – right arm DB row x 8 @21X1 (75#) B. 4 rds 500m row 10/10 DB press 45# 15 ring dips… Read more »

Britt J
Britt J
September 10, 2018 8:25 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

Is it your neck or back? Sorry hard to resist injury info in my field.

September 11, 2018 3:29 am
Reply to  Britt J

The pinch was in my mid back just to the right of my spine in the lat. tightness eventually translated all the way up behind my right ear. At one point my right shoulder was a good inch or two higher than the left and it was difficult to tilt my head to the left.

Britt J
Britt J
September 18, 2018 8:52 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

Sorry just saw this. Sounds like Thoracic wasn’t moving and traps spazed out. If you lay over a roller does your back pop really easily?

September 20, 2018 7:12 pm
Reply to  Britt J

Without fail it always pops

Britt J
Britt J
September 24, 2018 8:01 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

Options: everything is hyper mobile or you have some tight segments so the other areas are conpensating

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
September 10, 2018 3:56 am

Good morning, everybody…

A. up to 115#; last one felt really good.
B. 6:51; scaled to 115#. arms and shoulders were shot by time I got to snatch. broke t2b onto 6s and singles on snatch.

September 10, 2018 6:24 am
Reply to  Chris Pugliese

This one looks tough.. snatches at the end of a WOD is my kryptonite

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 3:17 am

A. 65#-75-85 / 90-95-100 / 105-110-115-115-115 (based on 125). These felt good today
B. 8:49 with 95#. 2:03 for the row, then broke T2B 10-10-5-5, then snatches done in sets of 4. Not my best intensity, was breathing hard from the start. Normally I would’ve used 85# for the snatches but I decided to challenge myself today and surprised myself with how form held up
Great start to the week and it’s a good day to be turning 31!

James Dalton
James Dalton
September 10, 2018 3:40 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Birthday gainzzzz!

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
September 10, 2018 3:54 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Happy bday, bro. Great job today!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 9:44 am
Reply to  Chris Pugliese

Thank you! Awesome work, you crushed it today

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
September 10, 2018 5:11 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

That’s a damn good day for a old man like you!! Happy Birthday my friend!!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 9:45 am
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Not too shabby eh? Thank you!

September 10, 2018 6:15 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Great work! Happy birthday, you’re way ahead of schedule in your crossfit journey compared to me!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 9:47 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

Hah, thanks! You’re not kidding anybody though, you’re the legend around here mister! Good to see you back in training

Chris M.
Chris M.
September 10, 2018 7:38 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Happy Birthday Joey.

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 9:48 am
Reply to  Chris M.

Thanks Chris! Super fast B today man

Anika & Luke Tipton
Anika & Luke Tipton
September 10, 2018 11:14 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Happy birthday Joey! Great job today!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 6:13 pm

Thanks Anika, you too!

Barefoot Squatter
Barefoot Squatter
September 10, 2018 4:45 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Happy birthday!!!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 6:14 pm

Thanks bro

Shaun Gross
Shaun Gross
September 10, 2018 1:42 am

A. Snatch stuff
Hi hang – 60kg,
Hang – 70kg
Floor – 80kg,85kg,90kg,95kg

Cut it short after 3 reps as I made the goal for the night. This is the most I’ve snatched in over a year and it was pretty good. Video here – https://www.instagram.com/p/BnigU-vB6D7

Rowed at 1280 pace in around 1:55, t2b finished around 3:50. Then fell apart and took 2:55 to do the 20 snatches..

This was a tough one!

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
September 10, 2018 3:55 am
Reply to  Shaun Gross

That’s a helluva job on B! Congrats on the snatch, too.

James Dalton
James Dalton
September 10, 2018 1:36 am

Took today to do the snatch accessory work I’ve had programmed for me. Also happy birthday to the PR machine that is @joeymaltais A. Every 2.30 for 3 sets, 3x 1 snatch deadlift shrug + 1 snatch pull + 1 hang power snatch. Add 2.5kg from last week, so up to 47.5kg for all sets. Feeling good extension. B) Every 3 mins for 12 mins, Power snatch 3 reps at 90% 50kg for all sets C) Every 2.30 for 3 set, Snatch balance 3 reps. 40kg with good speed under the bar D) Every 2.30, overhead squat 3×10 45/55/65% 27.5… Read more »

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
September 10, 2018 3:57 am
Reply to  James Dalton

That’s a lot of work for Monday. Nice job!

James Dalton
James Dalton
September 10, 2018 4:53 am
Reply to  Chris Pugliese

Thanks Chris, looks like you smashed B today using the same weight as A!!

September 10, 2018 6:26 am
Reply to  James Dalton

Man, are you still working out… ha. I need to follow your lead with some extended work on OHS.

James Dalton
James Dalton
September 10, 2018 6:39 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

Managed to post this in a rest period haha! My legs are totally trashed so may go back this evening for some active recovery.

The OHS work has made a huge difference – i feel bad wavering from the invictus programming, but looking at my beyond the whiteboard %s i can see that i need to focus on some movements.

Glad to hear you’re on the mend too, how was Angie?

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 9:44 am
Reply to  James Dalton

That is some serious work today, well done sir. I definitely need to steal some of that snatch work. Also, those AB max intervals are an insane leg destroyer, especially when you crush them like this. Also congrats on the RMU improvement!

James Dalton
James Dalton
September 10, 2018 9:48 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Yes steal away, super excited to see how it affects my squat snatch. The AB got me so bad today, like i had trouble walking back home haha.

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 9:51 am
Reply to  James Dalton

No kidding. I did max cal x 20s intervals every 3 min (8sets) right before leaving for vacation and my legs felt destroyed for like 3 days hahah. It was a weird feeling. Will definetly go for it again though. This looks like a good one

James Dalton
James Dalton
September 10, 2018 10:12 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Haha well now i’m worried about tomorrow! About to go bouldering, hopefully that will be interpreted as recovery…

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
September 10, 2018 10:15 am
Reply to  James Dalton

hah well I think it might have been related to my previous IT band pain and it just brought it back for a few days… no worries you’ll be fine lol

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