Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Power Clean x 1.1
(rest 10 seconds between singles, and build to today’s heavy over the course of the ten sets)
In teams of two, alternate sets to complete four each of:
3 Hang Power Cleans
2 Alternating Reverse Lunges
1 Shoulder to Overhead
Run 400 Meters
Choose the heaviest load you can successfully complete without dropping the barbell.
Three sets of:
Supine Ring Row x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Hollow Holds x 40-60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
A. Bryan – 155# x 3, 165# x 3, 175# x 2, 185#, 195#.
B. Bryan (155#, 1:1 work:rest) – 2:02, 2:03, 2:04, 2:04. 14:22 total time.
C. Bryan (hollow holds x 60 sec).
A. 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 105, 115, 115
B. 1:1 Work to rest
2:27, 2:17, 2:19, 2:20
C. Did presses instead of rows.
Behind a couple of days.
A. Worked up to 195#.
B. 1:50, 1:58, 2:03, 2:10.
C. Completed.
A: go to 70 kgs
B: 1:45 , 1:53 , 1:51 , 1:56 @ 50 kgs , SHP / solo , work 1 : 1 rest
C: HH 50 sec , 50 , 40
A. 275,285(1)
All had time to do trying to coach a friend and work out at the same time is unproductive.?
A. 95/115/135/165/185/205/215/220/225/230 (235# bonus PR)
B. 135# with the wife (55# for her) 18:40
C. Completed
Ugh…it’s been a long week and a half but glad to be back.
A) worked to 215
B) short on time so did in emom of the barbell movements at 165. Lighter than should have gone but happy with the result!
A: really working on slow to knees, and pulling knees back.Went to 125. I can do 160 from hang…but gotta get it right from the hang.
B: solo: apx 1:1 rest.I started on the even minutes.
Got my groove on in the 3rd, finally figured it out ?
A. 115. Kept it light so I can learn the movement
B. 95 lbs
C. Didn’t do
3 sets of 10 hanging leg raises
4 sets of 8 185 lb deadlift
A. Worked to 150. Something is off my clean.I think I’m just not getting under it but felt my back and it was getting slip at the feet so I stopped there
B. Made the husband do it with me he did 155, I did 110 for the first 2 rds then 105# we did it in 20:00min (I’m sooo slow!!)
C. Done Rx
D. 60sec hs hold
2 dead hang pullups
3 sets
A) off #130 1-rm
#75, 85, 95, 105, 115×2, 120×2, 125 fx3. Rolled my knuckles further under the bar on the set-up, #125×2. 130 fx3, but close. Tired.
B) solo. 20 sec rest between rounds.
2:26, 2:30, 2:32, 2:24 #105-heavy!
C) ring rows parallel. Alternated 15 sec hollow holds/15 sec rocks to 60 sec total each rnd.
Accessory: 3×5 3-sec hspu negatives. Bar mu’s with red&blue bands. Core
Part B only….
165# for me, 85# for the wife
15:22….this was fun. Will try to make up the hollow holds and rows later in the week.
A: up to 72kg
B: 4 rounds at 50kg and subbed 25 burpees for run – about 2:30 per round (1:1 work/rest ratio)
C: done as rx
Yay burpees! Good choice. 🙂
If doing solo, do you rest at all during Part B? or do you do these as 4 unbroken rounds?
I’ve seen people do it both ways….but if it were me, I’d do equal parts work / rest.
Equal work/rest! The intent is an interval workout. You will have a 10-15 minute workout later this week. 🙂
A. Up to 275. Hit 1st and missed 2nd.
B. 14:50 with TheLonghorn as partner. Did 155,185, 205,205.
C. Done.
Did this with my partner X-Tina at 6am.
Part A – We opted for sled pushes and push-ups
Part B – With X-Tina: 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off:
I did the ski erg (478m, 458m, 474m, 504m) then almost barfed up coffee.
She rowed
Part C – Nice finisher. Between the ski erg and the hollow holds, my abs are smoked!
And look who paid us a visit today! This is 117 and Yuila who follow the blog from Russia. Great to meet you guys!
Awesome! Welcome to the States, 117 and Yulia.
Welcome! I hope you have a spectacular visit!
Did this with my partner X-Tina.
Part A – We opted for sled pushes and push-ups
Part B – With X-Tina: 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off
B. (Solo 1:1) 155, 205×3 set (Did 2e alt. Reverse lunge..wasn’t sure if it was 2e or 2 total)
C. Ouch
MHR 175
Nice work! You figured out how to pick up the pace somewhere.
A. 135/140/145/150/155/165/175/185/190/190
B. 4 Rounds (Solo) @ 155 lbs — 1:1 Work/Rest Ratio
Round 1: 2’13”
Round 2: 2’17”
Round 3: 2’16”
Round 4: 2’13”
C1. Subbed Ring Row w/ Towel-hold Row x 10 reps @ 2111
C2. Rx: 40 seconds
Nice call on the towel hold row! Very creative (and challenging)!
Teddy, what did you find as a fix to the hand-rip issues doing T2B and Cleans?
Hey brother!
Thanks for checking in. I ended up taking your advice and bought these guys on Amazon. They are fantastic. I was able to string butterfly pull-ups for the first time ever a couple of weeks ago.
Now you just need to let me know how to increase my power clean to 290!

Awesome! So glad you found something that works, (I have that same pair, by the way).
Cleans are fun for me; not sure why I can do them better than other lifts.
Those are definitely good tips brother! I’ll have to up my game on just reading more. I think one of the things I struggle most with the power clean is just getting my quads involved throughout the entire movement. I tend to just want to hulk it all the way through ? .
A. Power Clean 1.1 (OT2M)
180, 185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225×1
B. As Rx (1:1)
R1: 1:52 w/ 165
R2: 1:51 w/ 170
R3: 1:49 w/ 175
R4: 1:48 w/ 180
C. As Rx w/ 40 second hollow hold
Zuper zpeed!
Seriously super!
Geez….that is ridiculously fast…my 400m time alone is slower than that 😉
Haha! Mine, too. Seriously inspiring speed.