October 7, 2016 – Performance and Fitness

Three sets of:
Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 2011
Rest 90 seconds
Ring or Stationary Dips x 20-25 reps
(more advanced athletes may perform the dips from high rings – starting each set with a muscle-up)
Rest 90 seconds

Three rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
15 Hand-Release Push-ups
25 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)

If you have a training partner, perform this as a team of two, with one person trailing the other. As soon as partner A completes the 500m row, Partner B jumps on and rows while partner A performs the push-ups and swings.

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December 13, 2016 3:25 pm

A. Bryan – 215#, 250#, 290#, all x 8; 20 ring dips. Christy – 125# x 8, 145# x 8, 165# x 6; 20 ring dips.
B. Bryan and Christy (400m run vs row) – 15:13.

Ryan Rankin
Ryan Rankin
October 10, 2016 8:21 pm

A. 365*8,385*8,435*6
B. 10:31
70# KB

Jeff S
Jeff S
October 10, 2016 6:32 pm

Did this one today instead
A:275 and 8 reps each time.
25 dips on the bar. First set unbroken. 2-3 broken into 3 batches with 10 sec in between.

B:~14 mins. Forgot to start timer. Used my phone for the rowing since the screen was broken 🙁 on the machine. So rowed for 2 mins each time. I guess that’s about 500m

Jon S
Jon S
October 8, 2016 2:00 pm

A. DL 275×8 all sets. 25 Ring dips, broken into 2-3 sets on low rings.
B. Subbed 400m run for row. 12:26. HRPU UB. KBS 15/10.

Matteo Kravczyk
Matteo Kravczyk
October 8, 2016 11:53 am

A: 8 reps DL 100 kgs + 20 Static Dips
B: 10:59 @ 500m Row = 2 min Band Row + 15 HRPU + 25 KB Swings 24 kgs

Michael Newton
Michael Newton
October 7, 2016 8:31 pm

Ended up taking a 3 hour nap and didn’t really have the time to fit this in so the class convinced me to do 5 rounds of 400m row and 15 power cleans at 95/65 with a 50 sit-up cash out. Took 14:49. Have a good weekend everyone!

Michele Vieux
October 8, 2016 7:43 am
Reply to  Michael Newton

Happy weekend!

Mariah Manecke
Mariah Manecke
October 7, 2016 7:20 pm

A. 220lb x 18
B. 10:13 52# KBS

Michele Vieux
October 8, 2016 7:43 am
Reply to  Mariah Manecke


Janelle Hudgin Winston
Janelle Hudgin Winston
October 7, 2016 6:42 pm

A. 165, 175, 185 X 7, 7, 6 reps
20 Reps of bench dips…. had a hard time with these.

B. 12:27
45# KB

Michele Vieux
October 8, 2016 7:43 am

Oh the dip…totally a hard movement. BUT…get better at them and you will improve all your other gymnastics movements, especially HSPU!

40 Something
40 Something
October 7, 2016 2:46 pm

DL – 385×8, 425×6, 425×6
Ring Dips – 20 (all unbroken), 25 (17 UB), 25 (9 UB)

B. 15:20 (RKB Swings, 80#)

Michele Vieux
October 8, 2016 7:42 am
Reply to  40 Something

Holy ring dips!

Bob M.
Bob M.
October 7, 2016 2:30 pm

A1. 265×8, 275×8, 285×8 all at tempo
A2. Ring dips x 20 each time unbroken

B. 12:38 Rx’d American KB swings

Michele Vieux
October 8, 2016 7:42 am
Reply to  Bob M.

Wow, legit ring dips!

Amber Nollen
Amber Nollen
October 7, 2016 12:55 pm

A: 215# x 8/7/6
15-20 ring dips each set
B: 50# kbs done with partner. 15:00

Michele Vieux
October 8, 2016 7:41 am
Reply to  Amber Nollen


Dustin Coughenour
Dustin Coughenour
October 7, 2016 11:06 am

A. All sets 315×6 and 25 dips on parallel bars
B. 9:50 RX glutes are barking

Michele Vieux
October 8, 2016 7:41 am


Georgia Y-S
Georgia Y-S
October 7, 2016 10:59 am

A) all sets 90kg x 8 reps and 20 reps of dips on parallel bars
B) so much harder than it looked! Did it in 12:05. 1:52/1:55/1:54 splits. Dripping with sweat! Hot 😉

Michele Vieux
October 8, 2016 7:41 am
Reply to  Georgia Y-S

Ah yeah!

Georgia Y-S
Georgia Y-S
October 8, 2016 9:49 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux


October 7, 2016 10:49 am

A.) 325×8 & 20 ring dips, 345×8 & 20 ring dips, 375×8 & 20 ring dips.
B.) 10:35Rx American KB swings

Dustin Coughenour
Dustin Coughenour
October 7, 2016 12:55 pm
Reply to  Duthie

Your strength is silly brother! Nice work

Matthew White
Matthew White
October 7, 2016 8:13 am

A. 308×8 then 2 sets of 6 @352
B. No rower, so just did HRPU and KB swings.

Britt J
Britt J
October 7, 2016 5:39 am

Bed at 0100 then had to get up at 0400 for a mass casualty, needless to say my body wasn’t 100%
A. Went light 175/195/20-8 reps at tempo
20 thin band
B. 12:17- Rx KBs were Russian. ( I assumed they weren’t supposed to be American but either way the body wasn’t down for that heavy American today)

What address for shirts. I need to ship them tomorrow otherwise they are going to have to come home with me.

Michele Vieux
October 7, 2016 7:00 am
Reply to  Britt J

1401 E Street
San Diego, CA 92101

Thank you for thinking of us! Stay safe on your trip home and let us know when you arrive!

Britt J
Britt J
October 7, 2016 8:14 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Thank you!! I’ll put both of your names on it!

Mani Sadegh
Mani Sadegh
October 7, 2016 5:10 am

A1: 120/125/130kg – decided to go light but do as many reps as possible w/o TnG (not sure how you call it)
A2: no access to dip bar so did 3 sets of 20 diamond push ups
B: 12:25 with regular Push-Ups and 24kg KB

Michele Vieux
October 7, 2016 7:09 am
Reply to  Mani Sadegh

Great job!

117 (1977/66kg/167cm)
117 (1977/66kg/167cm)
October 7, 2016 12:49 am

500 m row
30 GHD hyperextensions
Tabata high skips
30 Hand-Release Push-ups

3 sets: DL 6,8,8 x 84 kg, Stationary dips x 20
12:02 (16kg KB American swings)

Michele Vieux
October 7, 2016 7:09 am

Nice! Just curious, where do you live?

Yulia /1978/166/60
Yulia /1978/166/60
October 6, 2016 11:45 pm

500 m row
tabata high skips
30 Hand-Release Push-ups

1 set: 8reps@ 136 lbs, 25 dips with blue rubber
2 set: 8reps@ 147 lbs, 20 dips with blue rubber
3 set: 8reps@ 147 lbs, 20 dips with blue rubber

B: 12:21 (row, push-ups =RX, hybrid swings 12kg)

Michele Vieux
October 7, 2016 7:10 am

Great job, Yulia!

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