Warm-Up | Performance
One set of:
Run x 400m at an easy to moderate pace
Two sets of:
Dumbbell Suitcase Carry x 50ft per arm
Dumbbell Side Bend x 15 per side
Bodyweight Walking Lunge x 20 steps
Two sets of:
Goblet Squats x 10 reps
Ring Rows x 10 reps
Partner Conditioning
Teams of two will alternate movements to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 24 minutes of:
3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
6 Strict Pull-Ups
9 Toes-to-Bar
12 Goblet Squats (32/24 kg)
15 Calories of Rowing
Partner A will do 3 handstand push-ups, Partner B does 6 pull-ups, Partner A does 9 toes to bar, Partner B does 12 kettlebell swings, Partner A does 15 calories of rowing, then Partner B does 3 strict handstand push-ups, and so on…for the duration of the 24 minutes.
Done solo alternating exercises as prescribed. 6 rnds as A and 6 rnds as B
8+12 solo straight through
10+5 cals
A. 7 rounds. No partner..