July 6, 2020 – Performance and Limited Equipment Workouts



Banded Scarecrow x 30 seconds each position
Banded Hamstring Flossing x 30-60 seconds each side
Reverse Snow Angels x 15-20 reps
Jefferson Deadlifts x 5-10 reps

Followed by…

Barbell Complex Warm-Up


Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
Clean & Jerk
*Sets 1-2 – 2 reps @ 65-70%
*Sets 3-4 – 1 rep @ 75-80%
*Sets 5-6 – 1 rep @ 84-88%
*Sets 7-8 – 1 rep @ 92-96%
*Sets 9-10 – 1 rep @ 96+%

If you’re feeling good, aim for a new Clean & Jerk PR!

Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
400 Meter Run
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
10 Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs)

Note times for each of the three sets, and sum your total working time. Goal is to be aggressive and have the lowest total working time.


For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

When the clock starts, perform…

Two sets of:
30 second Run/Bike/Row at 60% Effort
30 seconds of Death March
30 seconds of Lateral Line Hops

Followed by…

Two sets of:
30 second Run/Bike/Row at 75% Effort
30 seconds of Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers
30 seconds of Running Man Line Hops

Followed by…

Two sets of:
20 second Run/Bike/Row at 90% Effort
40 seconds of Air Squats
60 seconds of Front Leaning Rest

When the running clock reaches 15:00, perform the following:

Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes, complete (3 sets) for times:
15/12 Calorie Bike or Row
12 Burpees onto a 2″ Plate
9 Double Dumbbell Snatches
12 Burpees onto a 2″ Plate
15/12 Calorie Bike or Row

When the running clock reaches 44:00, perform the following:

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (2 sets of):
Station 1: 8 Right Front Foot Elevated Split Squats @ 3131 Tempo
Station 2: 6 Left Front Foot Elevated Split Squats @ 3131 Tempo
Station 3: 30-45 seconds of Weighted Plank from Elbows

Followed by…

5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.

Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.

Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.

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Janelle Winston
Janelle Winston
July 6, 2020 11:13 pm

A. 95 – 150 5# PR

3:41, 3:43, 3:47

Was SUPER close to RX with SHSPU just about 3/4″ pad under head. 🙂

Luke Tipton
Luke Tipton
July 6, 2020 8:41 pm

A. C&J
2×160, 170, 1×185,200,210,220,230,240,235,230

B. 4:00, 3:40, 3:40

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
July 6, 2020 6:17 pm

A. Up to 195 ties my pr.

B. Rx 4:15, 4:44, 4:36

G2OH are a work in progress. That being said I worked through them well for me.

C. Travis’s ab workout 14

Al F
Al F
July 7, 2020 6:58 am
Reply to  Mike Slagle

Nice work on a joint PB!! ?

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
July 6, 2020 12:33 pm

Hey guys…I didn’t disappear!! I am on vacation at the lake! I did take a 3 day hiatus Wed-Fri. Work prior to vaca is very overwhelming with little to no sleep. So my body needed a break. But come Saturday I was at the lake working hard! Sat Lake WOD 4 Rounds for times – 13:24 / 15:08 / 15;19 / 14:37 with between 1:35-1:50 rest between rounds Run 850m (cross country) 24 Lying T2B 24 Burpees with Jump Jack at top 24 DB Front Squats @ 30# dbs 24 Push Ups 24 Alt DB Snatches @ 30# ***Super tough… Read more »

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
July 6, 2020 4:22 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

The funny part is…i was starving! Sometimes I think I’m more hungry on the days I take it easy…why is that??

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
July 6, 2020 6:19 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Sounds like you had a great long weekend! Well done and you always earn your rest days.

July 7, 2020 1:16 pm
Reply to  Mike Slagle

Nave said. Great work????

Adam Kubo
Adam Kubo
July 6, 2020 11:31 am

AM Surf

A. 170-185-200-210-220-230-240-250(f)-245(f)-245(f) Terrible day of lifting.

B. 2:54- 2:46-2:36 SHSPU UB, QUick Singles on GR2OH


July 6, 2020 12:41 pm
Reply to  Adam Kubo

Super fast dude! ?

Adam Kubo
Adam Kubo
July 6, 2020 12:52 pm
Reply to  Hunter

Thanks bro. I still have a little juice in the old fastball.

Adam Kubo
Adam Kubo
July 7, 2020 8:51 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Sounds good Michelle I’ll give it a go. Thank you for the reach out. That’s very kind of you.

