July 3, 2018 – Performance

Six sets of:
Overhead Squats x 3 reps
Rest 2 minutes

Start around 70% of your 1-RM and build in load over the course of the 6 sets.

For time:
Row 1000 Meters
20 Squat Snatches (135/95 lbs)

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July 16, 2018 3:30 am

A. Bryan – 75#, 80#, 85#, 90#, 95#, 100#
B. Bryan (800m run vs. row, squat cleans vs. snatches) – 7:29.

Clayton Sears
Clayton Sears
July 4, 2018 11:11 am

A. Worked up to a 1RM OHS. 195# after a long layoff due to a shoulder injury.
B. Air bike for rows. 115#. 11:37.

Janelle Hudgin Winston
Janelle Hudgin Winston
July 4, 2018 12:10 am

Came down with a cold, so I went for a slowish run.
4 miles

Feel like I got hit in the head. ??‍♀️

Britt J
Britt J
July 3, 2018 8:39 pm

A. Haven’t done OHS so started light and worked up
Squat snatch +3 OHS @ 65/75/85/90
3 OHS off rack 95/105
Could have gone heavier but don’t want to piss of my knee and watched to keep good form

1000m row 4min
20 squat snatch @75# reset each rep

July 3, 2018 6:59 pm

135, 155, 175, 185, 205, 225 only 1 rep.
9’57” RX

July 3, 2018 4:47 pm

First day of training after a nasty chestcold which is still lingering, but I decided to start getting back to a bit of intensity.
Yesterday’s A modified:
80 DU’s
40 KB Swings 32kg (Russian)
20 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Chest 2 Bar PU’s
800m Run
10 C2B
40 KB Swings
80 DU’s
12:39 @ 70-80% Effort
Breathing still completely sucks, muscles are feeling pretty good. Getting back on that horse. It annoys me to not be able to hit full intensity.

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
July 3, 2018 6:06 pm
Reply to  Steven

That’s a nice day of work…great time for not being 100%! Hope you feel better soon!

July 3, 2018 4:47 pm

A. Up to 205. Stopped 3rd set due to elbow and wrist pain. Not very mobile.
B. “Zachary Tellier” Hero wod:
10 burpees,
10 burpees 25 push ups,
10 burpees 25 push ups 50 reverse lunges,
10 burpees 25 push ups 50 forward lunges 100 ab May sit ups,
10 burpees 25 push ups 50 reverse lunges 100 ab May sit ups 150 air squats
29:00 minutes

July 3, 2018 5:11 pm
Reply to  JT

Wow looks “fun”. Nice job sir hitting a hero WOD one day early

July 3, 2018 5:14 pm
Reply to  Nathan

Thanks, sit ups were the killer.

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
July 3, 2018 6:07 pm
Reply to  JT

Love it JT!!!

Annie Slp
Annie Slp
July 3, 2018 3:36 pm

Last injury was in a squat snatch @ 115 so this whole session was really mentally challenged for me. Thought about skipping it but I fought with that negative thinking and I won.

A. 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 120.
Third rep always unstable on right leg, felt the weight shifting toward my toes (injury was on right elbow, maybe has something to do with it?)

B. 9:29
Row, keeping hr low 4:19
Snatches @ 85# 5/1/missed/3/3/3/5. Weight shifting towards right toes again and jumping a little forward 🙁
*wod with lifters

Great wod to kill my fear. Thanks!

Libby Landry
Libby Landry
July 3, 2018 3:34 pm

Warmup Grab a foam roller. Spend out 2-4 minutes opening up your t-spine. Also roll out your lats for about 30-60 seconds each side. A. Row at an easy pace for 3-5 minutes. B. Glute / core activation: a. 10 Single leg glute bridges with 1 sec pause at top, each side b. 10 Single leg RDL’s, each side c. 10 Dead bugs d. 10 Bird dogs (belly stays tight, squeeze butt as you extend your leg – go SLOW) e. 10 Standing hip circles, each side C. OHS Prep: a. 10 PVC pass thru’s active shoulder here, press the… Read more »

July 3, 2018 2:54 pm

A.) Havent practiced too many OH squats at heavier weights. Was feeling it out today. Will go heavier next time. from 115 to 140 .

