Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:
Push Press x 2-3 reps
In teams of two, alternate sets to complete four each of:
10 Ground to Overhead
10 Box Jump Overs
400 Meter Run
Choose weight that is challenging for partners to move without rest through the ten reps.
A. Bryan – 125#, 135#, 145#, 155#, 160# (all x 3).
B. Bryan (115#, 1:1 work:rest) – 3:27, 3:21, 3:29, 3:32. Christy (55#) – 4:19, 3:33, 3:44, 4:15.
A. 185,205,210,215(f),210(f)
B. Did 95# snatches to work on cycling them. Idk time it took us
A: 105, 115, 115, 115, 115 all x’s 3 reps. 115 was feeling heavy today so stayed at that. 🙂
B: with jen. We used 85# to make sure we could keep moving. 24:3?
A) 120×3 — these felt heavy today.
B) To submit to UB barbells all four rounds, I used 80#. I also did end up doing the 400m runs, as it’s almost 60 degrees today. 🙂
Kept rests at 3:00.
A. 140X3; 150X3; 155X3; 165X3; 175X3
B. 135# G2OH
1-3:43; 2-3:45; 3-4:11; 4-4:05
A. 135×3, 155×3, 165×3, 185×1, 195×1 (pr)
Also worked up to 205 power clean which was 10lb pr
Did Fran today been wanting to try it and worked better with short time 3:44rx
Did a variation of yesterday’s. Went easy today; 1st real workout in over a week…
WU – row 500m & 250 single jumps
3 rounds of
20 alternating pistols
5 chest to bar pull-ups
10 ring dips
followed by
8 minute HSPU AMRAP (3″ of pad under head)
21 reps (1st time doing HSPUs in over a month; wrists finally pain-free)
followed by
50 DUs
B only due to time. Really sore from yesterday so it took awhile to get warmed up.
Did this with the wife @115/75…27:50
A. Worked up to 85 kg’s on round 5.
B. As Rx. Since it was really cold outside decided to run on a treadmill but forgot it was set-up for miles, not km. So ended up running 0.4 miles instead of 400m on every round. Solid WOD. >.<
A) 40 kgs, 50 kgs, 55 kgs, 60 kgs, 65 kgs.
B) My box had a Double Grace benchmark today so I did that instead. Completed at 12:52 with 50 kgs
A. First time overhead since wrist injury, still sore so had to be very deliberate. 155#x3, 155×3, 155×3, 165×3, 165×3, 165×3…. well under max but making progress
B. 16:10 straight through…used 2×55# DBs for G2OH (broke up two sets, oops)
3 reps all sets-185/195/205/215/225
G2O 135#
24″ Box
Subbed 500m C2 Row
Rest 1:1
Nice work!
A. 185 x 3 each round. Worked on accelerating through the push with my hips.
B. 135#, 3:30-340 ea round with 2 mins rest in between rounds
Running is out for us until spring. Any suggestions for how many AD cals on bike in lieu of the 400m? Thanks!
I would use your average 400m time and just work hard for that duration.
That works too! We usually prescribe 25/20 calories for AB so 30/25 for and AD.
Thanks fam. 🙂
A. Push Press (OT3M)
3 x 165, 185, 205, 215 | 2 x 225 (current 1RM – almost got 3)
B. AMRAP 10: 5 rounds even of
5 – 115# Power Snatch
10 – Strict Ring Dips
15 – 20# WB
Awesome on hitting that 1RM number for multiples!
A: up to 3x70kg
B: 1:1 work/rest ratio – Subbed 20kg DBs G2OH
About 3:30 per set
Solid work!
A. 95×3, 115×3, 135×3, 145×3, failed once at 155, hit 1@155, failed again, 150×2
B. 1:1 work/rest ratio (ground to overhead at 115)
1. 3:35
2. 3:43
3. 3:41
4. 3:31
Great job!
Are partners alternating movements or complete rounds?
Complete rounds. Enjoy!
A) 185×3, 185×3, 205×3, 205×3, 185×3
B) had to skip, dealing with some bad elbow pain, been doing 50 strict pull ups a day for 2 weeks and think I effed my forearms:elbows up.
Did 8 rounds of
100m kettle bell farmers carry 2 pood
50m sled drag, 215lbs (forward facing)
What are you doing for your elbow?
I have been flossing them. It’s like a rebound pain after going heavy both elbows/forearm muscles are throbbing
Any suggestions on a % of 1RM, of, say, a clean and jerk, to use for part B? Is the goal to be able to do all 4 sets unbroken at the weight?
Don’t know a 1RM % but the goal is to go unbroken.
It should be on the light-ish to medium side. Unbroken!