Two sets of:
Row x 250 meters
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift x 10 reps
Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift x 10 reps per side
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Snatches x 5 reps per arm
Burpees x 5 reps @ easy pace
CrossFit Games 24.1 Open
For time:
21 Dumbbell Snatches, arm 1 (50/35 lbs)
21 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
21 Dumbbell Snatches, arm 2
21 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
15 Dumbbell Snatches, arm 1
15 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
15 Dumbbell Snatches, arm 2
15 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
9 Dumbbell Snatches, arm 1
9 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
9 Dumbbell Snatches, arm 2
9 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
Resource Links:
Please refer to our Open Prep Guide
Done on 3/6
# 9:02
20kg db
M 39
After 4 years I’m once again trying the Open.
did snatch e90 sec x7 95-105-115-125-135-145-155f-155f
A. 13:54
just back to days after 2 night shifts. if we ever repeat it will be fun to smoke this time but 1 and done for me.
14:30 RX
11:20 rx
11:11 RX (39YO M)
Pretty comfortable with my result
(42) M … 149 reps rx’d….🤢
pls note the following time was because i did with kb. not having to come down as far for a couple inches multiplied over 96 reps makes a world of difference- but 11:53 with 50# kb
get at it everyone – invictus represent!
19:54 (40lb DB)
136 reps at 15:00 time cap
108 rx
Started with weak arm