B.) 8:36 at 105

James Dalton
James Dalton
July 3, 2018 2:00 pm

Did a Brett Contreras 45 mins bodyweight glute circuit in the room while watching the England world cup game. Will catch up on these ohs when back next week.

July 3, 2018 2:24 pm
Reply to  James Dalton

45 min glute circuit?? Michele would be so proud!

James Dalton
James Dalton
July 3, 2018 2:25 pm
Reply to  Nathan

Haha and not a Bulgarian split squat in sight. Here’s the link https://www.instagram.com/p/BkcfWAoAhlZ/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=suc9xpthjbpg

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
July 3, 2018 3:25 pm
Reply to  James Dalton

« Bodyweight glute circuit »? So that’s what you kids call it nowadays…

James Dalton
James Dalton
July 3, 2018 10:00 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Haha I’m glad I still qualify as a kid! But defo not while the world cup was on haha.

Mike Fontana
Mike Fontana
July 3, 2018 2:00 pm

Felt good today, but got drained quickly, wanted to Rx the WOD, had 135 on the bar, missed 3 in a row so had to de-load, lost about 1 min.
A. 145/155/165/175/185/190
B. 9:50, deloaded to 115 after 3 misses, row in 3:40. Upset about missing the snatches. Keep working
C. AB 5 min
D. Accessory core and back lifts
E. swam 1250m in 24 min.

James Dalton
James Dalton
July 3, 2018 2:07 pm
Reply to  Mike Fontana

Fantastic volume Mike!

Mike Fontana
Mike Fontana
July 3, 2018 2:13 pm
Reply to  James Dalton

Thanks James, always working hard. Great community here.

July 3, 2018 2:26 pm
Reply to  Mike Fontana

Damn. You did well today but that E…????

Luke Tipton
Luke Tipton
July 3, 2018 1:06 pm

A. 135,155,175,185,195,205×3
B. 7:53

Jeff NorCal
Jeff NorCal
July 3, 2018 11:52 am

A. 165/185/195/205/215/225 lbs

Worked up to 215# snatch before B.

B. 7:59 RX
Row in 3:34

Back and biceps are sore today but felt good once I got warm!

Libby Landry
Libby Landry
July 3, 2018 12:38 pm
Reply to  Jeff NorCal

This is great, Jeff!

James Dalton
James Dalton
July 3, 2018 2:07 pm
Reply to  Jeff NorCal

So impressive Jeff!

Luke Tipton
Luke Tipton
July 3, 2018 11:40 am

For some reason your awesome warmup disappeared from my feed. Is there anyway you can re-post without having to re-write the whole thing? Thanks for the help Coach!

Libby Landry
Libby Landry
July 3, 2018 12:37 pm
Reply to  Luke Tipton

Hi team! Libby here, taking over for Michele while she’s at the World Cup. Excited to virtually coach you all over the next couple of weeks. Warmup Grab a foam roller. Spend out 2-4 minutes opening up your t-spine. Also roll out your lats for about 30-60 seconds each side. A. Row at an easy pace for 3-5 minutes. B. Glute / core activation: a. 10 Single leg glute bridges with 1 sec pause at top, each side b. 10 Single leg RDL’s, each side c. 10 Dead bugs d. 10 Bird dogs (belly stays tight, squeeze butt as you… Read more »

Libby Landry
Libby Landry
July 3, 2018 3:32 pm
Reply to  Luke Tipton

Luke, did my reply with the warmup post? I think my posts are disappearing!!!

July 3, 2018 5:14 pm
Reply to  Libby Landry

I never saw it this morning… shenanigans from Russia??

Luke Tipton
Luke Tipton
July 3, 2018 6:28 pm
Reply to  Nathan

Yes, it was definitely the KGB.

Annie Slp
Annie Slp
July 3, 2018 7:20 pm
Reply to  Luke Tipton

Thanks to this post I’ve noticed that you even post warm ups and tips. <3 everyday loving invictus prog. more and more. Thank you!!