As for my 1-2 big problem areas: Thoracic /Shoulder and Glutes. I have consistent lower back stiffness to due to tight glutes and I have chronic shoulder bursitis.

I’ve been really banged up over the past 5 years. I’ve decreased my volume, reset my mindset, and made stretching everyday a priority.

Al F
Al F
July 6, 2020 10:18 am

After a short 850 mile drive and 5 countries later we are now on holiday in Denmark for the next 5/6 weeks, so switching to the limited equipment workouts for the foreseeable unless I find a gym near any of the places we are staying!

Warmup done

A, B, and C done

D. All rounds done around 5 mins with 1x 24kg KB and 1x 20kg KB

E. Done

F. Finished off with Travis core workout #2

Al F
Al F
July 7, 2020 1:00 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Thanks Michele, sure thing will keep posting ?

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
July 6, 2020 6:20 pm
Reply to  Al F

Have a great vacation!

Al F
Al F
July 7, 2020 1:00 am
Reply to  Mike Slagle

Thanks Mike ?

July 7, 2020 1:18 pm
Reply to  Al F

Have a great time.

Paola Fierro
Paola Fierro
July 6, 2020 9:52 am

No equip. I do have space to run now (went to park)
1 Done, 2 Done, 3 Done
4. For cardio I run 400 mts instead (wasn’t sure how to calculate 12 cals!) and did burpee on box 20”)
1st rd done in 6:29
2nd rd 7:08
3rd 7:20
5. Done

July 6, 2020 9:38 am

A. Every minute, on the minute, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of: Station 1 – Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 8 reps @ 2111 Station 2 – Band-Resisted Face Pulls x 20 reps @ 1010 Station 3 – 8 Right Front Foot Elevated Split Squats @ 3131 Tempo Station 4 –  8  Left Front Foot Elevated Split Squats @ 3131 Tempo Station 5– Superman Punches x 30-40 seconds Station 6 – Prone Plank Hold x 30-40 seconds A. BACK SQUAT 50 % 5 REP   60 % 3 REP   70 % 2 REP   75 % 4 SET x 5 REP C.… Read more »

July 6, 2020 8:41 am

Warmup: 5 minute run @ 2.0* incline 4 sets: -3-4 push press focusing on speed/power (95#) -weighted bench dips x 8-10 (40# DB in lap) A. Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of: Clean & Jerk *Sets 1-2 – 2 reps @ 65-70% *Sets 3-4 – 1 rep @ 75-80% 175 *Sets 5-6 – 1 rep @ 84-88% 190 *Sets 7-8 – 1 rep @ 92-96% 200 *Sets 9-10 – 1 rep @ 96+% 215 If you’re feeling good, aim for a new Clean & Jerk PR! 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 200, 205 (failed jerk), 205,… Read more »

July 6, 2020 9:16 am
Reply to  Hunter

Did pike HSPU on bench instead of RX strict

July 6, 2020 9:24 am
Reply to  Hunter


Feel free to critique or comment… that’s 195#

July 7, 2020 8:50 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Thanks so much Michele! I appreciate the feedback and will take both of those and try and incorporate them into my technique!

Al F
Al F
July 7, 2020 6:57 am
Reply to  Hunter

I’d say you made it look easy!! ?

July 7, 2020 8:50 am
Reply to  Al F

I appreciate that Al!

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
July 6, 2020 6:21 pm
Reply to  Hunter

Well done all around!

Jeremy Hammock
Jeremy Hammock
July 6, 2020 7:49 am

Emom 2 min clean and jerk
Cleaned and missed jerk at 265-265
One clean at 275. Got it up but couldn’t drop under and squat it. Feet went out wide on me.

Emom 5 min 3 sets for 15 min
Run 500
10 shspu
10 ground to over head 135

Times 3:40 3:20 3:20
Total time 11:20

July 6, 2020 8:42 am
Reply to  Jeremy Hammock

Solid times Jeremy!!!

Jeremy Hammock
Jeremy Hammock
July 6, 2020 8:44 am
Reply to  Hunter

Thank you!

Denis Nagahama
Denis Nagahama
July 6, 2020 7:22 am


July 5, 2020 7:25 pm

Would you rather me do pike strict HSPU of kipping? I’m guessing pike strict

July 6, 2020 1:53 am
Reply to  Hunter

Guess what, you’re right ??.

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