Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Four sets of:
Dumbbell Walking Lunges x 20 steps @ 1010
Rest 90 seconds
Ring Dips x Max Reps @ 2111
(please stick to the tempo prescription)
Rest 90 seconds
6 full rounds
95# PC
Can’t do HSPU yet so did 25 lb seated DB presses, I find the box HSPU really awkward so have been trying the presses for a while.
B. Lunges with tired arms… Did the 6 dips with a band for stability
A. Rx 4+10
B. Rx tempo. 45kb. 5 (slipped off the Rings first round)/11/7/6
Done on Saturday
A. RX – 7 rounds + 13 reps
**Thanks to @disqus_ur8znJU3mm:disqus for the strategy and for setting the bar!!
B1. KBs walking lunges x 20 @ 1010 – 35#, 37.5, 40, 45
B2. Max Ring Dips @ 2111 – 6/8/7/8 (I actually like this tempo!!)
1000+m Run – 5:01
6 min plank
1000+m Run – 4:56
5 min weighted march
1000+m Run – 4:45
Good work!!! I did yesterday’s today too 😉
Out of town again. Workout out at Crossfit Memorial Hill.
A. Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes.
3 muscle ups
5 power cleans #185
7 burpees
B. 5 rounds
20 cal assault bike
10 deadlifts #275
1 day behind A. Strict shoulder press: 3x 95#-100-105-110-115 (PR) B. 7:47 rx’d (solo, 1:1 rest). Almost scaled the weight I wasn’t sure but I’m glad I didn’t. A few of the last reps might not have been to full extension though. 0:30-0:35-0:35-0:33-0:35-0:38 got mixed up for the last rest so not sure how long I took but anyways I finished the last round at 7:47 C. Gymn prog session 3 from last wk I’m behind on those. Part A lv1 (rope climbs) part B lv2 (bar muscle ups). Bmus have been improving I’m really happy about that. Need to… Read more »
Did a modified wed
400m run
15 burpee box jump overs
400 m
No warmup just go and running Ina treadmill
On a trip to see family so found a park and did this…
A.) 5 rounds with 45 sec rest between moves
8 pistols each leg
8 handstand PU’s
10 strict pullups
B.) 5 rounds for time
10 split jumps
10 pushups
10 burpees
Finish with 5 x 100 m sprints.
Glad to know that I’m not the only crazy “do whatever I can do to get a workout in” gym rat!! NICE WORK!!
4 rounds + 7 reps
45lb dbs lunge forward, step back up since it was raining
17,14,13,12 on the ring dips
A.4 Rounds Hspu with Kip.
B. Db 12kgs each arm. 5 Ring dips . Four rounds
Behind a day
A. Strict shoulder press
65# x 3, 75×3, 80×2, 85×1(current PR), 90×3(but had to give it a little push)
***30 Ab Mat sit ups between sets (rest work)
B. SOLO so I did 7 rounds for times all RX and UB
Great job today!! We were both doing yesterday’s stuff how cool are we… high five!
Thanx….ur rounds were super fast….great job! Maybe I should have taken the 1:1 rest…but I was short on time. Now I’m trying to decide if I want to do Fridays workout or today’s workout…or both….hmmmm
A. Rx 8+1, SHPUs didn’t hold me back like I thought they might. It was an interesting WOD, my heart rate never got elevated and I did PCs as single to allow my shoulders time to recover.
B. Done with push-ups instead of ring dips. Didn’t want to make my shoulders even more angry after A.
C. 6min Plank
I did this Saturday…had to try your strategy for A…definitely helped doing single PCs. I honestly think I could have done way better if I had kipped on the HSPU…sooooo tempting…but I stayed strict! I really wanted to match your numbers…just a little shy 7+13. Thanks for the push!!
Great job! So close to 8!!
RXish: #95 cleans, first three rounds struck HSPU (need to go deeper) then two rounds with Kipling HSPU
Walking lunges with #25 dumbbell
Dips on dip bar no rings
1. 3 dips
2. 4 dips
3. 2 dips
4. 2 dips
A. 5 + 10. Scaled to 5 PC @ 135# and 20 push-ups
B. Mixed up lunges – overhead KBs, body weight, farmers
Dips on a dip bar. 3-5 each time.
A. 4+1 Rx
B1. 4×30 @ 20kg DB’s 1010
B2. 9 / 5 / 4 / 4 2111
A. 6rounds + 8 hspu
Hspu from a 30″ box
B. Lunges @ 1010: 52,5#
Strict ring dips @ 2111: 7/6/5/5
Working hard on shspu and ring stuff!
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
5 rounds of:
– 5 PC @ 60kg (all rounds unbroken)
– Max SHSPU (5/3/2/1/2)
All 4 rounds with 24kg KBs (unbroken) and 8 strict ring dips at prescribed tempo
Did yesterday first, then today…
A. 135, 155, 165 (pr), 160 (2), 170 (pr – did a slight push press just to get started…but reps 2 and 3 went up without any assistance)
B. EMOM style
Rx. :42, :37, :33, :33, :32, :31, :32
Nice improvement on T2B…able to go unbroken all the way through
A2 6 rounds even (or 7 I lost my count!) split up all of the HSPUs…all singles in the cleans
B2. No rings…left at home ?
These lunges…
Tons of work, you’ll be feeling it tomorrow.
A: 6 rounds powercleans unbroken
Shspu 10/10/5+5/5+5/5+3+2/5+3+2
B: 24 kg kettlebell walking lunges; each set unbroken but the last one (could have gone heavier on those but wanted a good mechanic to save my knee)
Strict ring dips 15/10/9/7 @2111