In teams of two, alternating each movement, complete ten rounds of:
10 Dumbbell Hang “Clusters”
20 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (24″/20″)
400 Meter Run
(Partner A performs 10 hang “Clusters”; Partner B performs 20 DB Box Step-Overs; Partner A runs 400 Meters; Partner B performs 10 hang “Clusters”; etc…. A “Cluster” is a Clean into a Thruster)
A. Took 1 hour and just drilled the Power Clean using empty BB and 55#
B. As RX – 12:30
30 Cal Row – 2:10
30 Burpees – UB
30 WB @ 14# – Sets of 3
30 KBS @ 24KG – 20/10
30 DB PP @ 35# – Sets of 3
30 Pull Ups – 8/8/6/4/4
***Did this last April in 12;07 but used 16KG KB
Did a push press max – 120lb. Then Performed 4 Rounds of this workout for time using 25lb DB’s. Used one DB for step overs.
Finished in 20:15.
(18.5 weeks pregnant)
That’s awesome work Samantha…with the extra baggage!
10-1 Bench Press #205
10 strict pull ups each round
Away from home, quick wod to loosen things up
EMOM x 16min
25 air squats
25 push ups
25 walking lunges
25 sit ups
this was so mind fight for me in my mind i quit 100 times but i finish it so proud love it