November 24, 2019 – Performance and Fitness

Recovery Day
Mobility and Maintenance
* Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility DrillsĀ and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
* Choose 2-3 Lower Body Mobility Drills and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
* Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
– AND/OR –
* Body work from a licensed body worker (ART, Graston, acupuncture, etc…)

Nutrition Preparation
* Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration
* Different for everyone ā€“ could be meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
November 24, 2019 12:55 pm

Mash up of a bunch of days.

Deadlifts six sets of 5 at 255 lb

Zpress four sets of 10 with 44 lb kb
Bent over rows sets of 10

First half of yesterdayā€™s metcon 60 lb kbs

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
November 24, 2019 11:03 am

Yesterdays WOD Great WU and added 10 min AB – 92.8 cal Done SOLO A. For time – RX – 14:27 Row 1000m – 4:33 15 BBJO – UB 30 Strict Pull Ups – singles 60 KBS @ 24kg – 25/20/15 B. For Time – RX – 13:20 800m Run – TM @ 7.5mph 15 BBJO – UB 30 Kipping Pull Ups – 20/10 60 KBS @ 24kg – 20/20/20 ***Took 1:15 transition between A&B – total time for both including transition 29:02 C. 2 Sets – Back Rack @ 55# set 1 / 65# set 2 BSS x 6… Read more Ā»

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
November 24, 2019 12:57 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Sounds like a great day! Well done!

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