July 4, 2020 – Fitness and No Equipment Workouts



Banded Lat Stretch x 30-60 seconds per side
Banded Sampson Stretch x 30-60 seconds per side
Lateral Banded Walks x 30 seconds each direction
Scapular Pull-Ups x 10-15 reps

Followed by…

Two Sets:
30 seconds Assault Bike
30 seconds Static Hang

Two Sets:
15 seconds Assault Bike
15 seconds Hold in Ring Support
15 seconds Hold in Ring Catch (bottom of dip)


For time:
800 Meter Run

immediately followed by…

Five rounds of:
4 Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups
8 Ring Dips or Stationary Dips
12 Burpees

immediately followed by…

800 Meter Run

immediately followed by…

Five rounds of:
4 Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups
8 Ring Dips or Stationary Dips
12 Burpees

immediately followed by…

800 Meter Run


For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.
When the clock starts, perform…

12 Minute Run @ 75-80% Effort
When the running clock reaches 12:00, perform the following…Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 Burpees
8 Push Ups
12 Lunges

When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform the following…

12 Minute Run @ 75-80% Effort – This 75-80% may be slower than your first now that you are tired. Base these runs on current efffort and not maximal effort when fresh

When the running clock reaches 32:00, perform the following…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
20 Burpees
40 Push Ups
60 Lunges

When the running clock reaches 40:00, perform the following…

12 Minute Run @ 75% Effort – This 75% may be slower than your first now that you are tired. Base these runs on current efffort and not maximal effort when fresh

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