Warm up
One set of:
Assault Bike x 3 minutes
Two set of:
Walking Lunge x 20 steps
Side Plank x 20 seconds per side
Bottom Squat Hold w/Kettlebell x 20 seconds
Tempo Goblet Squat x 3 reps @ 30X1 tempo
In 15 minutes build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat
“Fran Sandwich”
For time:
1000 Meter Row
immediately followed by…
Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps of:
Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
immediately followed by…
800 Meter Run
5k training run
Tempo runs totally 4500m
Speed deadlifts like yesterdays strength.
5 sets of 3 at 255 with blue bands.
A. 255
B. Fran 95lbs
A: 215#
B: only had time for Fran
9:51 85#/ring rows
Took me 19 min rx, haven’t don’t thrusters in month and should have scaled the weight lol good workout.
155 on the dead stop
I’m new here, what does it means: “In 15 minutes build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat”?
Take 15 min to work through working sets to build up to a 1 rep max load. I start with sets from 10-8 and the increase loads and work down in reps.
Hope this helps
You tube dead stop. It’s a front squat you take of the rack from the bottom squat position and work up to a heavy rep for the day. In 15 min. Kinda fun, something different