Thoracic Iso Holds
Followed by…
Two to Three Sets:
Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3
Muscle Snatch x 3
Snatch Grip Push Press from Behind the Neck x 3
Overhead Squat x 3
Snatch Balance x 3
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch from Mid-Patella
(pause 2 seconds at mid patella on each of the lift-offs)
Build from approximately 70% to today’s heavy. If you miss, reduce the load and repeat that set. If you miss twice, move to the next portion of the workout.
“2019 CrossFit Games Age Group Qualifier Event #5”
For time:
30 Snatches (135/95 lbs)
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
A. I started at 95 and built to 130lbs.
B. 5:58, subbed 50 diamond push-ups instead of HSPUs and scaled to 95 lbs.
A. 135/145/155/165/165/175/185/195/205/215f
B. 5:38
A. 80, 80, 85, 85, 90, 90, 95, 95, 100, 105
Couldn’t squat snatch today, for whatever reason. Too slow and hesitant under the bar. The power snatching was fairly good, though.
B. Scaled to HSPU off 60″ box, so just the toe assist.
Used 95, which was definitely pushing it. I had to set up for every rep. But this is the first time I’ve repped out 30 snatches @ 95
Good work repping all of those snatches. I hope you had a good mother’s day!
A. Up to 175.
B. 7:11 RX. 30 snatches in something like 3:40. All singles, then broke up strict HPSU in 4s.
Quick work on the HSPU!
May 8 WOD A. Bench Press 125# x 5, 130×3, 140×2, 130×3, 115×6, 105×6 ***Attempted 135 for the 2nd set of 3 but couldn’t get it..and then thought I had 130 on the bar but only had 120, so I redid it with 130. Needless to say then my arms were spent for the last 2 sets. B. 5 Rounds for time – 19:02 (37s slower than last time..but used a box for some of the RD last time) 12 Ring dips (6 strict/6 kipping) – 6/6 first set and then sets of 3s/2s/singles for remaining 4 sets 12 Push… Read more »
Great day! That metcon sucked so much.
I took the last 10 days off because I was traveling and my body really needed a rest. This was the first time I did 95# snatches in a workout with this amount of volume — so I’m definitely feeling pretty good about that! A. 2x Snatch Lift Off + Snatch from Mid-Pat 75#, 85#, 95#, 95#, 95#, 100#, 100#, 100#, 105#, 105# *Power Snatches B. 3 sets of each (Invictus Fitness): 8x Right Leg DB Box Step Ups (20#/20″) 8x Left Leg DB Box Step Ups (20#/20″) 8x Right Arm DB Row (20#) 8x Left Arm DB Row (20#)… Read more »
Evening session:
E90sec x3 @tempo
1. Weighted Box step ups x8 @2111 24 kg KB L
2. R
3. Single arm KB row x10 @2111 32 kg L/R
4. Kneeling Ab Wheel roll out x15
Double day! Nice job, big weights as always!
A. 135-170, 175F
B. 10:55 Rx (did ~4min Elizabeth pr is 2:15)
First time since switching to the <36" hand position I have made it through 30 SHSPU, gradually getting better
Did not catch that B had a 6 minute time cap or would have done it differently
A) turned into realizing I forgot how to snatch
B) @95#
A. 2 Sn lift off + 1 hang snatch
65, 65, 75, 75, 85, 85, 90, 90, 95lbs
Went ok. Not much power today but felt good.
B. Goal was to scale to 1 snatch with 4 OHS using 85.
Made it to 3 sets to equal a whopping 15 OHS. Having some new shoulder discomfort. So bailed
Then 15 kipping HSPU. All that in 5 min
C. Max strict pull ups
18 strict pull-ups whaaaaaat. Take care on the shoulders
A. Up to 115, working on technique
B. Scaled to 95lb and kipping HSPU
Invictus has made me realize how much I avoided snatching during years of following my own programming.
Same boat here. Started following invictus a year ago specifically to force me myself into being better rounded. Nice job on B. Way to stick with it.
Good morning everybody…
A. up to 120#. subbed 2 high hang power snatch.
B. 5:07; scaled to 95# powers snatch and hspu off box
a 130lb
b 12:26
A. 7 sets tempo back squat
7 secs down, 3 sec pause at bottom
58-70% projected 1rm, +2% each rep
Rest 60 secs between sets
B. Squat therapy – 2×30-60s holds at bottom at 135. 30 secs both sets, hard!
C. 3 Rounds:Â
800m RunÂ
40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)Â
40 Wallballs (20/14)Â
Runs 2.53 3.24 3.29
Swings and WB 3.04 3.12 3.16
19.17 Rx. Mistake hitting the first run hard and going UB on first set of swings!
D. Own BMU accessory
What no 33lb wall ball again.
Haha slacking !!
That’s a tough metcon after all of that squat work. Great job bro!
A. Snatch lift offs + power snatch
E90sec x10
No depth there today so I did power snatches.
30 Single arm DB snatches 25 kg
30 SHSPU 17.7.6
Score: 3:58
In general I was missing overhead stability due to Saturday training. Next ✅