“Mind Muscle” Overhead Movement Prep
(Drop us your name if you want to be notified when the online Mind Muscle Class opens registration!)
Followed by…
Invictus Gymnastics Warm-Up
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Wall-Facing Handstand Hold x 45 seconds
Interval 2 – Wall Slides x 10 reps @ 2020
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – 30 seconds of High Knees, Butt Kickers, Footwork Drills, etc.
Interval 2 – Kipping Mini Pull-Up x 10 reps
*Do not be very aggressive with the kipping mini pull-up. The important pieces of this movement are that you establish rhythm and create a slight amount of bend in the elbows. Kipping too aggressively can lead to muscular injury at the connecting tissue of the arms and lats.
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for minutes (2 sets) of:
Full Support Hold on Rings x 20 + Hold in Catch (bottom of dip) x 10 seconds
Every 10 minutes, for 40 minutes (4 sets) for times:
400 Meter Run
20 Walking Lunges with Farmer’s Carry (heavy)
10 Strict Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
12 Contralateral V-Ups
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
12 Contralateral V-Ups
20 Double-Unders
20 Sumo Deadlifts with Kettlebell or Dumbbell
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Double-Unders
20 Mountain Climbers
5:34, 5:37, 5:40, 5:40
Park workout during little league practice
A. Three rounds of:
10 Thruster @ 95
40-ft Bear Crawl
10 V-UPS
40-ft Bear Crawl
B. Four Rounds for times:
400m Run
20 walking lunges w/ 24kg kB in one hand and (2) 25’s in other
10 ground to overhead @ 135
Rest 2 minutes
4:20, 4:37, 5:03, 5:04
Times do not include rest
55# dumbbells – unbroken (but slow)
6 / 4 strict pull up splits
R1 – 5:38
R2 – 5:30
R3 – 5:25
R4 – 5:13
Echo bike 25 cal
Front rack lunges (95)
10 strict pull ups
Echo 25
Lunges done with one 24kg and one 16kg kb.
Warmup done
Every 10 min for 40 min
400 m run
20 farmer carry lunges
10 strict pull up
400 m run
4:12 w/ 55# dbs
4:10 w/ 60# dbs
4:05 w/ 65# dbs
4:10 w/ 70# dbs
I kept going up in weight each round cuz I wasn’t sure what “heavy” should have been. Should I have had a weight where each time I struggled to finish without stopping, or just do something that feels heavy? Haha! Either way, that was a fun and tough one!
Wow! Crazy fast times! Great job ?
Thank you! I’m still feeling it in my legs!
Yesterdays Love the WU as always! I definitely need to work on my foot mobility…Damn it’s not easy to pick up your toes and leave the big toe on the floor! A. E90s for 24 min Pistols x 6 reps each leg @2111 (mine are more like 3-4s decent) Slider Hamstring Curls x 12 @ 2111 (done using the seat of my rower) Hollow body hold x 60s (thanx for the pec tip Michele…it really does help) Supinated grip bent over bb row x 8 @ 2111 – 55# B. 4 min DB BBSO @ 35# DBs – 24 reps… Read more »
I’m behind this week because traveling and kids schedule is thrown off so they’re not cooperating.
A. DB BP x 8 sets. 55# is the heaviest I have and it was too light.
B. Did the pistols, stiff leg DL, hollow hold, and BO Rows during rest for BP.
C. 4 RFT:
Run 400m
10 DB BP left 55#
10 DB BD right 55#
15 pushups
22:24. Run was prob a little longer than 400, just guesstimated and it took a little over 3:00 or so.
I’ll catch up a little more tomorrow.
Nice work Eddie!
Hey, way to still get it done though man! Kids make things less routine, haha!
Limited time today
Hit a 2 min Emom for 20 min 10 sets
3 pull-ups
6 hang clean 115
9 pushpress 115
30 double unders
Is the second 400 meter run the beginning of the next round?
Second 400m run is the final exercise of that set, rest till the start of the next 10 mins and then go again with another 400m.
8x400m total, enjoy!
No way CJ would make it that easy on us!
Warmup done
Every 10 mins FT x4
400m run
20 farmers carry lunges @25kg
10 strict pull-ups
400m run
This one wasn’t as bad as it looked on paper, I thought the second run would be horrible after the heavy lunges but it was fine. Runs started off around 1’40 but realised I was within myself so cranked it up a bit to 1’22 by the very last one. Bit of a transition (40m) between the 2 stations which may have helped a bit.
Plenty of rest certainly helped as well!!
Machine! Workouts like these are my weakness haha
Thanks Jeremy ? def quicker on the running machine than on the road!
One thing I hate is running on the track! I do better on more of a cross country type run.
Holy smokes Al…those run times are insane!! Well done!
Thanks Candy, just kept on cranking the speed up and hoped I could hang on in there for the 400m and not fall off the thing!!
Amazing! Super fast running.
Thanks Anika ?
Nicely done! Yeah, this one would have been a whole nother animal with just rounds for time! Yikes! Although, it would make it a whole different workout , at least from the approach. Way to push it on the run!
Thanks John, yea right it would have been completely different! Thought my times were fast until I saw how quick you went, nice work!! ?