Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets each) of:
Station 1 – 4-8 Ring Muscle-Ups
Station 2 – 50-75 Foot Handstand Walk
(use a partner assist to accumulate the volume and time under tension if you’re still learning hand balancing)
Station 3 – L-Sit x 60 seconds
(accumulate the time if you’re unable to maintain this position unbroken)
Five rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
9 Toes to Bar
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
From yesterday.
A. Done:
MU 7/5/3-1-1,
HSWalk (not unbroken) +/- 20m each round,
L-sit 60/30-30/10-10-10-10-10-10.
B. Subbed 800 m airbike for running. At the beginning I was thinking about trying the bar Complex unbroken. Finially decided to separate movements. ?
Above 20 minutes.
A: 6 Ring MU progressions
30 sec shoulder taps 30 sec rest x 2
Ring L sits 20-30 sec 30-40 sec rest x 2
All x3
My back and legs were still pretty blowed up from deadlift yesterday and then took the fam hiking to some lava tubes today. About 3 hours in the sun and I am the pack mule. I did B as more of an active recovery.
B: took my time at about 4 minutes per for 4 rounds.![comment image](https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/39f5a2d53a4a8c5a0a612f016d19956b4d22eb834207c3937dcd41bc311ee471.jpg)
![comment image](https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/178bec46aba93aeae7595b12871ef3dd4f3c07f8a8b787572788667755f66297.jpg)
This is cool Ryan, good stuff!
18.2 – 8:56, 245 (power clean)
Finally got around to this after being sick that week.
Nice job, Luke. Welcome back.
Lots of modification today. Training for OCS so modifying all kipping pullup movements to strict. And my core strength is wack.
A1: 6 strict pullups & 6 strict dips
A2: 50 handstand marches on wall
A3: Leg raises for 1:30
B: 3 rounds of:
500m row
20 hollow body rocks
10 v up roll ups
6 strict pullups
Time: 17:40
I tried to go 5 rounds, but my lower legs cramped up HARD and I couldn’t keep going.
Definitely a “punch the card” day lol. Not too impressed with my performance. Serves me right for slacking last week!
This was murder on tired and tweaked shoulders.
Low ring mu progressions. 6-8 reps
Accum handstand free holds.
Accum l sit. This was the worst.
B. 22:56
I took my sweet time because I wanted to do all the movements but wanted to be careful of my shoulder. (I tweaked during 18.3)
BMU were with a blue band. CTB were singles. TTB were unbroken.
Crushed my shoulder today too 🙁 I feel your pain amiga.
A. From yesterday DLs
290 & 310x 5/330/350/385 no belt
B. Modified from today 4 Rounds of:
500 m row
9 T2B
6 pull-ups
3 strict ring dips = 1-4:06/2-8:14/3-12:39/4-16:15
Satisfied I finished less than 16:24!!
Felt real tired today. Decided to do chest and arms instead. I could not believe the main sites wod was the exact same thing.
Bench 5×5 @230, ring dips 4×8 +35, max push ups with green band.
Damn, starting this program was very humbling…
Still pretty cold here in Chicago:
12 Burpees
9 T2B
6 C2B
3 Bar MU
Bar muscle ups are very weak for me right now since I haven’t really been training them in the last couple years. Oh well, #bettereveryday
I hear u northern Indiana here
Me too, actually. I always just say “Chicago”… it rolls off the tongue easier. Lol
Way to get it done, sir.
A1. 5 Banded strict ring transitions
A2. HSHolds (ohhhh bout 5s each…lol)
A3. L-Sit on Parallel bars (60s UB all sets)
B. RXish – 17:14
400m run on treadmill
9 T2B
6 C2B (singles)
3 BMU (from box with swing through for all 3..no stopping on box)
C. 2 Sets
Weighted Sit Ups x 25
Weighted standing obliq crunches x 50
weighted standing crunches x 25
14# ball slams x 12 each side
D. 100 Knee to opp elbow march
Wow on A3! Great work today
Day behind
Deadlifts 305×5 DOG than up to 440
Row times
DAMN….some heavy weight right there…love it!
