Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
Snatch x 1 rep
Suggested loading per set (by %): 65, 70, 75, 80, 83, 86, 89, 92, 95, 95+
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
15 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
Snatch x 1 rep
Suggested loading per set (by %): 65, 70, 75, 80, 83, 86, 89, 92, 95, 95+
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
15 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
A. Bryan (clean and jerk vs. snatch) – 115#, 125#, 130#, 140#, 145#, 150#, 155#, 160#, 165#, 170#.
B. Bryan (65#) – 16:58.
Hi everyone, I’m new here. I’ve been training from January to March in Competition program three times per week; now I’m doing 4-5 times with Performance program. I’m very happy, because my first Nancy was about 17’18” the last year. Today I’ve been in 11’49”!
Sorry for my english
Great job! That is a fantastic time on Nancy and the improvement is phenomenal!
A: 65/65/70/70/75/75/80/85/95/105. Sort of a 5# PR but I don’t really push for max on snatch. Too much pressure on my lower back.
B: Nancy at 80#
19:53. I know I have done this before but I can’t find my time.
Awesome work Ryan
That heat cost me somewhere between 1 & 2 minutes. I had to stop after the run on rounds 4 & 5 or there would have been consequences.
A. 85# up by 5# every set to 130 (5# PR). Still catching way too high… will try to work some snatch balances in as skill work next time
B. 17:33 as Rx. First time doing this one. My goal was to go UB on the OHS, done
Ran outside, the 20 steps to get to my gym slowed me down a little
C. 5 sets paralette tuck hold 30s on / 60s off
Have a great night
Good work on the PR ??
Congrats on the PR!
Oh yeah, you have to traverse the dreaded stairs to go in and out of the gym. Nice PR, Joey.
PR!!! Ohhhh 5 rds of 400m run>20 steps>15OHS>20steps… ouch
10 muscle ups
45 to 165. 10 rounds
Nancy RX – 14.35
Nice job. Ring or bar MUs?
A – Kept it to 135# to focus on getting to that ‘power position’ and getting momentum off the contact with hips
B – Rx 16:28
Looking back at the logs, not sure how it’s possible but I haven’t done this since Aug 2014? Glad to at least see it was 19:24 back then
3 minutes? That’s awesome!!
Nice work BFS!
Decided to do yesterday’s with a World Cup twist to it.
45 +3(additional) minutes
2 minutes row
2 minutes to do 50 walking body weight lunges
2 minutes airbike
Row and bike performed around 75-80%
I will probably regret doing 400 walking lunges
Snatch is a relatively new movement for me still. Trying so hard to have an effective pull under the bar.
B) 14:54 w/ front rack squats@45.
Catching those snatches used what little shoulder stability I have ?
Good job Randee getting after the snatch!
Way to double PR!!! Get at it!!!
Awesome work! Congrats on the PR! Very technical movement it feels like Ive practiced a lot but I’m not even sure I’ve scratched the surface yet
A) 95/95/105/115/115/125/125/135/135/155
Took time to pause at the bottom to help with my receiving position. (Saw Rey Regano talking about why I have a higher power snatch than a squat snatch and that this would help me get used to the squat receiving position).
B) 17:52 75# OHS still didn’t make it unbroken.
7/13 squat cycle
4 sets
4 fs/8 bs at 160 lbs
This felt great today and I worked through each set quickly.
21, 15, 9
Hang power cleans (all UB)
24” box jump overs
Cash out 20 dead bugs each leg
I can absolutely appreciate that leg cycle you’re going thru, way to keep it going
Yeah I’ve seen benefit already, and I’m going to stick it out to test my 1 rm.
Can’t wait to see the results. Nice work man
My back has been a little sketchy lately, so needless to say I was a little nervous when I saw snatches on the program today. I just made today a strength and form day. Took things very slowly and worked up to 115lbs doing doubles with 10 sec between reps. Focused on pulling under the bar and locking out strong under the bar in the squat position. Really had to stuff my ego in my pocket to not keep adding weight, and I’m happy to say my back feels pretty good. No “Nancy” today, just the snatch work. Maybe I’ll… Read more »
I know the feeling. The logical side of me knows you can get more out of those lighter-weight technique refinement days for the long run but damn it soothes the ego to try to get #s hahaha Feel better.
Exactly! Thanks!!
What happened to the back? Was it a specific incident or just one of those days?
