October 29, 2016 – Performance and Fitness

Partners alternate whole rounds for time and complete five rounds each of:
Row 250 Meters
Kettlebell or Dumbbell Single-Arm Push Press x 5 reps each arm
Goblet Squats x 10 reps
Run 300 Meters

(Partner A completes 250 meters, Single-Arm Press x 10 total reps, Goblet Squats x 10 reps, and a 300 meter run while Partner B rests; Partner B starts on the row as soon as Partner A completes the 300 meter run.)

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December 21, 2016 1:57 pm

A. Bryan (1:1 work:rest) – 3:02, 2:59, 3:03, 3:06, 3:04. 27:24 total time.

Jarred Young
Jarred Young
October 31, 2016 10:51 am

38:41, Done with the wife. 53# kB / 50# DB (26# kb / 25# DB – Wifey)

Chad G.
Chad G.
October 30, 2016 7:07 pm

30:41, Done with wife #53/35 KBs.

Holly Whitmore Duthie
Holly Whitmore Duthie
October 29, 2016 3:09 pm

Duthie’s –> 32:08 RX

Amber Nollen
Amber Nollen
October 29, 2016 2:24 pm

With gym wife:
35# kb for press and gs
20:37 but… we were pressed for time (had to get the haunted house bootcamp set up?)
We had partner 2 start the row when partner 1 started the run.

October 29, 2016 9:52 am

Flew solo today as well. After yesterday’s abysmal performance…

As Rx (53 lb KB), 1:1 Work/Rest Ratio:

Round 1: 2’27”
Round 2: 2’29”
Round 3: 2’27”
Round 4: 2’29”
Round 5: 2’20”

Hit 57 seconds each 250 meter row. Felt like I could have gotten my rounds under 2-minutes if I went with a lighter KB.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Trion Horgan
Trion Horgan
October 29, 2016 8:33 am

By myself today… Did 1:1 work/rest ratio
27:00 total time 15:00 working the. Just under 3min each round.
Used 44lb kb for PP and 53lb kb for goblets.

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