Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:
Pause Front Squat x 5 reps @ 32X1
Against a 4-minute running clock, perform as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Toes to Bar
20 Push-Ups
30 Jumping Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of 3 sets. Pick up each set where you left off at the end of the previous set.
A.) kb squats 5×6 at 32kg
B.) messed up and did not start each set where the last one ended.
Set 1- 5 pullups, 10 t2b, 20 pu, 30 squats, 5 pullups, 10 t2b, 5 pushup
2- got through to 2nd round of 5 pullups
3- same as 2
My husbands back on the island so I had to adjust the workout so he could do his stuff too… lame ?
Today’s A very light at tempo
B. 4rds of Monday
Every 8 min
50 DU
15 push press at 75#
15 bs @75#
400m run
Time left to rest
3:37/2:47/(swapped ropes) 3:04/2:19
A. Got up to 185 with the pause…than went up to 275×8
B. Emom 20
12 ab cals
10 power snatch 95lb
15 Ghd sit ups
20 push ups
C. 50 pull ups
That looks like a tough EMOM!
Living room wod
A)5 sets
30s max squat 55# DB
B) sub T2b for k2e ( T2b in door mount pull up bar seems dangerous)
4rds + 14 push ups
Well, work has been crazy and not sleeping much so… after three days off this felt REALLY hard.
A. 105,125,135,145,155 x 5 at tempo
B. I should have rested after front squats but instead went straight into this. Legs were shot half way into air squats.
324 total reps
A. Front Squats
5×5 @ tempo
175, 185, 195, 205, 210
B. Rx
6 rds + 5 Pull Ups, 4 T2B
Jump squats suck
Hotel workout. A. 5sets : 30s max DB squats (2×50# DB a la 18.2) 90s rest -19/18/18/18/18 (legs completely pumped at the end) B. 5 sets: 1min max alt DB snatches 50# 1min rest -20reps ea rd. Tabata(16mins total) Plank Mason twists with 10# med ball DB Bicep curls (mirror enhanced) DB lying triceps extensions *the source of my lat tightness yesterday morning turned out to be incredibly tight/sore pecs from Murph. I’ve found that doing push-ups while wearing a vest is almost like doing hand release push-ups as I always make full contact with the ground to not cheat… Read more »
Great job getting work done on the road. You always bring it and Murph takes a toll on you anyway.
Thanks Mike, you brought it today too!
Thanks for that mod for A longhorn. That hurt
High hang snatch 5×2: 155lbs
Front squat 3×3: 205-185-185
Still leg DL 3×8: 215
Ab work
Modified Monday’s WOD:
50 Double unders
15 Push Press 115lbs
15 back squat 115lbs
15 bar facing burpees
3rds+ 53 reps
This one was hella sweaty.
Great work!
That’s a lot of great work!
A. 185 / 205 / 215 / 205 / 215. Tempo, woof!
B. Rx 5 + 20. Completed Monday’s wod yesterday so legs really felt toasted.
Way to push through. Those are all solid numbers!
A. 135, 155, 165, 185, 205.
That last set I was grinding to get through it! I should have started at 155 though. Earlier this week I was thinking we haven’t had tempo squats or front squats in awhile. Today was the lucky day!
B. 5 rounds flat. This was a grind too, but I kept an even pace the last two rounds. Just keep moving!
Solid numbers my friend!
Thanks bro!
A. Wasn’t sure about these..but went on feel and based off 155# 1RM
105, 115, 120, 125, 130 man the last set was rough and reps 3-5 UGLY
***Shoulder mobility between sets
B. RX – 5r + 1 T2B
Round 1 – 107 reps
Round 2 – 106 reps
Round 3 – 118 reps
Great job as always!
That 1 RM is off, you need to retest!! Well done today 🙂
What does “@ 32X1” mean?
Hi Patrick, the numbers are a way to describe tempo training. The prescription here is 3 seconds on the way down, pause for 2 seconds at the bottom of the squat, explode up and take 1 second to regroup at the top.
Thank you! I’ve been scratching my head trying to figure that out.
Pinched from Michele’s notes:
… little mix-up mash-up to catch-up …
A. Pause Front Squats as Rx (OT3M)
175, 185, 195, 205, 215
B. 3 RFT (w/ 2 min rest between):
5 Strict Pull-ups/10 TTB/ 20 Push-ups/30 Air Squats
R1: 1:28 UB
R2: 1:27 UB
R3 1:47 UB except 10-5-5 Pushups
C. Nerfed from yesterday:
2 min Row for Cal: 40
2 min 1 Arm DB Alternating Snatch : 32
2 min Double-Unders: 110
Very interesting mods!! Fun stuff great work
Solid calories on the row!
Rounds 1 and 2 are pretty damn fast!
