Russian Baby-Makers x 10-15 reps
Jefferson Deadlift x 10 reps
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Perform 30 seconds on each side of the following movements…
*Station 1 – Banded Palloff Hold
*Station 2 – Banded Lateral Monster Walk
*Station 3 – Single-Leg Glute Bridge Hold
*Station 4 – Side Plank Hold
Move through this with as little rest between movements as possible. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
For time:
50/40 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2
40 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
50/40 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2
Five sets of:
Barbell Hip Thrusts x 5 reps @ 20X1
(go heavy on these – a good starting weight might be around 80% of your 1-RM Deadlift)
Rest 45 seconds
Band Pull-Aparts x 25 reps @ 1010
Rest 45 seconds
Took some time off Invictus to work around some plantar fasciitis
A. 10:02 @ 225, but with Assault Bike instead of row because I read the workout wrong
B. ✅ at 135
Good to see you back! I hope you’re all healed up.
Driveway WOD
B. 8:40
Shoulder press @ 25#
Ring rows x 8
Skull crushers @ 15#s
TTB x 6
B. Scaled push ups to 15. Really good strict reps.
Vacation. Dropped in at CrossFit Havoc Florida
A. Hang clean doubles up to 245
B. Every 90 seconds 5 rounds
Ring muscle ups x5
Front squats x 5 #235
C. “Death race”
15 calorie airbike
10 burpees
Nice job on Death Race, hated it so much!
Thanks, was a real struggle. I had quad cramps from A and B before I started.
Sounds like a great session! Death race sounds awful.
JT how was Havoc brother? That guy Denofa who runs the place is kind of a clown and loves programming shoulders.
It’s great, he’s super relaxed about everything. Has open gym available all day for drop ins.
Yesterday’s workout:
Shoulder press: 44lbx8
Ring row with feet elevated x10
Skull crushers 45×10
Strict t2b 8 reps
Metcon: 9:59
I got the last two pull-ups in 4 seconds to get me just under 10 minutes. Today’s is my kind of workout and I’m excited about doing it on Sunday.
A. 7:53
B. Done with 185# on all sets.
Happy weekend!!!!
You made quick work of it! Great job and have a great weekend!
May 27 WOD Two HEROES For Time – 35:34 (1:52 slower than last year) Run 800m -4:00 3 Rounds 8 Strict Ring Dips – UB, UB, 5/3 8 HSPU (1-1/2 rounds with AbMat, 1-1/2 rounds no abmat but kipping) 16 KB Swings – Full Swing all UB Run 800m – 4:20 3 Rounds 15 Strict Pull Ups – Small sets and singles 30 Push Ups – 10/small sets for all 45 Air Squats – UB, 35/10, UB Run 800m – 4:43 ***HSPU were the killer over all…everything else was just trying to keep my breathing under control and keep grinding… Read more »
You did really well! That 1:52 quickly goes away with kipping pull-ups. Great work!
Going strict and full swings wins in my view! Great job
A. Rx 9:13, did DLs in 5s, rows around 2:40/ea.
B. Did yesterday’s A, couldn’t skip the DB work! Press up to 75# DB, skull crushers with 35s
Quality combo! Good job! Will attack today’s tomorrow. Had to give it a rest day today.
Solid day, my man.
Yesterday rest
Warm up
A: 10:05 (deadlift at 102.5 kg)
B: 100/100/100/110/110 kg
Have a nice day.
Great work Diego!
A. 7:28 RX.
B. Done with 345.
Damn this week was painful, I need a weekend off.
Nice job today. You killed A.
Good morning everybody…
A. 11:46 Rx; lost at least a minute due to back spasms on 10th DL. stretched it, threw on the belt and was good to go for rest of wod.
B. 275/295/315/315/315; it was supposed to be 305 but I forgot to take off the 10# plate on one side.
gray band x 25 x 5
Nice job to get back in the fight!
I’m paying for it today. Complete back spasms. Hopefully, I can work it out by day’s end.
No half ass work man! Good job!
50 cal row
40 DL 185lb
50 cal row
B. Hip thrust
185×8, 205×6, 205×6 225×6
Good day to work on getting back at it. Spotty week again with getting enough sleep for early workouts.
I feel you. I had to work early yesterday and just had nothing in the tank to get going later in the day. Today was struggle too. Great job getting some work done! #oldmanprobs
A. On the 2:00 x 5: 3 Power Clean and Jerks 2 Thrusters 1 Squat Snatch – build to a heavy complex. Up to 60kg. Projected 1rm snatch is 67.5 so pretty pleased, but last snatch was close to being power! B. Part #1 – In a 10:00 Window: Run 1 Mile (1600 Meters) Time Remaining, Max Power Clean and Jerks (135/95) 7.30 mile 16 cnj — Rest 3:00 — Part #2 – In a 7:00 Window: Run 800 Meters Time Remaining, Max Power Snatches (115/80) 3.40 800 21 PS — Rest 3:00 — Part #3 – In a 4:00 Window: Run 400… Read more »
Nice job today. Whole thing looks fun. Might have to mix it in tomorrow.
It was pretty fun ! See how your posterior chain is after smashing today ?