Banded Scarecrow x 60 seconds per postion
Reverse Snow Angels x 10 @ 3030
Followed by…
Two Sets:
30 seconds of Superman Hold
30 seconds of Barbell Floor Press (empty bar)
30 seconds of Glute Bridge Marching
30 seconds of Behind the Neck Shoulder Press (from the front if this hurts you)
Rest 30 seconds
Take 5-7 minutes to build to your Part A, Set 1 weight.
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Bench Press
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 90%
*Set 4 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 5 – 8 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 6 – 8 reps @ 75-80%
Five rounds for time of:
12 Ring Dips
12 Push Presses (115/75 lbs)
12 Burpees Over the Barbell (Lateral)
Bench 225/235/255/245/245/205
Bit off more than I can chew with bench. Had to drop at 4th
11:20 with 105. Dropped weight to try and keep a good pace. Burpees are a pace killer.
Good workout though ?
Hey Everyone, quick question. I’m looking to start jumping on the Invictus Performance train. What are your elevator pitches as to why this is the best free online program? I have CF experience (athlete and coaching). I’ve been working on getting strength/endurance/mobility back from a few injuries, and have been trying to program for myself, but am looking for something else. Thoughts? Cheers!
Second what thelonghorn said. Before following the Invictus Performance program I tried programming for myself after the gym I was going to closed. I inevitably ended up falling into the “do what I’m good at” trap. Invictus takes the guess work out of programming, just follow what they put up, give it a solid effort and watch your fitness improve. It’s definitely been exposing some holes in my CF game and closing them at the same time. Been here for about 5 months now. Community is great as well, there’s always someone with an encouraging word when you need it.
I’ve been here for over 3 years and the programming is unmatched. My wife has been a member of multiple boxes over the past 5 years and I’m always shaking my head at the nonsense they “program”. I’ve never asked, but I’m pretty sure CJ and his crew have this stuff planned out 6mos to a year in advance.. true programming, not just whatever the coach thinks sounds cool this week.
37yo here and the volume is manageable.
Programming is very good as there are cycles, qtrly baseline tests and progression monitoring. I’ve def seen personal progress over the last 4-5 yrs i’ve been following, hitting numbers that were once pipe dreams. The weekly itinerary also feels much more structured than the main site IMO. Add a great community and that’s why i’ve stayed with it. Hope to see u on here
Yesterday’s The brutal 30 min of pain. EMOM 8 cal row 8 BBJO 12 pull ups (supposed to be CTB) 12 alt rev lunges 95# 8 HSPU (SHSPU) This was soooo painful! Scaled to 12 normal pulls up (bar is too close to the ceiling at home. ) and Deficit kipping hspu 1.5” deficit. All else RX. Wished I had dropped the weight on the lunges on round 3. But it was too late. Tank hit E after 5 rounds. Took an extra 20 sec rest and started round 6 and gutted it out, though I timed out on the… Read more »
Great job getting everything done with all that’s going on at your house! Get some rest.
Way to grind it out
Bench press
95kgx5, 100kgx3, 105kgx2, 100kgx3, 85kgx8, 90kgx8.
Perfext weight. Only last set was really hard. The rest were a good challenge.
Subbed hand release pushups for dips.
Pushups – unbroken then quick 3s for last 4 rounds
PP – unbroken then 6/6
Lateral burpees – steady the whole way until pushing hard on the last round.
Triceps demolition tonight!
Beast mode
Set 1 – 5 reps @ 135✅
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 145✅
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 165✅
*Set 4 – 3 reps @ 155✅
*Set 5 – 8 reps @ 145✅
*Set 6 – 8 reps @ 145✅
Ring dips with feet on a bench
Good job pushing through!
Thank you!
My arms may not work for a few days
Sore throat and crap sleep, so just did warmup, some mobility then a load of strict press + pullups.
Throat even more sore + coughing, so did shoulder prehab galore + bench.
60 – 70 – 75 – 70 – 60 – 60kg. Not benched in almost three years!
Did a single push press of B then figured nah, not today.
We all have those days bro! Hopefully a good nights rest tonight and you’ll be back to smash it tomorrow
Feel better, sometimes those r blessings in disguise
A. Used my new operating max 295 (+30#) but took off 5% each set will inch up from there
made 8×205 and 8×205
B. 3rd rx in 11:25
I usually scale large sets of ring dips this was a good change to scale the rounds I would try 4 next time
I like operating max as terminology! Great job on the rings today.
B) 21:29
Dips slowed me down, first set was unbroken but I was doing twos and singles in the last two sets
Yea, amazing how doubles can feel impossible at some points haha
Way to push it out tho
No pun intended
A) 185/195/205/195/165/165 at prescribed reps.
B) 13:04. Dropped push press down to 95lbs. Push presses unbroken on all rounds, ring dips unbroken on 4 rounds, 5th round had to do 10/2. Lateral burpees over bar felt slow, my chest, triceps and shoulders were smoked!
A day behind; did yesterdays. It was tough!!
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (6 sets) of:
Minute 1 – 12/8 Calories of Assault Bike
Minute 2 – 8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Minute 3 – 12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (Scaled to 8 for R3-6)
Minute 4 – Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x 12 reps (135/95 lbs)
Minute 5 – 8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Kraft frei! ?
I had to google what “frei” meant; I like it! 🙂
Uncooperative schedule today meant 3:30pm workout at 99 degrees?
A. Done based off 275, only hit 5×205 on last two sets. Heavy sets felt good but nothing left for the final two.
B. I made this 5 sets OT3M to preserve life. Still a beast!
You crushed the workout even with those awful conditions. Way to persevere!
Jeez… 99 degrees… def qualifies for Rx+… which has felt tougher, LA or TX
So many days in LA the humidity was suffocating, but south TX has that pure heat you can’t escape either. I do not recommend either as a workout destination ?. Overall I get used to it, but 3:30 on any summer day in the south is a death sentence.
That said, I’ll take the heat over the freezing cold any day.
A. 185×5, 195×3, 215×2, 195×3, 175×6, 175×5
I didn’t have anything left the last two sets which was the theme for the day for me.
B. Three rounds Rx: 14:42
I should have scaled the push presses after the bench and dips in the metcon. Everything was slow!
Great work today friends!
Yea, that pt B was not fun… esp after yesterday
How have you been? I haven’t seen you post in a long time.
Doing alright thx, was on vacay for wk and half, so fighting to get back into form. How r things with u?
I’m doing well. I’m still trying to get over a cold/allergies, but that’s a minor thing. Keep pressing on!
55+ Wasn’t able to do bench press, there was a photo shoot going on ar the gym, so one of the scheduled classes was using the room. Had to wait for photo shoot to finish in other room but no rigs or rings in the room. B) Did the WOD, 5 RFT – Time 14:38 12 Dips (used paralette bars since no rings) – unbroken but reps got slower as rounds progressed. 12 Push Press (55#, that was heavy enough) – 12; 12; 8/4; 6/3/3; 6/3/3, reps were slow. 12 Burpees over Bar – these were like the recovery part,… Read more »
A) 185, 205, 215, 215, 205, 185
B) 15:52 – 95# for PP, all else Rx. Much harder than I expected (as always). The PP really got me after the bench press and dips.