Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 60 seconds at 80% effort
Elevated Pigeon Good Morning x 45 seconds per side (you may move through reps or hold the stretch at end range)
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Frog Rocks x 60 seconds
Empty Barbell Front Squat x 12-20 reps
Five sets of:
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 90+%
Rest 2 minutes
“Charley Horse”
For time:
50/35 Calories of Assault Bike (or 75/50 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2)
25 Front Squats (175/115 lbs)
25 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Barbell should start from the ground.
Compare results to September 29, 2021.
A. 405 for 4 sets, 425 5th set (Still working back into squatting, slowly loading tendons, working off 440-450 max, usually 500+)
B.12:37 (Burpee Box Jumps most of my time)
(Sorry to add notes, just for record keeping)
225 doubles
14:25 on Charley Horse.
155lbs. But I did from rack so I could focus on more weight.
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 90+%
— 185 lbs for all 5 rounds —
“Charley Horse”
75 Cal Row
25 Front Squats (135lbs)
It was harder than I expect (3-3-3-6-5-5)
25 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″)
Just realize I forgot to add the time.
It was 17:12min
315 lbs for all sets
RX 12:32
A: doubles up to 255
B: 0856 bike, 10-8-7 squat
A: 1RM @ 265#
Up to 2x 255#
B: row75cal + FS @ 155 from ground 10/5/5/5
A. Back squats x 2 reps
285, 285, 305, 305, 305
B. Charley horse done with 75 rower cals
Two sets on the squats and I paid for it on the burpees. Those were slow!
Nice job Mike! Yea I broke the FS down into 2 sets and I’m sure it’s more a mental thing rather than physical!
I added in Travis core workout 10 afterwards.
Yesterdays athletic period workout
Emom 2:30 3rds all reps of 8
1. Power clean 165-175-185
2. Back squat 185-225-225
3. Bench 185-225-225
4. Incline 185-185-205
400m run gut check 1:09
Emom 3 min 2×5
Behind neck spit jerk 135
Emom 2 min 2 split jerks with 2sec pauses
2-185 2-205 2-215 2-225
2-235 1-245 1-255
No time for part C
Skipped squats. So sore!
Charley Horse
Row 75 cal
25 front squats floor start 175
25 burpee box jump overs 24”
Won’t b able to walk later haha
With Row + 135# FS
FS: 10/5/5/5
A. Back Squat x 2 – based off 190# 171, 173, 175, 176×1, 173×1, 165×2 ***these felt really good until that second attempt at 176 B. Charley Horse – RX 13:40 35 Cal AB – 3:31 25 Front Squats @ 115# (taken from rack) – 4/3/3/2/3/3/2/3/2 25 BBJO – UB ***almost 2 min faster than last Sept but almost 3 min slower than my best times. Those FS where a HOT MESS!! C. 3 Rounds for Quality 10 Seated DB Bicep curls @ 15# per arm 10 Lying DB Pullover @ 20# (double arm) 10 Lying Tri Ext @ 25#… Read more »
A195 5×2
B. 8:08 row50 RX
5 sets: 2x@93kg
35 kcal bike
25 fsq @52kg
25 burpees jump over box
A. 90-93-95-95-90% of 1rm
B. 8:16 Rx
20:00 RX sets of 3 fs probably should scale next time
Swapped heavy back squats out for heavy DL (it’s been a while)
A. DL @ 90%+
2x 455
2x 460
2x 465
2x 455
2x 455
B. Metcon: (for time) … 12:27
– 75 cal row
– 25 front squat @ 175
– 25 burpee box jump-overs @ 24″
Why are my burpees so slow?? Mobility? (I’m having to almost “jump” from the pushup position on the ground to my feet each time)
I always jump from push up position to my feet..that’s the way I learned and if I’m not mistaken that used to be Open standard. I’ve tried to step up, but it just feels awkward and slows me down.
BTW…that’s a pretty nice time on the metcon Blake..Great Job!!
So I find that the easiest way to get through them is to try and go as wide as you can with your feet when you jump up from the push-up position. It feels like you save a bit of energy that way. Also going laterally over the box or turning 90 on the way up and down I find helps.
Anything you can do to shave a second or 2 off each one adds up to a massive amount by the end
Warmup done ✅
A. BS x2 every 2 mins 5 sets
B. ‘Charlie horse’ FT
50 cal AB
25 FS @80kg
25 BBJO’s @24”
Last time I did this was 75 cal row and was 9”25 so can’t really compare.
C. Travis’ core workout #1
A. Back squats 5×2 @ 235lb (that’s all the plates I have… should be closer to 255/265lb for this rep scheme)
B. “Charley Horse”
75 cal Row
25 FS (145lb – BB start from ground)
25 BBJO (24″)
10:17 (did this in 12:08 last time @ 135lb FS from rack….huge improvement)
where i train, it dont have Bike or Row, what can i to do?
If you know 50 Cal takes you 3 minutes you could pick anything that keeps your heart elevated for 3 minutes: run for 3 minutes or jump rope for 3 minutes, etc.
Wanted to do a grinder after sitting on my butt all day.
Roxy #4. – got my money’s worth out of that one!
38:03 RX.
The burpee broad jumps took FOREVER! Not all were three feet for sure. Didn’t take the time to measure.
That last run was a soul searcher. 😂
great work finishing that one! it was tough, and i agree wholeheartedly about the final run!