Libby Landry
Libby Landry
July 4, 2018 8:21 am
Reply to  Nathan

Ha, I’m not in Russia! That’s Michele, I’m taking over from the homeland in San Diego. But I’m not sure where my posts are going!!

Libby Landry
Libby Landry
July 3, 2018 8:14 am

Re-posting my warmup from earlier: Hi team! Libby here, taking over for Michele while she’s at the World Cup. Excited to virtually coach you all over the next couple of weeks. Warmup Grab a foam roller. Spend out 2-4 minutes opening up your t-spine. Also roll out your lats for about 30-60 seconds each side. A. Row at an easy pace for 3-5 minutes. B. Glute / core activation: a. 10 Single leg glute bridges with 1 sec pause at top, each side b. 10 Single leg RDL’s, each side c. 10 Dead bugs d. 10 Bird dogs (belly stays… Read more »

July 3, 2018 7:27 am

A. Up to 175×3. I honestly cannot remember ever doing OHS outside of a WOD before. I’m happy with how these went.

B. Had to modify due to my profuse sweating preventing a safe catch for snatch.

20 OHS 135#
1000m row
– 8:29

Followed by an hour of random stuff finishing up with AB sprints. Off work today and was just wasting time until the first World Cup game started?

Libby Landry
Libby Landry
July 3, 2018 8:08 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

Nice! Good work

James Dalton
James Dalton
July 3, 2018 1:59 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

Watching the England game felt like double Murph!

July 3, 2018 2:01 pm
Reply to  James Dalton

Haha, it was a good one! I still can’t bare to watch games with so much manufactured drama. If they can get all the flopping out of futbol/soccer I might watch more. I’ve played my entire life but can’t stand to watch sometimes!

James Dalton
James Dalton
July 3, 2018 2:06 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

Completely agree, it really takes away from the spectacle. But all is forgiven when your team wins!

Mike Fontana
Mike Fontana
July 3, 2018 2:22 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

Nice work today.

Carlos Naga
Carlos Naga
July 3, 2018 7:06 am

45/ 50/ 52,6/ 55/ 57,5/ 60 failed
Scaled 40kg/88lbs.

Jared Smith
Jared Smith
July 3, 2018 6:52 am

Just realized I haven’t actually been logging my workouts for like two weeks ?

I’ve been doing the Armstrong Pullup Program and Captain’s Crunches program as well, so I’m adding those in elsewhere in the day.

A: 95, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155
B: First time adding in the squat component so scaled to 115. 10:11.
C: Battle ropes! 4 sets of: 30s double wave, 30s rest, 30s butterflies, 30s rest

July 3, 2018 7:15 am
Reply to  Jared Smith

Great idea with battle ropes!

Mike Fontana
Mike Fontana
July 3, 2018 2:22 pm
Reply to  Jared Smith

Good work, and nice additional movements today.

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
July 3, 2018 6:17 am

A. 3 x 85#, 95, 105, 115, 120, 125
***10# PR…
B. 11:12 with 65#
Row – 4:20
Did the squat snatches in doubles slow and controlled for good form.
C. 5 sets
L-Hang from pull up bar @ 30s work / 30s rest
after 5th set of rest started…
D. 5 sets
Full support on rings @ 30s work / 30s rest (TOUGH…just barely got this was slipping down the last 3s of the last round)

J But
J But
July 3, 2018 7:17 am
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Candy, PR! Congrats.
Is full support on rings the top of a ring dip position?

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
July 3, 2018 7:55 am
Reply to  J But

Thank you..and yes top of dip.

July 3, 2018 7:19 am
Reply to  Candy Olkey

? for you!

July 3, 2018 7:55 am
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Strong on the OHS!

Mason Ochinero
Mason Ochinero
July 3, 2018 8:03 am
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Great PR!!

Libby Landry
Libby Landry
July 3, 2018 8:08 am
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Good work, Candy! Heck yeah!!!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
July 3, 2018 9:34 am
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Congrats on the PR!! Super impressive C&D… you killed it today

Mike Fontana
Mike Fontana
July 3, 2018 2:23 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Congrats on the PR.

Luke Tipton
Luke Tipton
July 3, 2018 6:30 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Holy OHS Candy! So strong, way to go!

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