General Warm-up
Grab Med Ball
Med Ball Thoracic Opener x 10
Table Turners x 10
Plank Pull Through with Med Ball x 10/side
Med Ball Alligator Crawl x 100 M
Plank on Med Ball
Inchworm Walk + Scap Push-Up + Press-Up
Med Ball Strict Press x 20 @ 33×1
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
Strict Overhead Press x 2 reps
Build to today’s heaviest double.
For time:
100 Push-Ups @ 10X1*
(you must pause for 1-second at the top of each push-up)
*Every time you break a set of push-ups, perform 40 Double-Unders.
A. 95-105-115-125-130-135-140
B. just did 100 pushups no tempo
13:43 sets of 20
A. 145
B. 9:40 rx
A. 96% of 1rm
B. 10:17 Rx
Up to 165 lbs
14:04 – 25 16 14 13 12 10 10
A: 40kg
B; 21.51 50 toes / 50 knees.
Harder than I thought
A. 65#/75/80/85/90/95/100
B.18:05 A LOT of double unders 😂
A. 95, 105, 115, 125, 135×2, 140
B. Modifies to 50reps – 12:39
First time doing DU in a year and 25# heavier
A. 85#
b. 12:09 rx
13:03 RX.
B. 10:15; two sets of double unders