October 10, 2020 – Performance and Limited Equipment Workouts



“Mind Muscle” Foot Love

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Bear Crawl x 20 steps forward + 20 steps backward
Ground to Sky Touches x 10
Rest as little as possible

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Handstand Hold x 30-60 seconds
Walking Lunges w/ Overhead Reach x 10 steps
Rest as little as possible

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Wall Climbs x 2-4
10-foot Shuttle Runs x 3-4
(run forwards & backwards for each one!)
Rest as little as possible


Five rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
20 Box Step-Overs with Kettlebell (24″/20″; 24/16 kg)


For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

When the clock starts, complete:

Two Sets:
Bear Crawl x 20 steps forward + 20 steps backward
Ground to Sky Touches x 10
Rest as little as possible

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Handstand Hold x 30-60 seconds
Walking Lunges w/ Overhead Reach x 10 steps
Rest as little as possible

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Wall Climbs x 2-4
10-foot Shuttle Runs x 3-4
(run forwards & backwards for each one!)
Rest as little as possible


Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 6 minutes of:
10 Object Facing Squat Jump All The Way Overs (8-15 inches)
10 Alternating Single-Leg V-Ups
10 Sit Ups

Rest 60 seconds, and then…

Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 6 minutes of:
50 Double-Unders
20 Dumbbell Step-Ups
10 x (2 Shoulder Taps + Push Ups)
10 Plank to Push-Up Transitions

Rest 2 minutes, and REPEAT each 6-minute AMRAP more time through. (28 minutes total)

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October 16, 2020 6:30 pm

4 rds 32 min

Christopher Capozzi
Christopher Capozzi
October 12, 2020 2:42 pm

Rx @ 35:58

Probably should have scaled to 44LB KB based on the times.

Round 1 in 5:20

Split up reps in last round 10/10/10 and 10/10

Happy to have finished. Had to tell myself not to cut it down to 3 or 4 rounds a couple of times!

October 10, 2020 1:25 pm

5 rounds for time
400m run (treadmill)
30 KBS 53# all UB
10 burpee box jump over


Last edited 4 years ago by Mugu
Alex Hey
Alex Hey
October 10, 2020 1:20 pm

Sandbag Squats 10×1.1 @24X1 up to 135 kg
Legextension max reps
Some kettlebell carry


Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
October 10, 2020 10:10 am

A. 5 Rounds for time – RX – 25:14
400m Run (outside 2:00-2:30)
30 KBS – all UB
20 KB BSO – 10/10 except last round UB

B. For quality
Buy In – 3 min Banded March
Then 3 rounds
Weighted Leg lifts x 15 @ 10#
Weighted Overhead Sit Ups x 15 @ 20#
Banded Standing Oblique crunches x 15 each side
Buy Out – 3 min Banded March

October 10, 2020 1:03 am

Did a small variation
3 x
30 ab calories
40 row calories
20 stup up wirh 30 kg sandbag
Hard one.
Before that some cautious box squats. Have booked a preliminary time for a hip resurfacing surgery in December. Will be a big break after but hopeful that it will work and come back painless

Last edited 4 years ago by patrik_s
October 10, 2020 9:35 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Hi Michele, that would be super useful! I have a hard time doing any hinge and squat movements, so I have had to be inventive. Instead of e.g. DL, I do ghd raise; instead of squats, I do low box step up or high box squat. Any other ideas and tips, would be fantastic!

October 12, 2020 8:27 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

great tips! Thanks so much. Isometric holds are a super good idea, and you are right, wall sit still works and so does wall sit pistols for variation. Same on the sleds and carries.
Thanks again, this will help spark some ideas.

Michele Vieux
Michele Vieux
October 12, 2020 9:28 am
Reply to  patrik_s

Ohhhh and banded marching!

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