Assault Bike x 60 seconds (60-65% perceived effort)
Supinated Grip Static Hang x 60 seconds (accumulate if needed)
Inchworms x 5
Pronated Grip Static Hang x 60 seconds (accumulate if needed)
Perfect Stretch x 10 steps
Assault Bike x 45 seconds (70-75% perceived effort)
Plank Shoulder Taps x 30 seconds
Scapular Pull-Ups x 10-15 reps
Wall Climbs x 2-4 reps
Broad Jumps or Frog Jumps x 5-10 reps
Assault Bike x 30 seconds (80-85% perceived effort)
Against a 3-minute clock…
Row 500 Meters
Max Reps of Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Against a 3-minute clock…
Run 400 Meters
Max Reps of Kettlebell Swings
Rest 60 seconds and repeat for a total of FOUR SETS of each couplet – total workout time will be 32 minutes.
Compare results to December 16, 2019.
Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 12 minutes of:
400 Meter Run
30 Running Man Line Jumps
30 Air Squats
When the running clock reaches 24:00, perform the following…
Complete for time:
400 Meter Run
50 Double Unders
30 Contralateral Alternating V-Ups
400 Meter Run
50 Double Unders
20 Back Pack Strict Press
TIME CAP: 10 Minutes
I got 8:65
Finished the for time exercise in 8:52! How do I compare to others that did this?