Thank you 🙂
Crushed today
A1. 3×3. All UB which was my goal after 18.3.
A2. Wall kick offs for 1min. Got a few good free standing holds 5ish seconds.
A3. 2x:30 each round on rings
B. 13:59 Scaled to 6x kipping pull upset & 3 c2b. Shoulders are smoked from 18.3. Nice steady pace and all UB.
I’m with u on the shoulders being smoked great job on all accounts!
Thanks man! You too!
A. 8 strict ring pu.
Practice freestand handstands
L sits. Max 20 sec ub. Lol.
B. Practicedbar mu for 10min, then
400m run, 9t2b,6 c2b pu. 19:12
Those L sits are the best/worst.
Man, 18.3 and today were real eye openers on how far I’ve let this stuff get away from me.
Station 1 – worked on low ring hang using false grip and 4 reps of low ring transitions (thanks Joey!)
Station 2 – my handstand walks have really deteriorated
Station 3 – about 35 seconds consecutive hold… need to get back on this too
B – gave right knee a break by not running, but those BMUs have really come apart too… so worked on technique
Glad you tried it! Hope it helps! Nice work
Thanks, it really hurts and feels awkard at this stage, but looking to get past that
I guess that’s a good sign… when you start to feel comfortable and strong your RMU are gonna be that much better!!! Stick with it my friend! You can also do them negative style like shown here in step 3 https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/competitors/blog/strict-muscle-progression/
And there’s also some nice progressions in here: https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/blog/steps-to-a-muscle-up-step-3-turnover-and-transition/
Station 1-6 ring pull-ups
Station 2-40 handstand shoulder taps
Station 3-1 min ring l-sits
Lots of subbing for me today (As muscle ups are max effort singles for me and my shoulders really don’t enjoy the movement – they’re a bit grumpy at me from 18.3 on Saturday)
Station 1 – 8 strict pullups
Station 2 – 10 strict HSPU
Station 3 – 60 second plank
B. – Dropped the muscle ups so just run + t2b + c2b
Love the subbing Shaun!
Hey CF Invictus followers, if you live or work near Old Dominion U they are selling two (2) used GHD machines………..
Awesome, thanks Jay! Love me some GHD movements!
Try These 3 Tests To Meausre Your Posterior Chain Gains
This looks great! I’m still recovering from surgery, but I’m improving greatly by the day. Got in some crossover symmetry work this AM. Walking doesn’t hurt anymore (pretty rough yesterday).
Keep up the good work, team! I’m proud to be part of the online community!
Hip hip hooray for CrossOver Symmetry! How were the ATYT’s?
AWFUL (in a great way!)
Back from Ecuador!
A. 285, 305, 325, 345, 365
B. Didn’t have partners so I went 1:2 work:rest. 1:52, 1:48, 1:48
Was pretty happy with these weights and times considering I’d just traveled for over 24 hours straight the day before!
4 MU
50ft HS walk
Split the L-sit into :30 segments.
B. 19:08….don’t have a high enough garage for bar or ring MU’s so I didn’t them from a sitting position.
Welcome back!
Did Fitness today.
A. Done.
B. 13:30. All runs done at 6 min/mike pace. Weird transitions from treadmill to bar and back.
I do Fitness most days! Sometimes I do Performance A then Fitness A if it’s a non-conditioning day for me. Great to supplement with on Oly days!
Wow! That’s fast.
A. 12 ring snap pulls from floor
60 second nose to wall handstand hold
40 second hollow hold on rings
B. 400 m run
6 strict TTB
4 strict pull-ups
3 strict muscle ups feet on box
5 rounds @23:40 (added extra 400 m run. Dogs joined on the runs and needed more)
Went strict -shoulders smoked from lot of muscle up work Sunday
Love the extras and adding in the dogs must have been fun…