One set of:
Row x 500m, nasal breathing only
Followed by…
If you are working on the Performance track, complete one to two sets of:
“Hunter’s Clean Warm-up”
Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift x 5 reps
Clean Pull x 5 reps
Front Squat x 5 reps
Hang Clean & Push Press x 5
Clean & Push Jerk x 5
Power Clean & Push Jerk x 5
Clean & Jerk x 5
Followed by…
If you are working on the Fitness track today, complete two sets of:
Dive Bomber Push-up x 10 reps
Kettlebell Suitcase Carry x 50 feet per side
Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps
Against a 3-minute clock…
Row 500 Meters
Max Reps of Toes to Bar
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Against a 3-minute clock…
Run 400 Meters
Max Reps of Power Cleans (185/135 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds and repeat for a total of FOUR SETS of each couplet – total workout time will be 32 minutes.
T2b: 12+12+12+12
Cl @125#: 6:+4+3+4
Should have done 115 for some UB reps; these were ~4 sec singles
T2B 8-6-6-4
PC (185) 5-4-5-4
1a. 15 toes to bar
1b. 8 cleans at 165
2a. 17 toes to bar
2b.10 cleans at 165
3b 12 toes to bar
3b. 5 cleans at 185
…. Hand ripped awesome
4a. V ups for 22
4b. 25 dips