Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – Rope Climb x 1-2 ascents
Station 2 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups x max unbroken reps
Station 3 – Alternating Pistols x 20 reps
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
10 Ring Dips
15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
A. Bryan – (towel pull-ups x 6 reps vs. rope climbs) – 11, 10, 9.
B. Bryan – 4 rds. + 2 C2B. Christy – (45# thrusters vs. wall balls) – 3 rds. + 5 C2B + 10 rd + 4 thrusters.
A1. Subbed 10 x burpee-strict chin ups for ropes
A2. 13/13/11
A3. Complete
B. Rx’d 6+15. Dips to wall balls got tough later on.
A. 2 rope climbs each round
11, 11, 10 HSPU in pike from 30″ box
20 pistols each round
B. 4 rounds + 5
Some chest to bar
Jumping ring dips
A. 1.had a short rope so seated, legless climbs to 8 ft. x 4 each set
2. 16, 11, 10 (16 is a personal best)
3. Rx
B. 5 rounds + 15 reps (18 lb ball – 20 was unavailable)
C. swim 500 m
D. rushed home to get calories! whew
Love that you got a swim in! Don’t know if you know but we post swimming technique and active recovery workouts on the Comp blog. Check them out here: https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/search/swimming+technique+and+active+recovery+session/
A. Subbed 10 x 135 Pendlay Rows
HSPU 10/9/8
Pistols Rx
B. Strict PU, bar dips, and 2×25 KB thrusters
4 rds + 1
A1. Did 10 C2B pull-ups and 10 T2B instead of rope climb. (Mine ropewas wet from humidity)
A2. 20, 14, 11
A3. Done
B. 5+10wb. Subbed push-ups for ring dips(shoulder)
Rough 1st day back from 4 days of “bulking”
A. Towel pull ups 3×5
HSPU 10/10/11
B. 6 + 5
15# MB
A. 2 rope climbs next time 3
Hspu- 11,7,6 seeing improvement
Pistols ankle flexibility needs work
B. 4+15
25# wb
A: Strict ring pullups 5 each Rd @ 2121 Parallette handstand negatives 3-4. each rd 20 Alternating pistols B: 4 rds even Missed the stimulus of this workout, partially due to my ring dips taking forever, and needing to switch out a broken ball mid wod. But…mini victory today. I got legit, real, c2b’s!!!! Not strung together, but unbroken(not coming off the bar) each round. Previously for c2b I would either do supinated grip, or I could get 1 at a time with a jumping swing, or by humping it up with a knees to chest type push. This has… Read more »
rope climbs x 2
6 hspu and then holds after, probably should have done L sit press
subbed box slow step down and single leg step up as the knee is still an angry child
B. 4 Rds.. slow and C2B pull-ups suck, I need to harness my kip since I abandon it for strict PUs. Used purple band for dips because I hate them and they hate me
Start post deployment leave and will be traveling so my workouts will be all over the map for a few weeks.
A. Rope climbs 20′ x 2
HSPU: 10 / 8/ 9..first time in a few months since I hurt my wrist, see how it feels later
Pistols: used a mat to raise my heel
B. Only had rings available to did:
3 Ring Muscle ups (w/dip)
7 Ring dips (10 if you count the 3 from the M/U)
15 Wall Balls
6Rds..steady pace but not quite feeling it today, saw the PT and spent a bunch of time on mobility
Some days you just gotta move! Nothing wrong with that. Great work today Chad. Hope tomorrow you get your groove back. 🙂
1) Wrapped towel strict pull-ups. X 5/5/5
2) Strict HSPU Rx 13/11/10
3) Pistols Rx 20/20/20
Rx-6 Rounds plus 6 Reps.
This one hurt! Did “Cindy” Saturday with class, today’s WOD- 5+23
Great work today Jeff! Cindy definitely leaves a mark! Were you sore at all today?
Yep my triceps were crushed
Good sub for rope climbs? Working out at home and have no rope. Thanks in advance
4-6 strict pull-ups with a wrapped towel
Good one! You could also do KTE/T2B. I’ve been doing something fun: 1 Strict Pull-Up + 1 Strict T2B
Michele I question your use of the word “fun”….that sounds awful… so I should probably start warming up with that….. 🙂
Passing on smart coaching tips ; )
C. 3 X 6 T2B
Same question here! Was going to do strict pullups
Part A. 2 rope climbs x3; 11, 7, 8 HSPU; 20 elevated single leg squat (on box) x3.
Part B. 5 + 8 Rx.
Great job, James!
A) Completed scaled to
1. 4 sit to stand rope pulls
2. Handstand Hold x 1 min
3. 20 feet together air squats
B) Scaled to
5 jumping C2B
10 box dips
15 9 kgs Wall Ball shots
4 rounds and 10 dips.
There you go! Nice work, buddy!