Two sets of:
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Left)
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Right)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Right)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD (or Face Up Chinese) Plank (Left)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD (or Face Up Chinese) Plank (Right)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Left)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Right)
Rest 60 seconds
You should be able to complete this entire Glute Activation Circuit in less than 12 minutes. Move from one movement immediately to the next.
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 4 reps @ 80-85%
Rest 2 minutes
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets) for times:
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
20 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells (32/24 kg)
400 Meter Run
Hi Team,
So…”they” secretly changed the commenting system last night so I couldn’t give you notice (since I didn’t know myself). The tech team is still working on moving old comments over and I haven’t had a chance to poke around to see how things work. Please let me know if you run into any issues or have questions!
Testing to see if my photo appears.
A) Back Squat, only 80-83%, not a strength of mine – 130 / 130 / 135, the last set felt better than the first two. I take a bit of loosening up. B) 4:45 / 5:02 / 5:06 30 Calories on Schwinn Air Dyne Pro bike 20 Walking Lunges using 35# (16kg) Kettlebells 400m Row instead of Run I may have done more calories on the 2nd round because the counter didn’t start and it was a while before I noticed so had to make a guesstimate on how many calories I’d done before resetting it. Lunges were slow single… Read more »
Solid warm-up today. I really have been enjoying them, thanks Michele!
A. I went 80, 82.5, 85% off 315, so ended up being 250, 260, 275lbs.
B. No dumbbells and only a single 24kg kbell in the garage so far, so I held 45lb plates on the lunges.
5:15, 5:32, 5:21
Love the plate hold! Great idea. I need 45 dumbbells. Never crossed my mind to hold plates.. def trying it out. Unless it was terrible?
It works well actually! I would definitely recommend if you’re doing an exercise in a hold like the lunges were today.
Awesome thanks! I have 2 35 kettlebells but they are a bit light for most stuff now.
I used to hold plates all the time before I got DBs and KBs…I metal plates that have the cut outs around them so it wasn’t a lot different than holding a KB. Not sure how it would be on the grip if you are trying to hold one that doesn’t have the cut outs…
A. Front squats 6×2 #245
B. Yesterday’s
50 double unders
15 GHD sit ups
10 power cleans #155
3 rounds + 4 GHD
C. 2x8min Subbed cal row
Leg felt strange on second round so I ended early.
A. 275-295-295. Back squats felt like I was lifting with my back (like I used to). My back felt pretty tight until last round for some reason.
B. Done 2min shuttle runs to sub 400m run. It was raining and 6-7*Celsius outside. All rounds done in under 5min. First 45sec of running was so hard due to these quads feeling some bike and heavy lunges combo. Loved it!
C. Extra pull ups, plank and push ups.
A. 175 x 4 reps; 185 x 4 reps; 190 x 4 reps
B. 35 lbs das and done outside to get some sun! 4:18; 4:18; 4:25
May 6 WOD
A1. BB Hip Thrusts x 6 @ 20X1 – 215#, 225, 235, 245 (5# PR and 5# heavier than my current DL)
A2. Sup Grip BOBB Row x 6 @ 2111 – 85#, 95, 95, 95
B. For Time – 8:33
21 DL @ 145# – UB
400m Run
15 DL – 9/6
400m Run
9 DL – UB
400m Run
Was a fun one. Nice job on the 21 ub!
Strong work on the barbell in every aspect. Congrats on the PR! That load is no joke! You flew through the metcon too. 21 deadlifts at that weight is impressive!
A) 295, 300, 300
B) hope y’all come to my funeral
1) 6:30
2) 7:56 (rested 2:00)
3) 8:25
*those lunges were heavy!!
In regards to the warmup…is that all everyone is doing for warmup?
I add in my specific mobility work before and then, to get my heart rate going, I do the prescribed warm-up.
Hi Christian,
I try to put new-ish ideas into the warm-up for you guys to try and they are usually fairly complete and can be done in 10-12 minutes. I think most people add in a couple extra things they know they need though.
Awesome thanks
KB placement??
In a farmer carry…unless you want to get REALLY crazy…
A. Back Squat (OT3M)
4 x 275, 285, 295
B. Every 8 minutes for 24 minutes (3 sets) of:
30 cal row | 20 – 2p KB Walking Lunges | 400m Run
4:40, 4:32, 4:37
+/- 1:30 row, 10-10, +/- 1:30 run
… good end to a great week.
A. BS x4
185/195/205 (205 is 80%)
Wearing 15lb weight vest for duration
30 cals AB (1:10 -1:15 each rd)
20 alt lunges 2x35lb kettlebells
400 meter run.
Rd1 4:47
Rd2 4:38
Rd3 4:48
Chopped a min of rest off before final round. Did not feel like waiting. Good man up day. Runs in the rain but stayed in the garage for the lunges.
Good job!
Vest and running in the rain!? Did you watch Terminator, Rambo and 300 before working out? ?
Lol. Wish I had time for a movie! But i did finish listening to David goggins book cant hurt me recently. In his terminology, I guess I was ready to put the F* out this morning.
Awesome, love the intensity. Had a few recommendations for that book !
This week was mentally and physically challenging. But I managed to train 3x and I’m going tomorrow too. . A) Weightlifiting session: drop snatch; walk to jerk position; snatch without moving the feet; hang clean . B) I was going to do today’s workout, but one of the athletes invited me to join her, so I did all the workouts . B.1) Emom 16′ (4 rounds each) 1′ – handstand plate step ups x5 2′ – 50lb Db overhead squats × 10 (5 each hand) 3′ – 10m handstand walk 4′ – rest . B.2) 2 rounds total 2′ –… Read more »
Good morning everybody…
A. skipped
B. E7M for 28 minutes (4 sets) 4:50/4:47/4:50/4:38; scaled to 50# alternating reverse lunge and 500m row
How is your knee dude? Good job today, got the work done!
Awesome job on B, extra set for those extra gainz!
A. Build to a heavy 8 deadlift
Up to 155kg – 88% of current 1rm, felt good!
B. 2 Rounds:
10 Bar Muscle-Ups – subbed for 20 ring rows as needed to be outside for wall ball
20 Barbell-Facing Burpees
30 Deadlifts (225/155)
40 Wallballs (30/20) closest the gym has is a 33lbs wall ball – brutal
1st round, 5.17, 2nd 6.13. 11.39. Ouch.
Heading back tonight to do run throughs of pairs events for next weekend. Looking forward to deload week!
That wod looks awful. Great job.
Thanks Chris, would have been even worse with actual BMUs! Heavy wall balls – no thanks!
Ugh that B! Looks tough. Way to get on that one.
Thanks Joe, soo many deadlifts after A as well!
Those B times are super fast dude. Crushed it
Great warmup again! ?
A. Back squat 3×4 @85%
120/120/120 kg
B. E8M
30 cal AB 2:00/1:55/1:45
20 KB Lunges 32 kg 8.6.6/10.10/15.5
400 m run 2:30/2:15/2:15
Rest: ?/2:15/1:30
I really didn’t want to do B, but again just put in the work.
Nice job muscling through today.
Been feeling that way on the regular for my Bs. Way to get the work in.