October 4, 2016 – Performance and Fitness

Against a 4-minute running clock, perform the following for max reps:
Run 600 Meters
Push-Ups x Max Reps

Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then . . .

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 Minutes of:
10 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
10 Pull-Ups

Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then . . .

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 Minutes of:
10 Burpees
10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)

Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then . . .

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 Minutes of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Push Press (95/65 lbs)

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December 13, 2016 2:08 pm

A. Bryan – 51. Christy – 20.
Bryan – 3 rds. + 16 reps. Christy – 3 rds.
Bryan – 2 rds. + 2 reps. Christy – 1 rd + 12 reps.
Bryan – 2 rds. Christy – 1 rd. + 31 reps.

Janelle Hudgin Winston
Janelle Hudgin Winston
October 16, 2016 2:21 pm

Sub 700M Row for run because it was freezing outside! – 30 psuhups
3 + 13 24″ box
2 + 34

Fabio Rohrich
Fabio Rohrich
October 12, 2016 3:58 am

55 push-ups
3 rounds
R.I.P. 🙂
2 + 40 (90 single unders)

Ryan Rankin
Ryan Rankin
October 4, 2016 8:09 pm

36 push-ups
3 rounds did c2b

Michele Vieux
October 5, 2016 6:16 am
Reply to  Ryan Rankin


Jay Pennypacker
Jay Pennypacker
October 4, 2016 7:04 pm

A. 51
B. 3 + 15

Michele Vieux
October 5, 2016 6:16 am

You did great, Jay! Way to push until the end!

Mariah Manecke
Mariah Manecke
October 4, 2016 5:30 pm

1. 52
2. 3 RDS + 3
3. 3 RDS
4. 3 RDS

Michele Vieux
October 5, 2016 6:16 am
Reply to  Mariah Manecke

Woo hoo!

Michael Newton
Michael Newton
October 4, 2016 4:51 pm

Started this, felt great. Round 3 came by…..and I have no idea what happened.
1) 47
2) 5 rounds
3) 2+6
4) 3+9

Amber Nollen
Amber Nollen
October 4, 2016 5:48 pm
Reply to  Michael Newton

I think many of us felt this way on #3! My body just ceased movement!

Michele Vieux
October 5, 2016 6:15 am
Reply to  Amber Nollen

You are not alone! Everyone at the gym was stumbling around after Part 3.

40 Something
40 Something
October 4, 2016 8:57 pm
Reply to  Michael Newton

Agree with Amber. 3 was really rough. At least you rebounded for Round 4; my body just quit.

Dusty Robinson
Dusty Robinson
October 4, 2016 3:50 pm


Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 4:08 pm
Reply to  Dusty Robinson

Great job, Dusty!

Dusty Robinson
Dusty Robinson
October 4, 2016 4:09 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Much appreciated

Jeff S
Jeff S
October 4, 2016 3:38 pm

A2-2 +16
A4-1 full round 30+1 (not very excited with this one)

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 4:08 pm
Reply to  Jeff S

Super happy fun time!

Jeff S
Jeff S
October 4, 2016 5:16 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

I think I need to scale from RX and go with like 75 on the movements to keep things moving. Live and learn.

40 Something
40 Something
October 4, 2016 3:22 pm

A. 75
B. 3+13
C. 2
D. 1+30
MHR 190

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 4:07 pm
Reply to  40 Something

You did awesome!

40 Something
40 Something
October 4, 2016 9:01 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Appreciate the encouragement, as always!

Trion Horgan
Trion Horgan
October 4, 2016 2:59 pm

All rx’d
A1. 40
A2. 5+4
A3. 2+14
A4. 3+12
Man that was “fun”….

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 4:07 pm
Reply to  Trion Horgan

More “fun” to come!

Amber Nollen
Amber Nollen
October 4, 2016 5:49 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Hopefully no thruster/burpee combo!!!