Think it started about a month ago I did a bunch of heavy deadlifts and it started feeling a little weak. Then a couple days after I did high volume heavy KB swings, then a few days after that I was doing some snatch work and on one of the heavy pulls my lower back locked up in spasm and I literally dropped to my knees. Ever since I’ve been extra cautious working my way up slowly with weight. It’s a little sore and stiff in the morning but usually ok once I get moving. Hopefully in a couple of… Read more »
Back injuries are scary. I can empathize. Hopefully it isn’t anything serious. Taking it slow is probably a good idea.
Hi everyone! I will be taking over the blog coaching for Michele while she’s away. Quick about me: I am a CrossFit Level 3 Trainer, have been coaching for 5+ years, and received my Master’s degree in Public Health. I’ve been coaching with Invictus for 3 months and it’s been an amazing transition into this community! I’m excited to virtually meet all of you in the next few weeks and feel free to reach out with any questions. I LOVE today’s workout. “Nancy” is one of my favorite CrossFit workouts of all time. It’s simple, it’s fast, and it’s effective.… Read more »
Hey Crew!
Sorry I’ve been MIA lately, been really busy around the gym but I miss you guys! Since summer is so busy and I’m getting ready to head to the World Cup for a few weeks, I asked one of our coaches, Libby, to help me out with coaching notes. So you will see her posting starting very soon – look for it!
Anyone else going to the World Cup? Would love to meet up, if it works out.
So jealous! Have a great time! What games are you planning on going to?
Game 55 (Round of 16) and both semis!
Welcome to virtual Invicutus crew.
Thanks for being here and for your advice it is much appreciated
Thanks for the explanation! Having pace cues is super helpful!
Welcome the this forum Libby!!!
Kg. 30/35/37,5/40/42,5/45/47,5/48,5/49,5/50 .
(PR 50)
OHS 36 kg.
Congrats on your PR!
Thks u!
Hey Crew!
Sorry I’ve been MIA lately, been really busy around the gym but I miss you guys! Since summer is so busy and I’m getting ready to head to the World Cup for a few weeks, I asked one of our coaches, Libby, to help me out with coaching notes. So you will see her posting starting very soon – look for it!
Anyone else going to the World Cup? Would love to meet up, if it works out.
Thanks for the heads up. Have fun!
Coach Michele Vieux – adrenaline junky.
Have fun! Are you the designated driver this time? ?
I wish I was going!! Have a blast out in Russia!!
A. Squat snatch
140/146/151/161/171 (PR 5#)
B. Rx
All OHS were UB but runs so atrocious I put up a miserable 21:32. I cracked this once sub 17 so no idea how my runs have become so miserable. Dad bod?
Not sure if u did yesterday’s, but if u did that would definitely play a role – still a great snatch PR regardless of how u feel about B
I lose my running engine soooo quick. A few weeks not running and I’m as slow as a turtle in molasses. If you haven’t been doing it, that’s probably why.
Congrats on your PR!!
A. Squat Snatch as Rx (PR 190)
125, 135, 145, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175*, 180, 185
… missed first attempt at 175, reset and made the second attempt – last two felt solid
B. “Nancy” as Rx: 11:56
… not a PR but 3 seconds faster than the last time I did this one back in October of 2013 … journal is getting dusty …
Ultra fast B Chris, great work
Thanks – 34 seconds slower than the 2012 – 170# version of myself – but that guy could barely snatch 155 – so good trade in my opinion.
Impressive PRs with that lift.
I’d trade 34 seconds for 20# on a snatch, absolutely
On 2nd thought, ur 34 seconds of nancy were likely stolen by yesterday’s wod
Great work!
A: 95/105/115/125/135/135/145/155/155/
B: Subbed run for 30cal AB. 19:44
C: 50 sit-ups, 60s rest, 30 sit-ups, 45s rest, 20 sit-ups, 30s rest, max sit-ups
Hotel WOD
DB work- Shoulders/bis/tris (Horton protocol)
Abs- (Horton Protocol)
18.0 – timer failed
21-15-9: DB snatches 50#, burpees over DB
If nothing else, those hotel workouts foster creativity. Nice job, TLH.
Keep those hotel ones going! Any pool work in the cue for later?
I’ll be doing it hotel style until mid next week. A set of DBs up to 50 gives a lot of options. Unfortunately the pool is the size of a large aquarium, so no swimming in my immediate future.
Underwater breath hold for time?