Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 40 minutes of:
400 Meter Run
40 Double-Unders
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
40 Double-Unders
40/30 Calories of Rowing
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 40 minutes of:
400 Meter Run
40 Double-Unders
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
40 Double-Unders
40/30 Calories of Rowing
Changed it up a bit and bookended the run with a db carry between the garage and the end of the driveway, and KBSDLHP for the row:
100′ double db carry (40#)
400m run
100′ double db carry (40#)
30 DU
20 cal bike
30 DU
40 KBSDLHP (40#)
Back for a nice ease into it session. No AB so I rode a real bike and subbed 60 SU for 40 DU.
3+run and 60 SU.
Back was pretty good so that was encouraging.
Squat (offshore) A. E2M x20 min (10 sets) 1x 10 295 2×10 315 3x 8 335 4x 4 355 5x 4 334 6 x 6 315 7x 8 295 8 x 8 255 9 x 8 225 10 x 10 225 Fell off quick, couldn’t maintain pace and out put power. need more condtioning B. AMRAP (40 min) 400 m run 80 SUs 20 cal ride 80 SUs 40 cal row results: 4 rds – 40 cals ( 3rds + 100)Squat (offshore) A. E2M x20 min (10 sets) 1x 10 295 2×10 315 3x 8 335 4x 4 355 5x… Read more »
OT2M x 6 push press, in reps and kgs: 5 x 60 5 x 65 4 x 70 4 x 75 3 x 80 3 x 85 This felt very good, it’s been a while since I tested my pushing power and this felt right on the spot B) 3 RxT: 30 cal row 25 wall balls 9 kgs 20 DBs hang clean and jerk 22.5 kgs Time 24’25” Too slow, I set my timecap at 25 mins and barely made it; my first round was ok but when I went back to the rower I realised I was smoked… Read more »
Stole Chris M’s idea of 270#x50 yd sled push sub for bike. A lot of travel between stations but overall very hard. Glad it is over.
A. Overhead press 5×4: 135, 145, 150, 155
B. 10mAMRAP #95: 10 push press, 10 Alt.OH.R.Lunge, 10 pull ups
4 rounds even RX @ 38:20 (no way to time partial runs). A humid 93 degrees in the mitten today. Sooo painful. ?
Rx’d 4+21 cals on rower. The Louisiana heat is brutal – 90+ temp & humidity. I was running through hot soup today.
I knew you’d get close to 6!
Thanks – I didn’t see your post until after I finished. Sorry I couldn’t get the last 19 to make your prediction come true!
Awesome work – good shout out TLH.
Thanks Chris – I like the sub of sled pushes. That is our next item to purchase at the office.
That’s solid Trion! ??
Beast mode!
5 rounds RX with :10 to spare and colapse ?
I wanted to do this today, and have it written down for a later date. A group of us got together today because it was my last workout at my current gym. We did death by burpees; i got to 16 + 15 reps.
20 min EMOM
1 – 15 kcal run on air runner
2 – 30 DU
3 – 12 kcal row
4 – 20 push ups
5 – 12 WB shots with a 20 lbs. ball
Assistance work and core today.
5 rounds RX exactly
5 rnd RX = 39:20 + 26 DU
Lots of leg work today.
60% front squat max3 sets 7 reps front squat immediately followed by 13 back squats.
3 sets done at 155. My legs were burning!
Metcon: 250’ front rack lunge 35 lb kb. Every drop 10 push press
1 break total time: 5:02
someone really, really likes leg day
I do like it, but trust me not that much. That was the wod at the gym I’m working out at for the month.
As Rx except sub’d a 50 yard Sled Push for Assault Bike Cals (Sled + 270#)
5 rounds
… just what the doctor ordered … way to grind it out folks … solid training week.
Good sub and way to grind it out, I’m guessing this was especially difficult while fasted?
Not sure – I’m thinking it would have been “especially difficult” either way …
4rnd + 400m + 40 double under
Subbed 14 burpee for 20 cal
50 sdhp for 40 cal rowing
5 rds even at 39:58
Times- 7:28/15:45/23:54/32:30/39:58
Splits- 7:28/8:17/8:09/8:36/7:28
Had 2mins to do the final row and it got spicy! The first and last were faster in part because I stopped to record my time and take a swig of water inbetween all other rounds. Really good grinder today!
Nice job. I had no doubt that you would get 5 rounds.
Longhorn is the assault bike killer I can’t even stand in Same arena!
I was right at 1:30 on the AB each rd. I didn’t want to go ham and die during such a long WOD. 6 rds for you I’m sure.
No doubt 40 mins is grind!
Solid work, really looks like a fun one! How were the DUs today?
DUs are getting better. It was nice to do them without shoulder fatigue from other movements.
Solid work!
Stopping for water? That’s where I make up time since I am basically breathing it while I work out in New Orleans. Ha
Yeah I do Not miss the Nola humidity! That’s equivalent to 7 rds anywhere else!
4 rounds + 61 (count the 400 as 1 right?)
way to get it done early man, great work!
The push to finish the assault bike before the buzzer must have been fun!
Oh I had a lot of “fun” varying the intervals of high intensity…and I don’t have a nice big gym clock, so my goal was just to crush the 20 cals and then get the last 40 DUs in before I ran out of time, but that didn’t happen. Buzzer went right when I picked up the rope.
Love the ambition after 39 mins…great work
Good grind today Nathan! Big boy strength and endurance, I like it!
Great work!
Bahh i would love to do this (and have an assault bike!), but better for me if i catch up on Tuesday’s work.
Every 90 seconds, for 24 minutes (8 sets) of:
Station 1 – 3 Power Cleans
Up to 87.5kg, last 3 sets i got 2 reps at 90kg, but elbows weren’t quick enough to catch the third rep, pull felt high enough.
Station 2 – 6 Tall Box Jumps – landing on 30″ close to stood up
For time:
750 Meter Row
25 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″)
4.55 with a 2.41 row, it burned!
Nice work James! Fast B
Thanks, couldn’t quite catch your speedy time but pleased. BBJO cycle time needs work.
Holy hell!
Right!? At first I was like oh nice. Then I read the 40 min AMRAP and said what!?!
Me: I hate not being good at running and endurance events
Also Me: Why the hell are we programming 40-min endurance wods??
LOL! So true.
Fun dose of mixed flavor endurance!
Enjoy 😀
Haha no I’m resting today! I have a 15km run planned on saturday so that’ll be my endurance this week. Was due for a rest day anyway. Massage therapy this morning was GREAT
I can’t contemplate running that far right now! The 4km intervals session on Tuesday has destroyed my calves. Are you finding the massage therapy sessions are improving mobility/recovery/both?
I’ve been getting those monthly for over a year and I find it definitely helps relieve tension so for recovery I do enjoy it and find it beneficial. For mobility, massage therapy alone doesn’t do much but it certainly helps in certain spots like bringing down tightness in my pecs which are holding my shoulders forward… or working on the tightness in my hamstrings which is linked to a hip problem (that is way better now btw!)
Woo for hip gains. Sounds like a wise investment in yourself (plus chance to get extra sleep!)
lol no possibility for sleep, the pressure is way up there so it’s painful… but in a good way