May 11, 2019 – Performance and Fitness

Toe Mobility Drills x 60 seconds each side
Couch Stretch x 60 seconds each side
Hip CARs x 60 seconds each side
Ankle CARs x 60 seconds each side

Followed by…
Tabata x 8 sets (4 of each movement)
(20 seconds work + 10 seconds rest = 1 Tabata set)
Odd Sets – Bear Crawl
Even Sets – Butt Kickers


“Row-meo & Juliet”
In teams of two, complete the following for time:
300 Wall Ball Shots
4000 Meter Run
5000 Meter Row

Teams get one Concept 2 erg and one ball, but may partition the work however they would like . . . and both should be working at all times.

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January 31, 2020 10:28 am

Thank you so much for this. I was into this issu e and tired to tinker around to check if its possible but couldnt get it done. Now that i have see n the way you did it, thanks guys

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
May 13, 2019 12:10 pm

May 7 WOD
EMOM for 30 min
8 Cal AB – 38s/39/40/43/53/47
8 Burpee box jump over – all UB
12 C2B – 3/2/2/singles, 3/2/2/2/singles, 2/2/singles, last 3 sets all singles
12 FR Alt Rev lunges @ 85# – All UB
8 HSPU (kipping) – 8 reps/ 8 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 3
***Had no legs left to help me kip on the HSPU!

Janelle Winston
Janelle Winston
May 11, 2019 6:38 pm

Fruit cake. This stupid thing is not letting me sign on with Facebook, and lost my comment. Oh well. May 9th wod A. Hang clean + clean. Start at 60% (155) 105, 115, 125, 135, 140, 145, 150 (hit the hang, missed the clean x 3), 150 hit the clean. B. 10 min AMRAP 50 du 15 ttb 10 power clean 105 RX 4 + 31 Kept TTB in sets of 8/7 except last round of sets of 5 Power cleans 4/3/3 all rounds. 105 is getting heavy to cycle for me. All DU UB except first round tripped on… Read more »

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
May 12, 2019 2:03 pm

Great job all around! Those are big numbers on your cleans! I keep getting logged out of this system too just like with disqus 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day!

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
May 11, 2019 1:35 pm

Hang clean and cleans
Up to 165 which is a 10 lb HC pr.

Back Squats
Three sets of four
275 based off of 345. Those all felt strong.

I ran out of time for a metcon maybe tomorrow.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms!

Alex Hey
Alex Hey
May 11, 2019 9:31 am

A. Snatch
Emom 5 min
HH Snatch x3 50 kg

E90sec x4
Hang Snatch x2 60 kg

E2M x3
Snatch + Snatch balance 60 kg

1. Chin ups x8/6.3/7.2./8.2
2. Nose to wall hold 60 sec
3. Sideplank 60 sec L/R
4. Leg extension x15 25/30/35/40

4×15 /15
Biceps curls IT/ET

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