Warm-Up | Performance
One set of:
Run x 400m, nasal breathing only
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Scapular Pull-up x 10 reps
Kip Swings x 10 reps
10 Empty Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
5 Empty Barbell Hang Power Cleans or Front Squats
Ten sets of:
Power Clean + Hang Clean
*Sets 1-3 @ 60-70% of 1-RM Clean
*Sets 4-6 @ 70-80%
*Sets 7-10 @ 80-85%
Option 1
Complete rounds of 9, 7 and 5 reps for time of:
205/145 lb Clean (power or full)
Ring Muscle-Up
Option 2
For time:
15 Power Cleans (155/105 lbs)
30 Ring Dips
10 Power Cleans
20 Ring Dips
5 Power Cleans
10 Ring Dips
A: 21:25
With 500m run btwn mvmnts
A: 105/125/135
B2: RX: 9:48
A. 75, 95,105
B2. 7:25
#95, box dips