2 sets of:
Side Plank Hip Dip x 20 per side
Single-Dumbbell Kang Squat (hold dumbbell with one hand on each head in a front rack position) x 10 reps
Followed by…
2 sets of:
Push-up x 10
Single-Arm Dumbbell Power Clean x 10 per arm
Ten sets of:
Power Clean + Hang Clean
*Sets 1-3 @ 60-70% of 1-RM Clean
*Sets 4-6 @ 70-80%
*Sets 7-10 @ 80-85%
Option 1
Complete rounds of 9, 7 and 5 reps for time of:
205/145 lb Clean (power or full)
Ring Muscle-Up
Option 2
For time:
15 Power Cleans (155/105 lbs)
30 Ring Dips
10 Power Cleans
20 Ring Dips
5 Power Cleans
10 Ring Dips
Rx – 10:46
Single PCs
A. Don3 rm 90kg … o fails
B. 11:34
Rx with 77,5kg
A. Worked up to 185
B. Option 1 RX’d 10:06, last time I did this was 11:25!
A. Worked up to 140#
B. Option 2 – 4:20 with ring dips off a box
A. 125-135-145-155-160-165-170-172.5-175-175 off of 210#
B did 9-7-5 cleans/ rmu
clean 7/2 pc/sc 2/5 pc/sc 5 sc a little slower per rep but wanted the practice of heavier sc in a metcon and to save the shoulders a little for the RMU
A. Converted from kg
1-3 @110
4-6 @120
7-10 @ 130
B. Option 2 (didn’t have rings used dip bar)
A. Up to 170#
B. Scaled to 145, strict dips with yellow rubber band, 13:48
I’m officially finished with the gymnastics program (for now) though I plan to incorporate some drills so I can get better at stuff.
A. Cleans + hang cleans.
85, 105, 115, 115, 125, 130, 130, 135, 140 (failed hang did again), 140 nailed it.
B. 9-7-5
Cleans @ 145
BMU – it was either banded RMU or BMU. And since the Open I want to get better at sets of BMUs.
Failed one but not too bad. Also some were really nice some were terrible.
Great work finishing off your top set! That’s a great feeling. What’s your biggest takeaway from the gymnastics program?
Positioning and strength are key. Still working on all the things so I don’t know. I’m better at some stuff and still stuck on others. But that’s kind of like life. 😂
Crossfit is a microcosm of life. You find out your strengths and weaknesses, you grow in areas, and others will always be a challenge!
Yesterday’s workout Roxy #4
Rx: 37:37
800m runs felt good outside of the last one. That was a struggle to hold on to the end.
Good work to everyone who pushed through this one. It was so nice to get to run outside. That helped me finish.
Short on time today…
A. Power Clean + Hang Clean – based off 130#
A. Worked up to 215# (PC + HC combo)
B. 9x PC @ 205 + 9 strict PU w/ 20# vest
7x PC @ 205 + 7 strict PU w/ 20# vest
5x PC @ 205 + 5 strict PU w/ 20# vest
12:12 time
Never trained muscle ups yet… also don’t have high enough ceiling @ home gym. Replaced with strict PU with a 20# weight vest. 205 was probably a bit high for me @ that rep scheme, but I need to keep training cleans– get a better feel for heavier weight👍
Great work attacking that metcon!
A. Worked up to 155lb
B. Scaled PCs to 135lb.
Those ring dips….had to break ’em into 2s in the last round, but good lil pump 🙂
Fun little limited equipment workout 🏝
Three sets of:
60 second Run/Bike/Row
20 Banded Face Pulls
30 second Side Plank Each Side
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
20 L-Seated Leg Liftovers
Rest 30 seconds
When the running clock reaches 20:00, complete the following…
Every 2 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets of):
Station 1 – 50 Double-Unders + 15-20 Push-Ups
Station 2 – 8-10 Bulgarian Split Squats Each Leg
Station 3 – 300 Meter Run OR 90 second Bike/Row
Station 4 – 30 second Push-Up Plank Hold + 30 Mountain Climbers + 30 Flutter Kicks
Great work as always Al! Where are you at this week?
I always love when I get to visit London!
Hi Mike, yea was a good fun workout this one 👍 This week I’m in one of the nicer places I get to visit St Barths, and it’s pretty nice! When the weather is nice London is a lovely place to visit