Hip Opener Drill
Banded Scarecrow
Over-Under Drill
Followed by…
Empty Barbell Movement Primer
Three sets of:
Overhead Squat x 5 reps
(use a progressively narrower grip for every set)
Rest as needed
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 2 reps @ 90%
Rest 15 seconds
Front Squat x 4 reps @ 80%
Rest 2-3 minutes
For time:
50/35 Calories of Assault Bike (or Rowing)
50 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50/35 lb DBs)
A. 2x 90kgs, 4x 80 kgs
B. 8:35 @ 35 cal, 2x 15 kgs
These felt terrible today so i scaled to 80% & 70%
150 & 130 – last time I did 165 & 145. Oh well.
B. 8:46 RX.
A. Front squats I started out at 255 and 235 for the first set. My lower got really tight. I lowered to 235 and 215 for the next three sets and called it there.
B. Done with 18” box after trying Rx.
Row 2:28
1 min to reorganize plates to step up to.
Step ups UB
A. Front Squats
140×2 / 120×4 the first set and then the other 4 sets at 135×2 / 120×4
***Why do I feel like front squats are more of an upper body workout for me?
B. For time – RX – 10:27
50/35 cal AB – 3:16
50 DB Box Step Overs (50/35#) – 10/10/5/7/5/5/5/3
***My traps hate me!
Nice work pushing through the step overs! Looks like fun…
A. Box back squat singles up to 305
B. 20 Minute Echo Bike*
*On the 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00 and 16:00:
8 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
50′ Double Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (50’s/35’s)
74 calories biked
As always JT is kickin some A$$!!!
A. Five sets
2 @ 210
4 @ 190
B. 9:46
#35lb DBs
Super heavy squats and then smashing the metcon…great work Julie!
… Chiropractor has asked that I “take it easy” while we work to figure out this tailbone issue … not exactly sure what that means so nerfed here and there …
A. Overhead Squat (OT3M)
5 x 95, 115, 135 | 3 x 145, 155 | 1 x 165
B. For Time: 50 Cal Row | 50 – 24″ Box Step-Ups w/ 55# DB
… 2:20 row, UB – alternating lead foot every 5 reps worked well
Just blowin through that WOD…AMAZING Chris!
… keeping in mind my version was 1 DB and left out the “overs” part … but thanks.
Stiff legs from a Sunday session, changed to:
A. 3 x 10 bench press
B. 50 cal assault bike, 50 burpee box jump over 24 inch. Time 8.05
Tough one especially the box jumps with sore legs
Morning all. Starting back at it again. Last 2 weeks were spotty.
6 sets of 2 reps 80 to 85%.
50 cal row (3:40)
50 burpees. Time unknown
Of course yesterday did
1 mile run, 50 DL, 50 cal AIr Dyne, 50 step ups, 1 mile run.
JB is in the house!! Good to see you back! What a WOD to come back to…GREAT WORK!
Looks like yesterday was a grinder…DANG!!
Only one DB for the Box Step-overs, correct?
2 – it says DBs
not often they take it 1 DB easy on us…..
Squats / CFI (home alone) WU 500 m row 2 min bike 2 rds 10 AS x30 sec hold 5 pushups x3-5 sec hold T/B Hip Openers PVC passthroughs Driveway High Knees hip openers Butt Kicks A. Squats 3×3+ 1. 3x 275 2. 3 x 315 3. 3+ x 350 used 365 x 7 P1RM= 450 A1. 5×10 175/195/205/235/265 B. 50/50 50 cal row 50 Box Step ups (24/20) Rest 2 min repeat Results: 7:15/6:20 First go, it was like my legs were in quicksand. couldn’t step up fast. 2nd go. just told myself GO. row was 10-15 sec faster… Read more »
A. Front squat – 2@195, 4@175
B. Assault Bike and 35lb DBs – 7:24
Super fast metcon Ryan!!