October 4, 2016 1:55 pm

All RX

A. 75
B. 4 + 11
C. 3+ 3
D. 4 rds. Holy shoulders and abs. Jesus this hurt.

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 4:07 pm

Nice work, Will! Big scores today!

Dustin Coughenour
Dustin Coughenour
October 4, 2016 1:13 pm

2 rounds last time I forget my jump rope globo rope lit me up everything RX

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 4:07 pm


October 4, 2016 12:59 pm

A. 71
B. 4
C. 2+4
D. 2+30

Nothing was easy but C was certainly the worst.

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 4:07 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

That seems to be the consensus about C…

Amber Nollen
Amber Nollen
October 4, 2016 12:27 pm

B: 4+3
C: 2+10 (I literally thought I died! WTH!!!)
D: 3+30
All as rx’d

400 m farmers carry w/60# db’s (broke into 6 rounds, due to 6 laps in gym =400m
After each break completed overhead yoke hold with my makeshift yoke! (See attached pic) Parallette with 35# kettle bells attached via bands to each end. Definately harder than I thought. We were going to do yoke carries…but stuck with holds while we were getting the feel of it:)comment image

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 4:04 pm
Reply to  Amber Nollen

Super creative yoke! I might steal this one. 🙂

Amber Nollen
Amber Nollen
October 4, 2016 5:39 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Steal away!

Leslie A
Leslie A
October 4, 2016 4:49 pm
Reply to  Amber Nollen

Is that snow outside your window already? We went from 86 degrees down to snow in three days!

Amber Nollen
Amber Nollen
October 4, 2016 5:41 pm
Reply to  Leslie A

Lol, no snow yet! It was just really bright out this morning, the reflection does make it look like snow. It was 80 today 🙂

Georgia Y-S
Georgia Y-S
October 4, 2016 10:52 am

A) 600m + 21 push ups
B) 3 rounds + 1 box jump always have to break up my pull ups. Did them in 4’s or 3’s
C) 2 rounds + 6 burpees; both these things are my weak areas
D) 3 rounds + 2 DU
All RX

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 11:13 am
Reply to  Georgia Y-S

Great job!

Georgia Y-S
Georgia Y-S
October 4, 2016 12:13 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux


Leslie A
Leslie A
October 4, 2016 10:18 am

A) 20. About half were strict descent, on knees on the ascent. Kills my low back.
B) 4+8
C) 2+1. Thrusters are slow and ugly. 5 at a time.
D) 2+31. Dbl-unders unbroken, Pp felt rough today, left shoulder is fatigued from something.
Accessory: 5×3, 3-sec negative hspu’s. Squat stance work.

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 11:13 am
Reply to  Leslie A

The push-ups kill your lower back? Like it fatigues it or it hurts?

Leslie A
Leslie A
October 4, 2016 4:51 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Hurts, aches. Significant low back issues, and being in the plank position puts so much tension through it. If i stick my butt up a few inches it feels way better, but i feel weird doing push-ups that way!

Tomas Salmi
Tomas Salmi
October 4, 2016 10:08 am

A. 40
B. 3 + 1
C. 2 + 2
D. 2 + 29
All RX

Today was hard, and nothing was easy. Still glad I got to work out.

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 11:12 am
Reply to  Tomas Salmi

I’m glad too!

anders folger
anders folger
October 4, 2016 9:17 am

A. 37
B. 4+8
C. 2+14
D. 2+30
I ran out if gas before the fourth set. Could tell I didn’t eat enough yesterday.

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 11:12 am
Reply to  anders folger


October 4, 2016 8:33 am

48 push-ups after the run.
4 rounds of box jumps and pullups.
2+10 on burpees thrusters.
3 on DU’s and push press. After the run and the box jumps my shin splints were killing me.

Michele Vieux
October 4, 2016 11:12 am
Reply to  Duthie

Argh! Not shin splints! What are you doing for them? Have you tried Voodoo Floss?

October 4, 2016 12:03 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

I haven’t but I’ve tried just about everything else. I’m up for anything at this point.

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