
“Mind Muscle” Foot Love

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Bear Crawl x 20 steps forward + 20 steps backward
Ground to Sky Touches x 10
Rest as little as possible

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Handstand Hold x 30-60 seconds
Walking Lunges w/ Overhead Reach x 10 steps
Rest as little as possible

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Wall Climbs x 2-4
10-foot Shuttle Runs x 3-4
(run forwards & backwards for each one!)
Rest as little as possible


Five rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Box Step-Overs with Kettlebell


For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

When the clock starts, complete:

Two Sets:
Bear Crawl x 20 steps forward + 20 steps backward
Ground to Sky Touches x 10
Rest as little as possible

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Handstand Hold x 30-60 seconds
Walking Lunges w/ Overhead Reach x 10 steps
Rest as little as possible

Followed by…

Two Sets:
Wall Climbs x 2-4
10-foot Shuttle Runs x 3-4
(run forwards & backwards for each one!)
Rest as little as possible


Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 6 minutes of:
10 Object Facing Squat Jump All The Way Overs (8-15 inches)
10 Alternating Single-Leg V-Ups
10 Sit Ups

Rest 60 seconds, and then…

Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 6 minutes of:
50 Double-Unders or Lateral Hops
20 Step-Ups or Jumping Lunges
10 x (2 Shoulder Taps + Push Ups)
10 Plank to Push-Up Transitions


Rest 2 minutes, and REPEAT each 6-minute AMRAP more time through. (28 minutes total)

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