A. No rack today so…
155#X5 reps at tempo for five sets
B. Rx four rounds +8 repetitions
Kept the front squats light. Waiting for my blitz bell
18.5 – 102
18.5 – 78
Awesome work!!
Day behind: A1. High Hang Snatch: 65/65/70/70/75/75 x 2 reps A2. Hang Snatch: 80/85/90/95 x 1 rep A3. Snatch: 105/110/115 x 1 rep B. For max reps/calories: — 3 Minutes of Rowing: 60 cals » Goal: 75 cals ?? — 3 Minutes of Power Snatches @ 95 lbs: 8 reps » Goal: 45 reps ?? — 3 Minutes of Assault Bike: 42 cals » Goal: 60 cals ?? This week has been brutal. Went in yesterday to do Monday’s workout and I couldn’t even finish it! I think I’m just tired and it caught up to me fast. In other… Read more »
I vote for a mix of proudly afraid to the bones
Be afraid. Very afraid. 🙂 It’s fun to watch them change. My littlest booger is such a ham and talking so much now it’s always a bit of shock when she blurts out a sentence.
I am super tired too, and I’m taking the day off! Yipppee!
Take some extra time to rest my friend! Also you should be scared because these boogers move darn fast!
These days happen. Take a rest day(s) and make sure you’re getting lots of sleep. My little 5.5 month old booger keeps me tired, so dreading the walking/crawling soon to come!
My 1 year old boy has been crawling (and recently walking) all over the place and wreaking havoc…. leaving a mess everywhere he goes! The pleasures of parenting lol
Exhaustion from parenting doesn’t get less with the age of the child, it just taxes different resources ?. Mine are 8&9 and we are at the stage of after-school sports which means we don’t really get home until around 8pm every night and after eating, homework etc… you get the idea. Kids are still the awesomest thing though! Enjoy every stage and milestone!
A. 80/85/90/95/95kg.
B. Rx: 6 + some squats (not all ?).
Great work!
Super fast on B!
A. E3min 5×5 Paused F.Squat 185,205,225,245,245
B. 3×4 min AMRAP (2min rest b/t rounds)
5 Strict pull ups, 10 T2B, 20 Push Ups, 30 jump squats
(2+12 push ups, 2+10 push ups, 2+10 T2B)
6 rounds + 10 T2B
Benching yesterday hurt my push ups today. Fun one.
A. 185, 205, 225, 245, 265 (4&1)
B. 4+45 Rx
Big lift man! Glad to see you back on here!
Thanks @disqus_V40r8NSFJ7:disqus. Good to be back. I’ve been real intermittent the last 4-6 weeks as I’ve been spending a lot of time working on clearing out my garage so I could set up a functional training space (and still park in it!), which led to doing a lot of other cleaning to keep the wife happy. I’m about 75% of the way there and can do a lot of WODs in the garage now, so whether I can get to the gym or not, I should be able to be more consistent which means more posts from me in the… Read more »
That’s great! I work out in my garage as well (no parking in it though) and it definetly helps with staying consistent. You can always find time to get out there to do a least a little something. Build it up slowly. I think as long as you have a rack, barbell with plates and a pull up bar with rings, and a Kettlebell you’ll be able to get anything done. Post pics of it when it’s ready.
See above. Not done, but it’s where it is at the moment.
That’s awesome news! I wanna see pics too when you’ve got it set up!
Well done man! Solid work
funny thing about this WOD – I was able to keep my torso upright throughout A which I felt good about. Then I start part B and on the first pull up I felt my back crack all the way up from that dead hang position – Guess I was still getting compressed a good bit
did you feel it in your core during those pause squats? By the end of each set it was getting tough for me
I don’t remember feeling it in my core…but more in my quads.
Hah… yeah the quads got their share fo sho
You’ve got some solid strength numbers. Curious on your garage setup too.
here’s what I got so far…still need to cut out a section of the ceiling to the left of the platform where I can mount the pull up/muscle up bar and set up for wall ball shots…bike is in the basement (haven’t moved it up yet). Also have a bunch of iron plates in the basement that I’m not yet sure what to do with.

That’s looking good so far man!
Have you taken the yoke out for a walk yet? Sweet setup
Not yet. Weather is only just beginning to turn… Hopefully in April
That is a great garage setup!
Thanks Wes. I’m so excited to have a space in the garage. I never thought this was possible. If you’d seen my garage beforehand – we could barely get in and out of our vehicles with all the junk in there. In about another month, I’ll be able to do any crossfit wod that doesn’t involve rowing. {stoked!}
Hey Nathan…glad to see you!!
Thanks Candy! good to be back. it’s going to take me a minute to get back into shape
A: 75/85/115/125/135
B: Rx 4 rounds