In teams of three, with only one partner working at a time, complete 3 rounds each of:
Row 500 Meters
8 Front Squats (185/135 lbs – from the ground)
8 Pull-Ups
followed immediately by…
In teams of three, with only one partner working at a time, complete 3 rounds each of:
Row 500 Meters
8 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
8 Pull-Ups
Completed on 3/19:
A. Did 1:1.5 work/rest ratio by myself, no partner. Used 155 for FS’s and averaged 4:00/rd
B. Scaled to 115 lb Thrusters. Averaged 4:00/round again..finished everything in 56:00
3:45, 3:46, 3:32 started loosening up. Legs felt like lead
3:39, 3:21, 3:06
Done team of two. Rx
41 min. UB squats/thrusters/Pull-Ups
Not so good on The rower today
Today is 17.4 for me.
Total Reps: 165 with a tiebreak of 12:03
Full comment on yesterday’s post ??
I coached at our Point Loma location today and we did this in teams of two. Most even cut the rest a little more from there. Have fun!
Finished all Rx
Clock was reset during workout so don’t know time. Did it in teams of 2.
No gym Shamrock 8K… apparently I need to run more
In a team of ME…with 3 min rest between sets
A. 3:43 / 3:47 / 3:47
Row 500m
8 Front squats @ 105#
8 Pull ups
B. 3;34 / 3:34 / 3:19
Row 500m
8 Thrusters @ 65#
8 Pull ups
This was tough! My whole body is TIRED!