Two sets of:
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift x 10 reps
Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift x 10 reps per side
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Wall Ball Kang Squat x 10 reps
Kip Swing (on pull-up bar) x 10 reps
Ring Swing x 10 reps
Dive-Bomber Push-up x 10 reps
Air Squat x 10 reps
Five sets of:
Deadlift x 2 reps
Rest as needed
*Sets 1-2: @ 80-85% of 1-RM Deadlift
*Sets 3-4: @ 85%
*Set 5: @ 85-90%
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
40 Double-Unders
12 Toes to Bar
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
6r+ DB snatch 3
A. 220, 235 x 4
B. 6 + 9 DU
Warm up: ✅
7 rounds + 16 reps Rx
Wow! You must have been flying on those TTB. Great job!
A. 315, 335, 355lbs
B. Subbed 20cal bikerg for DU due to rain
4 rounds
A. 200, 205, 210, 215, 220
B. 5 rds, rx
A. 147,152,156,162,165kg
B. 6 + 58
A .Deadlift x 2 – 190#, 195, 200, 205, 210
B. AMRAP 12 Min – 5 Rounds + 40 DU
40 DU – trips in rounds 2 & 3
12 T2B – all UB stictish
12 Alt DB snatch – all UB
Not enough wieghts
A. Build 95 x5, 165×5, 215x 4, 245x 3 (60-70% 1 RM)
280×3 with blue bands
280×3 with blue bands
280×2 with purple band
40 dubs, 15 hanging knees to elbows ( not enough room) 55lb by 12 alt…. 5 rds flat